Chapter 44

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Not me wanting to continue writing, but ending up binge reading my own story from chapter 18 to 29-
Sorry 'bout that, it took time....

Tuesday was a very eventful day, even without the meeting of this mysterious order.

It began when I received a mysterious letter.

The parchment of the envelope was strangely brown, and there was no address written on it. It was laying on the floor of the hallway, with no indication of how it had gotten dropped off - and I was really suspicious because of it.

I stood over it, contemplating where it could've come from and what to do with it.
I decided to be careful, so I nudged the letter with my foot, waiting for anything suspicious, but nothing happened.

Still, something wasn't right, so I took out my wand and pointed at it. "Wingardium Leviosa."

The envelope rose into the air and followed my wand movements, and I lead it into the kitchen, letting it hover over the table, before taking a closer look at it.
The parchment wasn't just unnaturally brown- there were also a few barely visible red smudges on it, and all of my inner alarm clocks went off.
There was no way I'd open that letter.

Who knew what would happen if I did. Or even touched it.

So I dropped the letter and took a few steps back, just in case, before casting a shield charm between me and the suspicious thing. The blue tinge in the air allowed me to take a relieved breath.

Thank Merlin I was alone, maybe my parents would've opened that letter before paying proper attention.

I took another deep breath and stepped out from behind the shield, which was still hanging in the air.
I shot 'Revelio' at the letter, before yanking back behind the protective shield.

I eyed the envelope and witnessed how it opened itself, and a little piece of regular looking parchment appeared and flew out of it.

With the shield charm still in front of me, I dared to step closer, until I managed to read the words written on it.


Congratulations, Miss Tygris.

You've proven yourself vigilant and careful by not opening the letter. This was your entrance test for the Auror Training at the Ministry of Magic, and I'm pleased to say that you don't seem utterly incompetent.
If you had opened the letter, it would've stunned and knocked you out for several hours, and this note would've told you that you aren't qualified for this job. Lucky for you, you passed, so you're welcome to come to the Ministry's Department of Magical Law Enforcement on September 1st at 9 am.
Use the Visitor's entry this once, you'll be given all of the necessary documents on this day.

Until then, stay vigilant!
Alastor Moody

Head of the department for Auror Training

While reading the letter, a proud and excited feeling spread inside me. I had gotten accepted!!

Very smart of them to test the applicants with their responses, I had to admit that.

Now, I still didn't know how to feel about the letter in front of me. I'd gotten accepted, great, but by the tone of voice in this letter and by the way this Alastor Moody had given it the headline 'constant vigilance' I couldn't tell if it was safe to drop the protective spells yet.
But after I'd waited around ten minutes, I decided to risk it, and dropped the spells.

Nothing happened, thank Merlin.

I took the note again and examined it closer, my grin widening again.

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