Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve


I sit on my bedroom floor with my laptop on my lap and papers surrounding me. I have a whole sentence down for this thousand word essay. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't concentrate on it. I could only concentrate on one thing, or person.


I haven't been able to stop thinking about her since we went out over two weeks ago. She was in my head all day when I tried to work and all night in my dreams. Yet I still couldn't talk to her. It's infuriating wanting to talk but not being able to develop the words and actually say them.

I feel like an ass for not talking to her since out "date". She told me so much about herself and I just couldn't tell her about me. I couldn't. What would she think of me of I told her about my life in England? Probley think I am a fuck up and forget about me. I have made sure that no one knows about my past and am going to keep it that way. Her life seemed so easy and put together compared to me. She was just so perfect.

After an hour and only a crappy intro for an essay I gave up. I closed my laptop and landed on my bed face first with frustration.

"What do I so!" I yelled into my pillow.

I then heard Liam yell from the next room, "Just go fucking talk to her and stop whining!"

I looked up from my pillow and yelled back, "I am not whining!"

"Tell that to your pillow!"

I sigh and sit up. I really should go talk to her.

Just like before, I leave before I can talk my self out of it.

I reach her door and knock lightly. Just then I realise I have no excuse for coming over and am about to make a foul out of my self.

Smart Louis, smart.

Im about to turn around when she opens the door. I smile shyly at her.

"H-hey Ellie."

"Oh hey Louis. What are you doing here?" She asks.

I can hardly make out words with her here in front of me. Not just because I have no idea what to say but because its just her. She makes me speechless and it never fails to annoy me.

"I was, umm, jus-just wondering if..." I thought for a little longer of what to say before sighing, " if you were doing any thing tonight?" I finally say.

She looked at me with an amused expression, "No I'm not what where you planing?"

I just stare blankly at her not sure what to say since I have nothing planned.

I sigh, "In all honesty, nothing." I say with a light smile on my face.

She giggles at me, "Why did you come up here then?"

I shrug, "I just got bored and lonely since Liam is out," I say lying about Loan being out, "you no ne-never mind I will go and do some work or something."

I began to turn around when Ellie grabs my wrist. Warmth goes through my whole body and she quickly let's go like she felt it too.

"Uhh, do you want to come in and watch movies with me? No one else is here since Jess is " working" with Jake and Avery is back home."

I look at her for a few seconds before smiling and nodding. "Sure why not."


Sorry it took years to update.

Please comment and vote :)

Also thanks for all the votes and reads. I'm almost at a thousand reads and will update then. <3

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