Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen


I wake up to keys jingling. I am confused at first as to why I'm on the couch and any my pillow is breathing. Looking up I see Louis fast asleep with his arms around my waist. He must have fallen asleep after me. Why he didn't go home, I don't know but I'm sort of glad he didn't.

I squint my eyes and see it is two o'clock in the morning. There is a movement by the door and I freeze.

Maybe they won't see me if I freeze.

Yeah, yeah I'm so smart.

I slowly move my head towards the door and see Jess quietly taking off her jacket and setting down her keys. She is trying to be quite but isn't doing the greatest job at it. I know if I get up I will scare the living shit out of her and that could possibly wake Louis. I wait for her to walk into her room before I carefully get off the couch. I follow her in her room and shut the door behind me making her scream.

"What the hell El!" She yells at me.

I stifle a laugh, "Shh don't be so loud."

"Why not Avery isn't here and if she was she would still be awake."

"Louis fell asleep on the couch and I don't think him or the neighbors would appreciate being woken up at two in the morning."

She gives me a troll smile, "Oh so Louis is here?"

I cross my arms, "Yes we watched movies since you went on a date with Jake."

She looks at me with wide eyes, "It was not a date, we were working on a project."

"Sure, a 'project'," I say putting air quotes around project.

"It was a project not a 'project'."

"Glad my projects don't last dont last until two in the morning and give me puffy lips," I say and smile before walking out of her room. I just hear her laugh as I close the door.

I walk into the living room and see Louis waking up. He rubes his eyes and looks at me.

"Must have fallen asleep during the movie," he said while standing and stretching, "It was boring as fuck so couldn't blame me."

I gasp, "It was not boring!"

"Says the one who fell asleep ten minutes in," he said playfully.

I don't say any thing and just laugh.

"Well I should go. I would say sorry for falling asleep on your couch but it was your own fault for making me watching that movie."

"You could sleep here if you want. The walk down two flights of stairs is pretty long," I say sarcastically.

"Oh tell me about it. I think I'm up for the challenge though," he says walking towards the door but not opening it.

I laughed at him and follow him. "Thanks for being a loner with me."

"No problem. Its always funnier to be a loner with someone else," he said with a smile.

"I guess I will see you Monday," I say. He smiles and looks at me. He steps a little closer to me.

"Yeah, Monday," he whispers, now only a few inches from me

I look in his blue eyes and he looks back. You could feel something in the room, an extra force we had created. When I think he is about to step back he surprises both of us. He grabs my waist and slowly pulls me in. I gasp as his soft lips touch mine making me relax. My arms wrap around his neck. It really did feel like we were the only ones in the world, like nothing could come between us. His kiss was soft, sweet. Nothing like I had experienced before.

He pulls back slowly, resting his forehead on mine and let's out a breath. His eyes are still closed as he whispers, "Sorry."

I smile lightly, "No apologies needed." He opens his eyes and looks at me. He  gives me a light smile before letting go of my waist and walking back a little. He goes me a might wave before tuning around and opening the door, walking out. I stand in the  in shock.

Did Louis just kiss me?

I turn around, still not sure what had happened and seen Jess standing in the door way smirking, "Look who has puffy lips now."

I close my eyes and smile, "Shut up," I say.

She holds her hands up in defence before turning around and closing her door.


Thank you for all the votes and reads.

It took forever to upload this so if it's weird or if there are two of the same chapters I will fix it later.

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