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Marshal's POV

I tensed up and stared at Shauntal. There was no possible way she knew about Grimsley staying with me last night. Unless she had seen him when he was leaving...

Oh crap... The secrets out... They're gonna hang me for letting that vampire stay with me! I thought nervously.

I cleared my throat and forced myself to act natural. I smiled weakly.

"Uh... Why do you ask?" I asked sweetly, though on the inside I was panicking.

She looked around as if she was checking to see if there was anyone listening, then she leaned forward, a grin on her face.

"Ok don't laugh but I'm writing a love story between a human and a vampire! I've already got the idea, all I need is the vampire! I've been asking around town about vampires because I'm one of the few people who have never seen a vampire before... So have you seen a vampire lately?"

I nearly sighed with relief. Of course it was something innocent with Shauntal. I had known her since I was a child so I should have known... I chuckled and shook my head weakly.

"Oh of course... And no, I haven't seen a vampire recently. Sorry, Shauntal." I said.

She crossed her arms and huffed.

"Darn it... I really want the vampire to be accurate! I can't make him be breathtakingly beautiful if they're not! Ugh this is so hard!" She whined, leaning back on the couch miserably.

I laughed and shook my head.

"Dear this is your story. You make the vampire however you want. He can be beautiful if you want him to be." I reassured her.

She sat up and smiled weakly.

"Thank you Marshal... You really helped." She said.

I smiled and watched her get up.

"Ok, where's your tea at? I want to make some, you always make it too bitter!" She said, walking into the other room.

I laughed and rolled my eyes, getting to my feet to make sure that she didn't burn my house down.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I said.

Grimsley's POV

"Get up!"

I hissed as sunlight hit my eyes. I forced myself to sit up, feeling the scabs on my back popping as I got up. I glared at the guard standing in the cell I was in. He was always a little too whip happy and he had made me bleed pretty horribly. It wasn't like I didn't need blood...

I got to my feet and glared at him, feeling my limbs shaking. I was already weak enough from not drinking human blood, and this jerk face decided to whip me until I was nearly dead didn't help my case at all!

"What? Come to whip me again?!" I snarled, trying to stand tall but failing miserably.

The guard glared at me, his red eyes piercing my ice blue ones.

"You're trial is starting soon." He said coldly, turning away from me.

I fell to my knees and growled at him, trying to stay proud. Two more guards walked in and hauled me to my feet. I started to struggle, but I eventually gave up and groaned.

"You guys are dicks, you know that right?" I asked one of them.

He glared at me then they dragged me out of my cell. I felt my back begin bleeding again and I hissed at them, trying to escape their cruel grasp. I hated their guts so much.

If only I was stronger... I thought angrily.

We came up to large doors and they shoved me inside. They tied me to a post in the center of the room and I looked up and saw the five member council sitting before me. Caitlin was among them. I tried to catch her eye but she wouldn't look at me. I was alone in this.

Lenora, the main counsel leader, looked at me. There was no trace of the normally kind leader in her eyes.

"Grimsley, you stand before the council under the impression that you have been spending time with a human... How do you plead?" She asked.

I looked at her.

"Well... I'm really kneeling here, not standing..." I said.

A ripple of amusement passed through the council, only to be silenced by a glare from Lenora. She glared at me.

"This isn't a joke, Grimsley!" She snapped, "You have committed an act of treason! You could be killed for this!"

I flinched slightly but Caitlin got to her feet. She looked at me.

"If I may speak, I think I have a better idea..." She said smoothly.

Lenora took a step back and Caitlin walked to the front of the council.

"I believe that death is too good for him... I think we should turn him into a full vampire... He's refused to drink the blood of a human so we should turn him into one, but it needs to be his choice. If he chooses not to be a full vampire then we make him a slave so that his pride is broken..." Caitlin said.

Murmurs broke out amongst the council and I tensed up. Caitlin looked at me and I saw sympathy in her eyes.

She's trying to protect me... I can't believe it... I thought.

After a few minutes of debate Lenora turned to me.

"You now have a choice to make; either become a full vampire or turn to an eternity of slavery. It's your choice... You have until moonrise tomorrow to give us your answer." She said.

The guards came back and took me back to my cell. I looked at the ceiling when I got in there.

I can't be a vampire or a slave! I have to get out of here... I thought.

Marshal's POV

I sighed and sank into the couch, my muscles aching in protest. I had worked myself way too hard in my training tonight and I was suffering.

That's the last time I listen to Shauntal for advice... I thought.

There was a knock on the door and I lifted my head up. I got to my feet and opened it. Standing there, soaking wet because of the rain, was Grimsley and his Liepard. He looked up and smiled.

"Heh... Hello again..." He whispered.

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