Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


"I can't believe I have to do this while project with Jake! A whole quarter too!" Jess complained to me. We were walking home after our last class and all Jess had talked about is Jake. It was mostly complaining but I could see behind it. I just walked by her looking at my sneakers and smiling.

"Like honestly, he is such a jerk that only cares about himself and no one else just like when we were younger. Who could honestly like him?"

"You," I mumbled.

Jess looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Stop saying that! I hate him. Why would like someone like him?" she half screamed at me.

I put my hands up in defense. "Sorry, sorry just saying thats all."

She gave me a death glare and we walked home in silence. I unlocked the door seeing Avery on the couch, like always. I swear she skips classes and just sits on the couch to read. She looked up at us and gave us a weird look.

"Whats up with you two?" she asked.

"Jess is pissed that i keep telling her the truth," I said smiling.

"Its not the freaking truth and you no it!" she said.

"Well if it's not then why do you keep defending your self and not just take it as a joke?"

"We-. Bu-. Wel-." she shuddered.

"Mhmm," I said before she went to her room and closed the door.

"What just happened?" Avery asked.


"Ahh, more denial."

We did this with Jess all the time. She would complain about Jake then we would say she liked him and she would leave for the night to read. We had been teasing her since the eighth grade about liking Jake. At first it was teasing but now we really do think she likes Jake and he likes her. Its quit cute if you ask me.

"Just wait in two weeks or less Jess will have a date and we will be right," I said.


The next few hours we all spent in silence. Well sort of. Every ten minutes you could hear Avery burst into song. Some times being Madonna and others Taylor Swift. I soon put in my ear buds and started on my essay. I was really concentrated when u heard a knock.

"If your not a freaking angel from above then go away!" I yelled over my music.

I looked up when I seen the door to find Louis standing there. He was wearing his usual black skinny jeans and a navy blue tee shirt. It showed off his muscles and tattoos. His Harry was messier then usual but not an untidy messy, a cute boyish messy.

Its a freaking angel from above! I thought.

"Well I am an angel but I can come back later if your busy," he said before turning around.

"No, no! Its fine I thought you were Avery and would start singing," I said trying to get him to stay.

"Well, I thought we could, umm, listen to some songs here since we can't at campus."

"Ya that sounds better than a ten page essay on West Africa, I said picking up my laptop and going into the living room with Louis. Avery wasn't in her dedicated corner and Jess' door was still closed so we sat down on the couch. Louis was a good three feet away from me. It was cute how shy he was but still had some sass. He sat there awkwardly while I opened my email.

"Have you thought of any ideas?" I asked getting closer so he could see the computer screen.

"I-I was uhh thinking like All the Stars or maybe Lego House since we-e said Ed Sheeran." he said nervously. We now have a few inches between us so we could see the screen.

We started watching videos on the songs and soon got side tracked by the recommendations. We had watched animal videos and people being weird. Louis was watching me more then the videos but I didn't mind to much. We were on our third Odd Ducklings when I looked at the time.

I gasped noticing it was about eleven at night. I hadn't realised how close me and Lou is were. I had my head on his shoulder and his arm was around my back. We were pretty much snuggling on the couch.

I turned off my laptop but didn't feel like getting up. I looked over at Louis and he was staring at me. We looked at each other's eyes for what felt like years, me just staying in Louis' grasp. After minutes of silence I decided to ask him the question that had been in the back of my mind since I met Louis.

"Why do you always stare at me?" I whispered.

There was along pause before Louis finally answered.

"Because you are beautiful and different." he whispered back. Our faces were now only inches apart.

I blushed and broke our trance. Lou is quickly shot off the couch and mumbled a 'Goodbye' before walking out the door.

I watched as he left wondering if he felt the electricity like I had.


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