Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


I could tell Louis didn't mean to say what he said to me. It was obvious since he pretty much sprinted out of my apartment. It made me think he didn't even mean what he said. Once he left I felt the emptiness of his arm not being around me, our faces being inches apart. It was like someone had burned out a candle and the room was dark.

He couldn't have felt the spark to. I was crazy for feeling it. Its silly that electricity could happen between two people. It's not possible. Not at all.

I got up and went to my room trying to fall asleep but I just couldn't. All I could think about was Louis. This random boy that I hardly knew any thing about that sat next to me on his first day and starred at me like his life depended on it. He just stayed in my mind and I just couldn't get him out. He made a camp in my mind and I couldn't help but wonder about him while he was there. Why he was shy and never spoke, his nervousness, his real reason for coming to New York.

At around three in the morning I managed to make my self fall into a restless sleep.



I don't no why I had to say that to Ellie. I had never intended for her to ever no why I starred at her when ever I could, it just came out.

And what came out was the truth.

She had intrigued me from the first time I layed eyes on her. I had no idea who she was but I wanted to get to know her. I had tried to get the balls to speak to her but I never could. I wanted to ask her out for lunch or dinner or hell even just to walk her to class but being the nervous ass I am I never could. I had thought of the words and repeated them to my self late at night promising my self I would ask her out the next day but then I would see her and almost wet my pants. She was so beautiful and different from most girls.

And now I sit here, on my floor thinking about her for the billionth time since I met her. I wish I was the person in my mind that could ask any girl out with confidence. I wish I could talk to any girl and be normal. I wished this more then ever since I met Ellie.

There was a light knock on the door and I frowned knowing it was Liam.

"You alright Lou," He asked through the door.

"Sure," I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear. The cracked open and Liam looked in.

"I heard you slam the door and thought I would see if you were fine."

"Sorry if I woke you," is all I said.

Liam came and sat by me on the floor. We sat there for a good five minutes before he spoke again.

"Is it about Ellie?" he asked.

I looked at him wide eyed, "Why would it be about Ellie?"

"I'm sorry Lou but I'm not a dumbass. I see the way you stare at her, mentally having a conversation."

I sighed. Of course he seen the way I stare at her, he is my best mate.

"I just can't get her out of my mind even though I know nothing about her," I whispered.

"Is that where you were all night?" he asked me putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Ya. I had to see her so I made a lame ass excuse and went over there."

"Ok so you seen her, but why are you acting like a sad puppy?"

"Well for once in my life I grew a pair and told her she was beautiful and she just looked away."

Liam chuckled, "Never though Louis Tomlinson  would grow some balls."

I scoffed at him.

"I could feel the sparks though," I said quietly.

After a few moments of silence I asked Liam what I always do, "What do I do?"

"Well if you like her I suggest asking her out," He told me.

"Well no shit Sherlock, but how."

He laughed at me and patted my back, "I dont think I can help you there Tommo."

With that he got up and walked out the door closing it behind him.


I walked in English the next morning like a zombie. I had gotten no sleep trying to think of a way to ask Ellie out but finding no solution. I wasn't even sure if I could even talk to her after last night.

I walked over to my normal spot to find Ellie asleep with her head in the desk. Her hair was in a messy ponytail and she was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. She looked so beautiful and peaceful in her sleep. I sat down making the damn chair squeak.

Ellie's head flew off the desk and she mumbled something before looking at me and smiling steeply.

"S-sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," I said sounding nervous.

"It's fine I shouldn't be sleeping any way."

I sat there like an idiot before deciding to make conversation.

"Didn't sleep well?" I managed to say without my voice faltering.

"Uhh, no I ha-had some homework to finish," she said not looking at me. She wasn't a great liar but I decided it wasn't my business I'd she didn't want me to know.

"You look tired as well," she said, "didn't sleep well either?"

"Ya, uhh, no. Liam was being loud," I lied. I'm pretty sure a goat wouldn't believe me but she let it slide, thankfully.

Our professor walked in and class began. Both me and Ellie struggled to stay awake but managed for the most part. Once we were dismissed I waited as Ellie packed her things and we walked to choir together. She sat by her friend, Jess I think, who was sitting next to a guy I believe was Jake. I walked to my back corner. I knew she was going to sit with me as soon as class started so I left an empty chair.

Sure enough as soon as our professor walked in She came and sat next to me.

She opened her laptop and we began our work together. We made conversation and laughed a little to often. About half way through the class I decided to ask her the question I had been asking her in my head over and over.

"Y-you free to-tonight?"


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I may update again later so...

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