Be quite

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Took me 3 days to write this and if there's a spelling or grammar mistake plz tell me so I could fix it TT

My boyfriend, Felix, was a really big gamer.

He loved to play different games, he liked card games, he liked board games and he also liked games on the computer or technically online digital games.

At the moment he was playing a game on the TV with one of our controllers.

We were in the bedroom so I was laying down on the bed just on my phone scrolling through random videos.

That's when I came across this account that wrote these short stories and posted them.

I kept reading through them until I found a story where the guy was exactly like Felix.

I smirked at what the person did to their boyfriend and that's when the idea came up to me.

I turned my phone off and looked at Felix before I smiled, "Felix! Can I sit on you're lap, We hadn't had any physical touch in over a few hours for now" I said before I pouted.

He looked at me and smiled before he nodded, "Come here love" he said in that sweet and soft yet deep tone of his.

I bit my lips before I made my way to him and sat on him. I was sat to where I could face him and I smiled at him.

He quickly pecked me before going back to the game and talking to his friends.

"Is Changbin sitting in your lap??" I heard one of his friends say. "Yes Chan, He is."

Oh, Chan.. I bit my lips before I wrapped my arms around Felix's neck, hiding my face.

Since it was Chan I'll need to be careful since Chan's also one of my closest friends.

"You two better not do anything and if you do make sure to turn your mic off and just leave the game please" Chan said as I rolled my eyes since I was planning on doing exactly what he said he didn't want us to do.

"Yup! I know, but Bin seems a bit tired so I don't think we'll do anything" Felix mumbled.

I sighed tired of the talking and started slightly moving my bottom against Felix earning a low and quiet groan from him.

"What the fuck was that Felix" Chan said as I kept moving my hips, pretending to try and find a comfortable way to sit.

"Nothing, Changbin just accidentally hit me.." I heard Felix lie. I smirked and slightly moved faster noticing that Felix was definitely holding back his noises.

That's when I heard a click knowing that Felix had turned the mic off, "Changbin you better stop right now before things will happen he said looking down at me as he put his hands on my hips to stop me.

"What.. I'm just trying to find a comfortable position to sit in.." I lied as I put on an Innocent smile.

"Sure.." He said squinting his eyes a bit, "What? You don't believe me?.." I asked pouting.

"I do! You're just suspicious right now" he said before turning his mic back on.

I slightly smiled before I hid my face in his neck again, this time moving up and down a bit.

I felt him get hard but when I looked up at him he didn't do anything about it.

I kept moving like that for a bit till I heard him turn his mic off, he took his headphones off and placed them beside him before he made eye contact with me.

"What are you doing to me? I know that you can feel me hard down there but I'm trying to play a game with Chan here" Felix said as he placed his hands on my hips to stop me.

Changlix one shotWhere stories live. Discover now