Creatures of the Night

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Grimsley's POV

I was sitting up on a tree, watching the sun set. It was such a beautiful sight. I smiled and leaned back, soaking everything in. I was in a shaded part of the tree so the sunlight couldn't touch me.

I was a vampire. Now, when people normally think of vampires, they think of bald guys in black robes that live in caves and drink the blood of women.

Yeah, that's false for most of us.

Vampires, you see, are just like ordinary people, minus the fangs of course. Most of us dress fancy like, but hey, if you could drink the blood of people you'd make yourself look more presentable too right?

We're just like ordinary people. We can walk around in the sunlight for a limited time. If we stayed under sunlight for more than six hours we'd burn up. The most we did was four, and even then we'd get a massive sunburn.

As for turning... Only the noble vampires are allowed to turn people into vampires, which is helpful for ordinary vampires who want a quick snack and doesn't want to have another vampire running around.

As for myself, I was a fledgling. I was turned by a noble vampire for reasons unknown. I refused to drink any human blood, which would turn me into a full vampire. I didn't want to loose the last human part I had. After I had turned my father had been so distraught that he actually threw me out of the house. I lived with the other vampires, but it just wasn't the same.

So here I was, sitting up in a tree watching the sun set. I liked to pretend that I was still kind of human, even if I knew in my heart, if I still had one, that I wasn't. I heard scratching noises and my Liepard climbed up into the tree with me. She looked at me with wide eyes and mewled. I smiled and pet her head. She had stayed loyal. All of my Pokemon had, but she was the one who was with me the longest. I scratched her behind her ears.

"Hey girl... How are you...?" I said softly.

She purred and licked my hand. My stomach grumbled and I winced. I never drank human blood, but I drank the blood from small Pokemon like Ratatta. I would never drink from my Pokemon though.

I sighed and looked up at the sky. The sun had set and now a few stars were coming out. Pretty soon my new family would creep out into the town to feed. They didn't just stick to that one though, they tended to space themselves and go to various cities and towns. I never left. It was where I was born so I stayed.

I was just about to close my eyes to relax when I heard the bushes rustle. I tensed up and I sat up, trying to see who was there. Liepard let out a small growl and fluffed her fur up.

Why is she so on edge...? I thought.

The bushes parted and I held my breath, though I didn't have to breathe anymore. I expected to see a Pokemon walk out but instead a man walked out of the bushes. I blinked in surprise and leaned forward. I hadn't seen him before. He was pretty muscular and had blonde hair. His eyes were a dark brown and were full of curiosity.

Huh... Strange human... I wonder what he's looking for... I thought.

The man walked out into the clearing and looked around.

"Mienshao!" He called softly.

I could hear him clearly thanks to my enhanced hearing. I watched as a Mienshao popped out of a bush and ran over to the man. The man smiled and picked it up.

"There you are buddy! Don't run away like that again, you had me worried sick!" He exclaimed.

I leaned forward and Liepard hopped off of my lap. This person was strange.

Odd... I thought.

This man didn't seem scared that there were probably other vampires besides me in these woods. He seemed... Fearless almost. That was strange for people. I remembered fearing vampires when I was still a human.

I was about to be off on my way when the branch I was on cracked. I let out a cry of fear as I fell to the ground.

End of chapter 1

((It's kind of crappy but I lost my train of thought. Chapter 2 will be better))

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