32 - Something You Learnt

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Jungkook pov

I followed y/n to what seemed to be one of the empty meeting rooms. She closed the door and still suspiciously looked around.

    'What is going on y/n?'

she walked closer with this serious look on her face.

    'From now on, you and me are boyfriend and girlfriend.'

Surprised and confused would be an understatement of how I was feeling at the moment.

Where did this even come from?

    'what? why?'

     'Namjoon, he is suspecting something, he asked me for a chat this morning but instead of a victim I felt like a suspect.'

      'Are you sure?' 


I sighed annoyed 'yes I am fucking sure'

I knew it was harsh but he wasn't the one that sat through some interrogation. It really made me tense.

Jungkook laid his hand on my arm

  'hey calm down.'

     'I am sorry, it's just.. what if he finds out?' I said agitated

      'if he does I will know, I have access to his computer and I have wire tapped Gina's office.'

My eyes widened 'what?'

He let go of my arm 'it's to be sure they are not on to us.'

I wasn't too sure what to say

okay cool? it wasn't ; it was a bit creepy but on the other hand it was also pretty smart.

     'Can you tell me what he exactly asked and you answered?'

I nodded and started to explain.

     'but I also told him we only started dating after I returned, and are keeping it hidden. but if he starts asking questions you know.'

      'alright, thanks y/n.'

      'Are you still planning to do a new robbery soon?' I asked, as it didn't seem an awesome idea with this guy lurking around. 


    'No I have already communicated that this robbery will be postponed. This Namjoon guy poses a risk' I answered. 

It was the truth, the guy really did change things. It wasn't only y/n he had been suspicious about, he had also been searching for information on what happened to her in great detail. and there seemed to be a focus on Jimin as well.

I was never in favor of taking risks so I wouldn't do that either this time. I'd wait until either his suspicions went away or until I was sure I had a plan that wouldn't in any way point at any of us. I always calculated my plans on the investigating team and that had changed now. 

Perhaps I should change the approach as well.

    'that does seem like a good idea' y/n answered and we gazed at each other shortly

       'so yes.. that is what I wanted to discuss.. so now you know and I'll go.' she was already on her way out again.

I know this sounded stupid but I had wanted y/n to be my girlfriend back in the academy and then in the time before she found I was the leader.

I wanted it for so long and now she was, but I wasn't happy at all. because it was fake, a solution to a problem. 

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