Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen


"He obviously likes her," I say slash yell at Louis.

"How could you say he likes her! He has hated her since first year," Louis said.

"Just look at how he looks at her with Ron. He looks so sad and jealous."

"But that's just the acting. The author never said that in the books."

"She didn't say it but she hinted it."

"When did she hint it?"

"Do you really want me to drag out my Harry Potter books? Do you really want me to go that far?"

Louis just looked at me and started to laugh making his eyes light up. His eyes scrunch shit and he holds his stomach as he has a fit. I can't help but laugh along. We had been debating over Draco liking Hermine secretly. I knew I was right and I'm sure Louis did to he just likes to piss me off it seems like.

"Why- are- you- laughing," I said through giggles.

"Because-you-are-such-a-nerd," he tried to say.

I slapped his arm playfully and he stopped laughing and gave me a serious expression.

"No," he said pointing his finger at me. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"So-sorry I-," I got cut off by Louis laughing again.

"Yo-your so-gullible."

I gasped and hit his arm again. "You ass!"

I started to laugh again and fell back on the couch. We laughed for what seemed like years before we stopped and just layed on the couch in silence.

"I haven't been ignoring you just so you know," Louis said after a while.

I looked over at him, "What do you mean?"

"After we went out a few weeks ago I haven't talked much. I'm not ignoring you."

"I honestly didn't think you were ignoring me, you just went back to the normal Louis that doesn't talk. I thought maybe you would talk more but its not that big of deal."

He sighs, "I don't really know why I haven't talked more, I just can't."

"I understand the feeling," I say quietly.

His eyebrows scrunch together in concussion, "What do you mean? You seem like you could talk to any one."

I let out a dry laugh, "No, trust me I can't. I could hardly talk to my own class mates when I was in high school and I had known them a while."

"You seemed pretty comfortable the first time we met."

"Yeah because you sat next to me. If you sat in front of me I would have never considered talking to you."

"Why just next to you?"

I shrug, "Most of the time when someone sits in the back they don't want to be noticed or talked to. You seemed more approachable."

"Well I'm glad I decided to be the shy weirdo I am and sit in the back next to the just as approachable person in then back," he said with a smile.

"You are a weirdo," I said nudging him with my elbow.

"Oi and your not?" He said laughing and nudging me back.

"Nope I'm as normal as normal can be," I said before bursting into another fit of giggles.

After minutes of endless giggles I got up and went to Jess' room. I looked at her movie stash, one movie in mind. Once I found it I grabbed it and went back out to were Louis sat. I placed the CD in and pressed play. Once it started Louis laughed at me, again.

"Pitch Perfect? You are going to make me watch this?"

"Yep and you are going to love it," I say before tucking my feet under me and getting confortible. Only about ten minutes in my eyes start to drop from tiredness.

I soon fall asleep, my head falling on Louis' shoulder and him cuddling me into his warm body.Right before I am completely out I hear Louis whisper, "Sitting in front of you would make it harder to stare."

I wrote this while I was half asleep so if it sounds weird, that's why.

Thank you to every one who has read. I hit a thousand reads a few days ago. I would love to get 100 votes before I update next so please vote, it really does mean a lot. <3

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