Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen


Thinking, one of the most dangerous things at times. A person can easily over think something without even trying. Making crazy scenarios that could never happen. Sure it keeps your mind working but over thinking can mess with your head. Its like a little devil in your head saying "what if".

It was most definitely messing with mine and has been for the past week. At first it wasn't bothering me and I wasn't thinking much but now that it was Friday I was going insane. I haven't been able to concentrate in class since Tuesday and have thought over stupid scenarios so many times that I gave my self a head ache. All because of a person. Just one person. Who was that person some may ask. Well no other then Louis.


The one name that has been in head since that night, or early morning, a week ago. That night when he suprised both of us and kissed me. A simple sweet kiss that had some kind of meaning in it but I wasn't sure what the meaning was. Maybe it was that Louis possibly likes me and I possibly like him. Maybe it was the forced that made us kiss or the fact that you could feel the fire deep within the kiss. What ever the meaning was, I knew it ment something. But also wasn't sure since I hadn't seen Louis since to ask.

He hasn't been in class since that day and I haven't seen him around the building at all. Usually he was down stairs at the same time as me to get mail which I usually didn't think much of. But now that he hasn't been any where its making me think, or over think. Sure I could go to his apartment and ask him but I know I can't. There must be a reason he hasn't been around. I just hope that reason isn't me, even though I know deep down that it is. This boy confuses me, asking me to go out, being quite, kissing me, disappearing.

I relied that I'm spaced out when I realise every one is leaving. I blink a few time realising I have been in English. Its crazy how out of it I have been lately.

I quickly grab my things and rush out of the class in case the professor noticed my day dreaming. Since my next class is cancelled and I only have two on Friday, I get to go to my apartment and sleep. I haven't even been sleeping. The most simple of things, like Louis, keep me awake. I could have a song in my head and be up all night because of it. Sure I'm lame for going home on a Friday to sleep but I would reatherr that then getting annoyed from idiots at party's.

As soon as I step into my apartment I fall over on the couch ready to sleep. I snuggle into a pillow and slowly fall into a sleep. Right before i am completly asleep I swear I see some one walk by me. I open my eyes a bit to see a tall brown haired male that I recognize as Jake. I laugh to my self lightly making sure to rember to ask Jess why he was here before I fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up to light talking. Confused at first I open my eyes a bit to see Jess and Avery talking. I close them quickly, not wanting to interupt and also wanting to listen.

"Did you see him?" Avery asked, her voice sounding shocked.

"Yeah. He was walking out of the stair way when I was leaving. He looked like he was almost hiding."

I thought about who they could be talking about. Could it be Louis?

"Probley, seems like he has been avoiding Ellie most the week."

"He is such an ass. He fucking kissed her and led her on then went into hiding, not even coming to classes," Jess said angrily.

"We should go talk to him, ask him why," Avery said.

Louis. They were definaltly talking about Louis.

"I don't know..."

"Come on, it couldn't hurt."

"But it could Avery. You know she likes him and if we ruined it for her, do you know how pissed off she would be?"

"How could we posibly ruin it for her? We are jsut going over to ask him why he has been an ass to our best friend."

"Then he would probely move away because the girl he possibly likes has crazy friends that will beat his heads in if he steps one toe out of line."

I smile a bit at this knowing it's true. Jess kicked a dude in the balls once when we were in high school since he hit on me then asked anther girl out the next day. Best day of my life may I add.

"Well maybe he ne-" Avery started saying before stopping.

"What?" Jess asked in confusion.

"She is awake."


"What do you mean she is obv... Oh my god she is isnt she."

I layed there pretending to sleep hoping they would give up on thinking I'm awake.

"Ellie, your a shitty actor you know that right?" Avery asked but I didn't answer.

There was a silence for a few moments before I felt something tickle my feet and sides. I kicked my feet meeting something and punched out my arms. I heard growns and thumps on the ground. I finally open my eyes to find Avery holding her knee and Jess holding her side.

"What the hell?" I asked.

"We should be asking you the same," JEss said giving me an evil eye.

"I don't know waht your talking about," Isaid crossing my arms.

"You do to you twat. First you ease drop on our conversation then attack us."

"Well in my defence i was the one being attacted, I just was defending my self."

"So you admit you were ease droping on us," Avery said getting up.

"No, i admit that i woke up and simply listend to the conversation that was abviously about me."

"So you were awake!"

"Yes I was and just so you know, if either of you go talk to Louis I will move out and take my cat with me."

"Maybe we should so we can get rid of the devilish little monster you call a pet." Avery said sarcasticly.

"Don't and i meen it. I can handle things on my own," I say before walking to my room and closing the door.

I couldn't believe Louis was trying to avoid me. Even my friends see it. Why? I don't know and that is what has been driving me mad but will i find out? Yes, I will. And soon too.

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