Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


Once we got in class I took my music out of my bag. I looked beside me expecting to see Louis but he wasn't there. I looked around the room to see him in the back. He was writing something down in a old notebook. Before I knew what I was doing I walked over to him.

He looked up at me with his blue eyes. I found my self getting lost in the blue orbes that were his eyes. We stood there looking at each other before he cleared his throat. I snapped out of my daze. I looked away quickly trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"H-hey. I just came over here to see if you needed any music." I said awkwardly. I'm not sure why I'm so nervous around him, I just am.

Louis stared at me with an intense stare for a few more seconds before replying, "Ya, I-I do but I don't want to bother any one with it." 

"Don't be silly," I said. I walked over to the professors desk and grabbed the music we were working on. Our choir professor is my favorite. He understood music and made it sound beautiful. I knew she wouldn't mind me taking the music for Louis since he was new.

I walked back to Louis and handed him the music. He looked at me with a puzzled expression for a few seconds before muttering a "Thanks".

I smiled at him and walked back over to the alto section. I looked around before seeing my best friend sitting towards the front humming a song. I sighed and walked over to her.

"What song is in your head now Jess?" I asked.

She looked at me surprised before she responded, "This amazing Ed Sheeran song called One. It's been in my head all day and I can't remember the bridge. I'm going insane!"

I looked at the clock and seen we still had five minutes so i got out my phone and gave it to her.

"Listen to it then give it back," I said.

She squealed and took my phone. "I love you," she said while hugging me.

I smiled saying "I know."

Jess was a hugger, and a squealer. We have been best friends since kindergarten and hardly ever fought. Mostly over dumb stuff like how to spell something or what 2+2 is. We had always planned on going to college together and our parents wouldn't let us move to New York unless we came together. London was our first plan but my mom almost killed me when I said I wanted to move there so New York it was. 

"Hey I seen you talking to the new guy. Kinda cute isn't he?" Jess said while she hummed along to the song.

"Ya, I guess," I said looking over at Louis, "We also have advanced English together so i showed him the way here. And guess what?"


"He actually sat by me! Even with my gross converse and coffee stained shirt," I said looking down at my muddy shoes.

"Oh come one you aren't that bad," She said hitting my arm.

I held my arm like it actually hurt and glared at Jess, "Oh but I am."

She was about to protest when our professor walked in. I grabbed my phone and ear buds from Jess and picked up my music.

"Looks like someone's staring at you," Jess whispered in my ear. I looked over to find Louis' piercing blue eyes looking at me. When he noticed I had caught him he just blushed and looked away. I let out a light laugh and turned my attention back to our professor. The only thing running through my mind though was,

Why is he staring at me?


Well that was the second chapter. Sorta lame but i want to develop the characters before getting into the plot to much. 

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