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Marhsal's POV

I wanted to hide my face in shame as Grimsley walked out of the closet. I had betrayed my teacher and lied right to his face! I hated feeling the guilt I felt as I looked at Grimsley, who was acting so nonchalantly it made me angry. Alder turned to me.

"Marshal what is this?" He asked, motioning to Grimsley.

I hung my head in shame and I sighed weakly. He didn't even sound angry. He just sounded so defeated which made me feel even more guilty.

"That's... A vampire..." I said softly, not wanting to meet Alder's gaze.

Alder sighed and ran a hand through his wild hair.

"A vampire... I can't believe you, Marshal... You know that they're dangerous!"

Grimsley slowly raised his right hand, which caused Alder to give him a cold glare.

"What?" He hissed at Grimsley.

Grimsley rocked back on his heels and looked at the ceiling, acting so aloof to the situation.

"Well... I'm actually not a dangerous vampire. The reason I'm here is because I was cast out of my village for being nice to a human. I don't drink blood, you know..." Grimsley said patiently.

I wanted to run to him and just wring his neck. He wasn't making the situation any better, he was making it ten times worse! I could see the anger slowly creep up on Alder's face as he looked at Grimsley.

"Oh, you don't drink blood eh?" He asked softly, "How can I trust you, huh?"

Grimsley fixed his ice blue eyes on me and he smiled and motioned to me.

"Well, Marshal is still alive, isn't he?" He asked sweetly, giving me a grin that showed his fangs, "If I drank blood I assure you that I would be dead, and Marshal would be too most likely. You have to look at the clues that are given to you, I'm really not a bad guy."

I looked to Alder, who didn't look as angry as he did before. In fact he seemed to be more relieved now that Grimsley had stated very clearly that he wasn't going to hurt me. Alder turned to me again, though I knew that he was going to probably keep one eye on Grimsley.

"Marshal why didn't you say anything? I could've helped you out with this! Don't you trust me...?"

That made me wince and I shrank down even more, guilt coursing through me. I hadn't told Alder due to the fear of him wanting to kill Grimsley, and I hadn't wanted him to do that. I shuffled my feet awkwardly and Grimsley stood by my side, which made me even angrier. Grimsley was just tempting fate, I knew he was...

"Look, Marshal didn't tell anyone if that makes you feel any better," he said weakly.

I elbowed Grimsley roughly, a feeling of triumph coursing through me when I heard him yelp softly when I did. I turned back to Alder and I sighed sadly.

"I'm sorry... I was just... Nervous that you'd kill him... I'm really sorry, truly I am..." I said weakly, hanging my head again.

I heard Alder sigh and he crossed his arms. I knew he was still furious with me, but he was acting as if he wasn't now. We all stood there in an awkward silence before finally Alder sighed and looked at me.

"I'm still a little angry that you didn't tell me, but I understand why," Alder said slowly, "And I won't tell anyone about your little... Secret... Just next time, please tell me alright? I could've helped out, ya know."

I blinked in shock and stared at my teacher. I could hardly believe it. He was... Going to let me walk free? I glanced at Grimsley, who looked just as shocked as I was. Alder sighed and smiled weakly.

"Well, I have to get back..." He said, "Be careful how you go about now... I can only protect you so much..."

I smiled weakly and hugged Alder. I normally didn't show affection, so I knew I had surprised him. Alder hugged me back and I smiled.

"Thank you..." I whispered.

Alder just rubbed my back and he pulled away. He looked at Grimsley and glared at him.

"If I find out that you've hurt him then I won't hesitate to kill you, understand..." He hissed.

Grimsley threw his arms up in defense and I giggled a little. Alder waved to us then he left. I sighed with relief and turned to Grimsley.

"Well that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," I stated.

Grimsley looked paler than normal, which sort of worried me, but I shrugged it off.

He's probably just not feeling good or something... I thought.

"Hey, you wanna head back into the other room?" I asked happily.

I thought I saw him staring at my arms, but he just nodded, giving me a smile.

"Uh... Yeah sounds good!" He said, walking past me.

I thought he was acting odd, but he didn't say anything so I just shrugged.

"Odd..." I mumbled.

Grimsley's POV

The moon rose high into the sky and I smiled, feeling my fangs poking out of my lips. If I was back home it'd be a perfect night to go stroll in the woods, but I couldn't leave unless I wanted to be killed. I felt my stomach cramp with hunger and I whined.

Ugh... I'm so hungry... I thought sadly.

I looked at the door and I felt a familiar urge course through me. Every time I saw Marshal I kept getting an urge to bite him. I knew that if I did I'd be killed but I just couldn't help it... It was getting so bad that I actually had to bite myself to get it out of my system. I looked at Liepard and I sighed sadly.

"This is terrible," I whined, "I've never been this hungry before..."

Liepard mewled sadly and rested her head on my leg. I ran my hand over her head.

"I won't bite him... It's just gonna be really hard for awhile..." I mumbled.

My stomach cramped again and I whined. I lied down on my bed and looked at the ceiling.

"Just a few more days and then I'll be over the hump... It shouldn't be too hard," I mumbled, wincing as there was another cramp, "I lied... This is gonna be really fucking hard..."

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