Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


I looked into his blue eyes shocked that he was in my building.

What is he doing here any way?

"What are you doing here?" we said at the same time.

Oh boy not this.

"I-" we both said before I cut us off and laughed.

"You first," I said.

Louis blushed and said, " I'm moving in here."

I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Funny," I said, " cause I live here. Seventh floor."

He was about to say something before we were interupted by someone behind me.

"Come one Lou! I want to get every thing in the apartment soon," a boy with short brown hair and beard said.

"Y-ya ok. I will see you later Ellie," Louis said before going on down the stairs.

I stood there for a few seconds before relising they were most likely coming back up this way. I jogged up the stairs and knocked on the door.

Jess opened the door with my keys in her hand.

"Forget something?" she said smirking.

I grabbed the keys and glared at her before walking in the apartment. I sat down on the sofa next to Avery who was deep in her book.

"Wait, we do need to get the mail though," Jess said.

"You can get it and I just went down to see the new guy," I said.

"No I'm good. Do you no who he is?"

"Not sure, I didn't ask his name," I lied. I'm not sure why I didn't tell her I just didn't feel up to the squealing.


I had been in my room working on an essay for English got what had seemed like forever when I heard a crash, scream and a cat screech.

"Ellie!" I herd Jess scream from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and got up from my bed.

"Yes," I said before walking in to see her on the floor and a cat in the corner hissing. I laughed at the sight.

"Your cat tried to kill me!" Jess yelled as I laughed at her.

I walked over to the corner and picked up the small cream furball.

"Was Muffin trying to kill you or were you trying to kill Muffin?" I asked calming Muffin down.  She was only four months old and was still learning 'manners'. Jess said she was the devil and Avery just didn't go near her.

"She was trying to kill me. I was just standing here peacefully when your crazy cat ran in here," she said getting up off the floor.

"Sure," I laughed walking out of the kitchen with Muffin in my arms.

The buzzer went off and Muffin nearly scratched my face off at the sound. Ok maybe she wasn't that nice but she is only a kitten.

I walked over and pressed in the button, "Yes," I said.

"You have a package down stairs that needs to be signed," someone replied from the other end.

"Ok I will be right down," I said before grabbing my keys and walking out the door.

I jogged down the stairs making sure i didn't run into any one.

I walked in the lobby to find a delivery man waiting. I signed the package and went to get the mail. I could feel someone watching me as I unlocked the small box. I turned around to find Louis on the other side of the apartment staring at me yet again. We made eye contact once again. He didn't look away until someone spoke up.

"Did you find it?" I heard a british accent ask. It was the same boy who interupted us earlier in the stairs. He was wearing a snapback, white tee and black skinny jeans. An arrow tattoo was visible on his forearm.

"Ya, here it is," Louis said looking away.

The boy looked over at me and smiled.

"Hey, you were in the stairs a while ago." he said

"Ya I was. I'm Ellie by the way." I said looking at him.

"Oh well me and Lou just moved in. I'm Liam," he said still smiling.

"Well welcome to the building I guess," I said giving him a small smile.

"Well it was nice to meet you and I will see you around," Liam said.

"Ya see ya around." I said walking back up the stairs. I could feel Louis' gaze on my back as I walked. I looked over my shoulder and before I could catch his gaze he looked away.

Something he has done a lot in the one day I have known him.


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