Chapter 32

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I was sitting behind my desk, reading through my books about werewolves.
I kept some parchment next to me, so that I could write down the most important stuff, but I was so intrigued by the book that I completely forgot about the quill in my hand.

I kept chewing on my lower lip nervously when I read the details about the illness entering a body after the bite, how there was the unsuccessful search for a cure and how a werewolf's bones had to break in order to fulfill the transformation.
I shuddered at the thought of the pain alone.

When I read the chapter about a werewolf's condition while being transformed, a certain paragraph caught my eyes.

'A werewolf does not remember any of his actions when he is under the influence of the full moon. While transformed, his human mind is completely drowned out by the animal's instincts.  The human side is powerless and cannot influence the wolf's behaviour. As a consequence of this, a werewolf can't control himself and would even kill the ones he loves most, which is the reason why no human is safe around a werewolf.'

My eyes skimmed over the last part of the last sentence again.
No human was safe.

No human.

An idea started to form itself in the back of my mind. I remembered some information from the first chapter, so I quickly flicked back to the front.

There it was. 'A werewolf's bite is contagious to any human. Once someone is bitten, they also have lycanthropy for the rest of their lives.'

Again. Human.

There was no mention of animals. Come to think about it, it wouldn't make sense if a werewolf's bite was contagious to animals - or plants. They were living creatures, too. If a werewolf attacked every plant and animal he could find, everything would be a werewolf, since the illness would spread exponentially, and that obviously wasn't the case.

Wow. Honestly, why hadn't I thought of that sooner?! Werewolves only attacked humans. They were only dangerous for humans.

But the marauders are humans, dipshit, my inner voice mocked me.

And it was right. That clue didn't lead anywhere. I looked up from my book and groaned frustratedly.

I was ready to face palm, when I looked at a cover with various animals on it and stopped in my tracks. 'All About Animagi', the book I'd bought yesterday.

Wait a second.

It was as if someone had lit up a light bulb over my head. My eyes widened and traveled back and forth between the book cover and all of Sirius' letters, that were tidily stacked up on the right side of my desk.

He often mentioned his friends in them, the marauders. And the marauders called themselves Moony, Padfoot, Prongs and Wormtail, for reasons they wouldn't tell anyone.

I'd already figured out the meaning behind 'Moony' (it was really obvious once one combined the dots), but the rest of the names had always sounded pretty random.

Until now.

Of course they knew that werewolves were only a danger to humans. Of course they had informed themselves after they'd found out, just like me.

Was it possible that they had managed to become animagi?

It was absurd. They had to have been underage when they learned how to do it, and it was rumored to be really hard and difficult, advanced magic. So advanced that the Ministry of Magic always kept an eye on those who chose to become animagi, because it was very likely that one failed and needed help.

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