Living with a Vampire...

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Marshal's POV

Something was nudging me. I groaned and opened my eyes. My room was brighter since I had sunlight streaming in through the windows. I closed my eyes again abd rubbed my face. The same thing nudged me again and I chuckled.

"Mienshao calm down, I'll feed you in a moment!"

"Aw that's sweet, but I'm not Mienshao."

I froze and my eyes shot open. I found myself staring into the icy blue eyes of the vampire that had stayed with me. I let out a cry of surprise and I sat up quickly. I glared at him.

"You fucker! Get out of my room!!"

"I'm hungry. Do you have any more raw meat?"

"Get the fuck out of my room!!"

Grimsley hissed and crossed his arms, an annoyed look on his face.

"You humans are so dramatic... I'm not going to do anything to you, I'm just hungry and I want food. Do you have any more raw meat?"

I took a couple of deep breaths and glared at him.

"Yes, in the fridge still... Now get out of my room!!" I snapped.

Grimsley blinked then walked out of my room. I breathed heavily and sighed.

Ugh... Stupid vampire... I wish I didn't have to deal with him... I thought angrily.

I reached down to pet Mienshao but my hand grasped air. I froze and looked around the room. The purple Pokemon was no where to be found. I jumped to my feet then froze. What if that damned vampire ate him... He had said he was hungry...

I ran downstairs and nearly collided with the vampire as I went into the kitchen. Grimsley let out a hiss of annoyance and glared at me.

"What the hell?!" He hissed, jumping away from me, "Why do you insist on making my stay here a living nightmare?!"

I grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him up to my eye level.

"Where's Mienshao?!" I hissed.

Grimsley gave me a look then smiled.

"You honestly think that I ate your Pokemon? Do you really think I'd do that?" He asked.

I tightened my grip, causing him to wince slightly.

"Then where is he?" I growled.

Grimsley squirmed a little and gave me a glare.

"If you'd set me down and go into the kitchen then you'll see your Pokemon." He snapped.

I glared at him then set him down. I ran into the kitchen and sure enough there was my Meinshao sitting at his food bowl eating food casually. Liepard was sitting next to him and she glanced up as I walked in. I let out a sigh of relief and turned to Grimsley, who had walked in and was giving me a smug look.

"See? What did I tell you? No need to get all violent with me... I wouldn't touch your precious Pokemon, I'm not like that." He sneered, turning his back to me.

I felt a lump form in my throat. I had been pretty rude to him, and I did feel pretty bad about it, but I would've rather died than admit to him that I was wrong. I cleared my throat nervously and turned away from him as well.

"Yeah well... I have to be careful, don't I?" I mumbled.

Grimsley shrugged then he tensed up. He hissed a little and scooted away from the window. I stared at him.

"What now?" I asked.

"You told me no one was showing up today!!" He snapped, glaring at me.

I stared at him.

"I never said that..." I said.

I walked over to the window and groaned a little. Shauntal, a local reporter, was standing outside. She looked extremely happy today, which worried me. If she saw Grimsley was in here...

I shook my head and turned to Grimsley.

"Look, I need you to get out of here. If Shauntal sees you we'll both be in trouble!" I hissed.

Grimsley picked Liepard up and nodded.

"Right... Thanks for your hospitality. Maybe I'll see you again." He said, giving me a small grin.

I blushed a little and herded him towards the back door.

"Yeah yeah, just get out of here!" I hissed, opening the back door and pushing him out.

Grimsley turned to me before I closed the door. He smiled.

"I'll see you again, maybe." He said happily.

I rolled my eyes and nodded weakly.

"Sure, whatever, now get out of here!" I snapped, slamming the door shut.

I quickly cleaned up then ran to the front door. I took a deep breath then opened the door. Shauntal smiled and skipped inside. She was wearing a long purple dress with black shoes. She was holding a notepad and pencil in her hand like always. She smiled at me.

"Hey Marshal! I'm sorry I came here unnoticed, but I just had to see you! I wanted to talk to you about some things." She said.

I closed the door then nodded. She sat down and smiled happily.

"Do you want tea or... Something?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Nah, that's not necessary." She said happily. "Will you answer a few questions?"

I nodded and sat next to her. She sat up more and fixed me with a piercing stare.

"Have you seen any vampires lately?" She asked sweetly.

Grimsley's POV

I smiled weakly as I walked back into the woods. My stomach was churning excitedly. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I felt actually... Happy for once. I giggled and hugged Liepard close to me.

"I enjoyed staying with him... Granted he nearly killed me but it was nice... I truly enjoyed it..." I said happily.

Liepard mewled and squirmed out of my arms. I allowed her to jump out of my arms and we walked back to the village. As we walked I felt dread weigh in me. How was I going to explain my absence? I was sure I smelled like Marshal still.

Ok this is going to be hard... I thought sadly.

As we walked in I noticed Caitlin walking up to me. She had a stern look on her face. I tensed up and sighed.

Here we go...

I smiled at her as I met her. She looked a little angry and that worried me.

"Good morning Caitlin. How are you?"

"Why were you with a human last night, Grimsley?"

I tensed up and felt my blood go cold, even though I was sure I didn't have any blood left in me.

Shit... I thought weakly.

End of chapter 5

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