Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


I walked into choir Monday with Louis. He hasn't said more then 'Hi' this morning but he seemed a little less nervous. Not much but he was more confident then usual. He even walked with me to choir instead of leaving as fast as possible after English. Maybe I should ask him to breakfast more often.

When we walked in Louis went to his spot in the back and I went over to sit with Jess. The only class I ever had a friend and it was my favorite. Choir has always been my favorite but now it was hardly a class, just time to enjoy singing.

"Someone is staring at you again El," Jess whispered. I gave her a look since she always had to remind me of his staring. She was about to say something else when our professor walked in.

"Hello class," he greeted us, "now since we won't be having any group performances for the rest of the semester, we will be doing a duet project."

I gave Jess one of those smirks so she knew we would be partners.

"Before you go chose I will tell you I have already picked based on talent and ability. You will be choosing a song from an improved list and perform it at the end of semester," he then started naming off partners.

I just sat waiting for the worst. I hated group projects like most people. They were just so difficult expetuly in college having to meet with the people out side of class.

"Jessica and Jake."

I looked at Jess sympathetically because she hated Jake. I see why he was a jerk.

"And last Ellie and Louis."

I looked behind me and smiled at Louis. He gave a light smile and looked away. At least I wasn't stuck with someone difficult like Jess.

"How did you get so lucky?" she whispered to me. I just shrugged at her.

"I have emailed you all the list. Meet with your partners during class and out side of class. I expect the best from you all. The rest of the week you will be able to chose a song. I will need confirmation on songs by next Monday," he said before dismissing us to our work.

I walked over to the back where Louis was and opened my laptop to look at my email.

"Any idea of what kind of song we could do?" he asked me quietly.

"Umm something we could play with melodys I guess," I said.

"Ya ya."

I looked through the list of songs and seen there was a theme, modern cheesy pop. Great. I hated cheesy pop that every one knew.

"See any thing that you like?" I asked.

"Ed Sheeran has some good songs on the list. Also Little Mix I guess."

We spent the rest of class writing down songs we liked. I sang some parts but couldn't get Louis to ever sing. Once class ended we had agreed on a slower song. Louis rushed out of class once we were dismissed.

"Kill me now," Jess said.

"You no you like him," I teased earning a slap.

"Shut up."


Sorta a filer :/

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