Chapter 25

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When Remus didn't come to class about four and a half weeks later, I knew that it was time.

To my luck, Sirius had given me the Marauders' Map two days prior, so everything was going according to plan.

I managed to get through the boring day of of school and Quidditch practice and basically inhaled my dinner, so that I could get up to my dormitory as fast as possible, ignoring my friends' weird looks thrown at me.

I took the map out of my suitcase beneath my bed and didn't care to sit down, so I just stood there, probably sweaty and panting. Scared that it was too late, I hastily mumbled "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" (and mentally cursed these boys for picking such a long and tongue twisting password) and skimmed the parchment.
Where could he be?

My heart rate finally calmed down when I found the name tag of 'Remus Lupin' in the Hospital wing, with Madame Pomfrey close to him.

So, wherever he went each full moon, he hadn't gone there yet.
With my eyes not leaving his name tag, I kicked off my shoes, took off my cloak and sat down on my bed, cross-legged. Using only one hand, I reached for my drawer and took out some cookies to make myself comfortable and then.... Well, I just kept staring at a dot on the map.

Man, I was so weird.
But it was necessary!

After I'd munched on about five cookies in a way too short time span, Remus and Madame Pomfrey finally moved.
I forgot to chew, too scared to miss anything.
The suspense was almost killing me when I witnessed Remus getting accompanied out of the castle by Madame Pomfrey.

And to my great surprise, I witnessed them going to the Whomping Willow, and into a passage way beneath it!!!

How had they gotten so close to the tree!? And since when had there been a secret passage way!?!?

I cursed when Remus and Madame Pomfrey walked out of the map's reach.
So Remus was going somewhere, using a secret passageway away from the castle.... It made sense, but where?

After quite a while, Madame Pomfrey returned to the Hospital wing, without Remus, of course.

I sighed. So much information, and yet so little....

My eyes drifted off, and before I knew it, I was looking at the dot labeled 'Sirius Black', who was next to several dots with the name tags 'James Potter', 'Peter Pettigrew' and 'Marlene McKinnon'.

A smile made its way to my lips, but I nearly got a heart attack (so I obviously snapped out of it) when the door to the dormitory banged open and Valerie, Lina and Aleya walked in.

"Heyoo," Aleya greeted. "Why were you in such a rush?"

"Um...," I tried to think of something to say, discretely holding the map closer, so that they wouldn't see the content. "I got an idea for my Potions essay, and I didn't want to forget it."

Valerie shook her head amusedly. "Only you, Freya."

I quickly smiled at them and returned my eyes to the map. "You know, I actually have to study and add something, but I don't want to keep you all up, so I'm just going down to the common room, okay?"

Lina nodded. "Okay, see you."

I slipped into my slippers, grabbed my wand and bag, stuffing the map in it.
Then I went downstairs, only to find the common room pretty crowded.

My favourite place by the window was occupied, but I was lucky enough to get a relatively quiet corner to myself.
Then I took out the map again and let my eyes roam over it once more.

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