Different Worlds

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Marshal's POV

I opened my eyes slowly. My head was pounding and I sighed softly. The memories of last night were blurred together. Mienshao was lying on my stomach. I sat up, careful not to disturb the sleeping Pokemon.

What happened last night?

I touched my neck, feeling for any puncture wounds that might've happened while I was sleeping, but when I found none I sighed with relief.

"Thank god..." I mumbled.

I felt Mienshao shift and lift his head. He mewled and nipped my ear. I smiled.

"Hungry eh? What do you want this morning?" I asked, slowly getting out of bed.

Mienshao ran downstairs and I followed him. Mienshao pointed to some food and I smiled.

"Ok you'll have that this morning." I said, putting it in his food bowl.

Mienshao mewled happily and began eating. I smiled and sat down at the table. Alder would be over later. I looked outside, remembering that vampire.

I wonder what he's up to... I thought.

I shrugged and began making my own breakfast. I had used to live here with my father, but after some... Mysterious circumstances he had... Disappeared. Served him right anyways. He had always been a bastard towards me so him disappearing didn't bother me too much. People had thought I killed him but I hadn't. I wasn't a murderer like he was.

I shook my head and made myself some coffee. I leaned against the counter and took a sip.

"What a strange world we live in..." I mumbled.

Mienshao mewled at me and I looked at him.

"Think well ever see that vampire again?" I asked.

Mienshao mewed and went back to eating. I shrugged and looked at the ceiling.

"Yeah, me either." I mumbled, taking another sip of coffee.

Grimsley's POV

"You spoke to a human?! Are you crazy?!"

I sighed as Caitlin yelled at me. I had returned to the small village us vampires stayed at. It was deep in the woods and humans were too scared to even get near our village. Caitlin was one of the noble vampires, and my friend. She wanted me to be a full vampire but no matter how much she begged and pleaded I wouldn't turn. I just couldn't.

"Sorry Caitlin... It just happened... I fell out of a tree and he was just... There..."

Caitlin huffed and paced around me. She was my friend, yes, but she was still a noble and she still had to do her job, which meant she still had to punish me. Talking to a human without drinking their blood was dangerous, and it was practically against the law. It was stupid.

"And you talked to him! Grimsely you know how dangerous it is talking to a human! Are you that crazy?!" She snapped.

I smiled sheepishly and looked away nervously.

"You won't tell anyone... Right?"

"I should... I should tell the other nobles, but I won't... Consider yourself lucky..."

I smiled weakly and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you Caitlin!" I exclaimed.

She huffed and shook her head.

"You're gonna get me into so much trouble." She complained.

I chuckled and stepped back. I just smirked at her.

"Yet you still put up with me." I purred.

She rolled her eyes and left my small house. I had lived in a mansion before I had turned, now I lived in the lower regions of society. In a one story house... It was horrid. I sat down and sighed.

"I'm so dead..." I sighed, rubbing my forehead.

Liepard mewled and licked my hand. I smiled and rubbed the top of her head.

"You're a good girl..." I whispered.

She mewled and padded over to the door. She turned to face me and meowed. I knew what she wanted.

"Liepard I can't go see him again. He's a human and I'm... Not a human anymore... I can't just waltz into his town and request to see him. They'd kill me!" I exclaimed.

She just sat down at the door and huffed, wrapping her tail around her paws. I sighed sadly and shook my head.

"Alright fine... We'll go visit him tonight, but if they try to hang me or burn me or whatever, I blame you." I hissed.

I got up and felt my stomach growl. I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me and I held onto the wall quickly. I wasn't going to survive off of Pokemon blood for much longer. I shook my head to clear it and looked at Liepard.

"Let's sleep while we can. We have a long night ahead of us." I said calmly.

She mewed happily and I staggered into my bedroom. I sighed nervously and rubbed my arms.

"I hope they don't kill me for this..." I whispered.

End of Chapter 3

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