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Marshal's POV

The next couple of days went by without anything bad happening, thankfully. Grimsley stayed in his room mostly trying to heal from the whip lashes on his back, only ever coming out to eat or go to the bathroom. I could see his strength returning, but we both knew that he couldn't ever leave. If he did he'd either be killed by the town or by his fellow vampires, and the thought of him being killed made my stomach churn. Though I knew this was extremely dangerous, I felt like it was my duty to make sure he stayed safe. Granted if Grimsley ever heard me say that he'd become defensive, saying that he was old enough to take care of himself, but I still felt responsible for him.

So there I was, four days after Grimsley came to me for help, sitting on my couch. Grimsley was sitting in the chair near me, his eyes fixed on the window. I had bought him a new suit so that he didn't have to stay in the ragged clothing he came to me in and he had worn it ever since. He seemed more paranoid now, more than me, and it was weird. I smiled weakly.

"Grimsley, go ahead and relax. You're safe with me, I promise!" I said weakly, touching his arm slightly.

Grimsley's ice blue eyes fixed themselves onto my arm and I quickly pulled my hand away from him. He had been eyeing me like that lately and it scared me slightly. Grimsley shook his head quickly.

"Huh? Oh, I know I can relax but... I'd rather not... Anything could happen, you know..." He said absentmindedly, turning back to the window.

I sighed and shook my head weakly. He worried way too much.

"Grimsley, come on. It's safe, I promise." I said reassuringly, patting his shoulder slightly.

Grimsley didn't say anything but I saw him relax slightly. I was about to lean back when Grimsley shot to his feet suddenly, his eyes wild with fear.

"Someone's here!" He choked out.

I got to my feet as well, my heart racing slightly.

"Ok ok, calm down." I said, turning to a panic stricken Grimsley, "It'll be ok, I swear! You just have to relax ok. Go hide in your room ok, I'll take care of this!."

Grimsley raced to his room just as there was a knock on the door. I cleaned up the room quickly before I calmly walked over to the door. I opened the door and felt my heart drop.

"A-Alder?!" I exclaimed.

Sure enough, the mayor himself, Alder, was standing there. Normally I'd be thrilled to see him, but on those days I wasn't hiding a vampire in my house! Alder smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

"Ah, Marshal my boy! I'm sorry I showed up so unexpected, but I just had to see my favorite person!" He said happily.

I was still shocked and I pulled away, forcing myself to smile at him.

"No no, you're fine! Really, it's just really unexpected is all." I said quickly, trying to act as cheerful as possible.

I stepped to the side and allowed him to enter. I quickly scanned the room to make sure it wasn't obvious that I was harboring a vampire. Alder looked at me.

"It's been too long since we've last talked." He said, giving me a warm smile.

I returned the smile weakly and looked around.

"Do you want anything? Tea, coffee, anything?" I asked.

Alder looked up at me.

"Tea sounds amazing, my dear Marshal." He said happily.

I nodded and quickly went into the kitchen. I hissed when I saw some raw meat just sitting on the counter; the remains of Grimsley's last meal.

Ugh... Clean up after yourself for god's sake! I thought angrily, grabbing the tea kettle and filling it with water.

I grabbed the remains of the raw meat and I threw it into the trash. I knew it'd begin to stench of rotten meat soon, but I'd throw it out before then. I put a tea bag in the kettle and put it on the stove to get the water boiling. I heard a meow from the living room and I froze.

I forgot about his Liepard! I thought, running into the other room.

Sure enough there she was, sitting right at Alder's feet. Alder was petting her head, a kind smile on his face.

"Since when did you get her? She's very lovely." Alder said.

I looked up and noticed Grimsley standing in the hallway. He was frantically trying to motion Liepard over, but she just flicked her tail dismissively at him. I gave Grimsley a warning glare and quickly motioned for him to leave the hallway in case Alder looked over in that direction. Grimsley met my gaze and for a moment I was afraid that he'd deny my request, but eventually he turned away and raced back to his room. I looked at Alder, happy that he was still preoccupied with the Liepard.

"I uh... I just got her." I said nervously, "I found her and I uh... I let her stay."

Liepard flicked her ear at me to signal that I was a horrible liar and I gave her a glare. Alder smiled and scratched her behind her ear.

"That's sweet." He said happily, continuing to pet her, "She's very beautiful."

Liepard purred loudly, clearly soaking up the praise from Alder. I chuckled and looked at Alder.

"You're not helping her ego, you know." I said, which caused Alder to laugh.

"Oh come on, she is pretty!" He said.

I smiled then I heard the tea kettle whistling. I jumped.

"Oh, the tea is ready!" I exclaimed, running into the kitchen.

I grabbed the tea kettle and some tea cups and I put it all on a tray. I was about to carry out out when I heard a loud bang come from the room Grimsley was in. I hissed and set the tray down.

I swear, Grimsley... I thought angrily, running into the other room.

Alder was already on his feet when I came in. He looked at me.

"What was that?" He asked.

I shrugged, trying to play it off as if I didn't know what it was.

"Uh... I'm not sure... It was probably nothing though." I said quickly.

Alder looked down the hallway and began making his way to the room where Grimsley was. I followed him closely.

"A-Alder come on, I'm sure it's nothing!" I exclaimed, "Let's just drink the tea and talk about whatever it is you wanted to talk about!"

Alder walked up to the door and opened it. I tensed up and closed my eyes.

Shit... Here we go... I thought miserably.

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