A Not-So-Good Reuniting

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Present day...
"Rebecca," Elizabeth snarled.
"Elizabeth! Or should i call you Elsaba!"
"You can call me neither!"
"Such sass."
"Such stupidity."
"You better watch who you are talking to."
"I'd rather not, you aren't the prettiest person."
"You're the one with green skin."
"My skin brings out my cheekbones. Your skin makes your eyes look hollow."
"Stop arguing," April interrupted.
"And April, hello, i have missed you," Rebecca smiled.
"Yeah, okay, you are a psychopath. I met you once," April muttered.
"It was a lovely meeting, and you gave off quite a first impression. And for the remaining two, Idina, Kristin," Rebecca continued.
"Unfortunately, my first impression of you was when you tried to shoot me," Idina said, connecting the dots.
"Ahh yes, that lovely time. It would be lovlier if my dear Elizabeth had not gotten in the way," Rebecca told.
"And i'm glad that didn't happen," Kristin called, deciding to speak up.
"I could easily kill both of you right now," Rebecca warned, taking a step closer.
"But i do not think you want to. I think it is me you want, not them," Elizabeth shared.
"You do, do you? We'll see about that. Your questions will be answered soon."
"You obviously know all of us, now introduce your friends," Kristin advised.
"But what about little Walker," Rebecca asked innocently.
"No," Idina answered.
"Fine. This is my team. Jack the Hunter, James the Medic, Annie the Nurse, Melissa the Assassin, and Will the Computer. And of course me, Rebecca the Leader," Rebecca introduced, pointing to each person in turn.
"Such wonderful names," Elizabeth said sarcastically.
"They earned them," Rebecca commented.
"I am Elizabeth the Ice Witch, that's Idina the Wicked Witch, that's Kristin the Good Witch, and that's April the Unidentified Person," Elizabeth joked mockingly.
"Are you mocking me?"
"Are you questioning me? Why are you here?"
"To finish what i started."

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