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"You did good, Stevie," Bucky softly complimented while he gazed down at Oliver in his arms.

Smiling, Steve watched his lover fawn over their child, "So did you."

Over nine months – give or take – Steve had seen Bucky in seemingly every shade of bliss, but not like this. It was serene. That comforting scent he was exuding and the way he caressed Oliver's chubby cheek. It was obvious that being an uncle had been some great practice for him. Holding Oliver like a pro and all. Briefly, Steve wished that he had that same confidence and ease when handling the newborn.

Gently swaying his torso to rock their snoozing baby. Never taking his eyes off him. Not that Steve could blame him. Still in awe, Bucky whispered, "He's so tiny."

Admittedly, Oliver was on the smaller side with only being seventeen inches long and weighing six pounds. At first, Steve had been worried that Oliver would face the same ailments that he had growing up. But thanks to Dr. Banner and Dr. Cho, Oliver was deemed a healthy baby. Which was all Steve could ask for at the moment. He'd tackle, happy baby, later.

Soon, the quiet of the room was interrupted by Oliver's soft cries. Steve's nipples leaked colostrum and he eased himself into a sitting position. Unbuttoning the top of the hospital gown he revealed his chest. Although Bucky looked reluctant to let Oliver go, he settled the crying infant into Steve's arms.

Accepting the kiss from Bucky, Steve assured, "You can have him back as soon as he's done eating."

Bucky kissed him again, but teased, "That's just because you're afraid of burping him."

Guiding Oliver's face to his bloated chest, Steve winced once his son latched and defended himself, "I just don't want to hurt him."

"You're not going to hurt him," Bucky promised, crossing the room for the bag.

Stroking his finger along Oliver's profile, Steve smiled down at him even though his eyes were closed, and he softly argued, "You don't know that."

"Yes, I do," Bucky reassured, returning to the bed.

Glancing over at him, Steve noticed the small blanket in Bucky's hands. The orange satin border glinting from the dim light. The blue material of the blanket looking positively cozy. But what really caught Steve's attention was the small stuffed cartoon turtle in the center.

"What's that?" Steve gestured towards the blanky in Bucky's hands.

"A lovey," Bucky marked Steve's leg and then marked Oliver's covered leg.

Steve rolled his eyes and softly chuckled, "When'd you get it? I don't remember packing that."

"The day you told me you were pregnant," Bucky admitted, moving his gaze up from Oliver to Steve. "I went to get Greg some food and found myself in the baby aisle. Staring at this."

Tears building and lip quivering, Steve sniffled, "Damn it, Bucky!"

Grinning, Bucky apologized, "I'm sorry, doll."

"No, you're not," Steve huffed, redirecting his attention to Oliver in his arms, still suckling.

"You're right, I'm not."

Shaking his head, he sniffled again and pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. Playfully, Steve told Oliver, "Your daddy's a jerk."

"Just speaking from the heart."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Steve rolled his eyes. When Oliver started pulling back, Steve tried to get him to latch again, only Oliver kept turning his head. So, figuring that he was full, Steve shifted him. Attempting to maneuver the infant into a position where he could properly burp him, but Steve's movement was awkward in his anxiousness.

"Want me to take him?" Bucky offered.

With more tears building in his eyes, Steve slumped against the raised back of his bed and nodded. Failure, that little voice chastised himself. His scent becoming sour, making Oliver start to cry. Bucky positioned Oliver on his shoulder and gave Steve's hand a comforting squeeze as he assured, "You'll get there, honey. Don't be too hard on yourself. I've had thirteen years of being an uncle to get here."

Nodding, Steve moved his glasses to wipe away his tears and buttoned his hospital gown again. Watching Bucky expertly burp Oliver, Steve was glad that he had him as his alpha. It was comforting knowing that at least one of them knew what to do. That at least one of them knew the right strength to alleviate their baby's gas while also not hurting him.

Taking the Finding Nemo blanky in his hands, Steve got teary-eyed all over again. Deciding, "I should've called you. After Halloween... after Friendsgiving."

"What you gave me was better than any phone call," Bucky managed to get a loud belch from the tiny infant and earning a laugh from Steve.

"I mean it," Steve tapped the brunet with his foot.

"So do I," Bucky smiled over at him. Focusing on Oliver again, Bucky teased, "And if we decide to go through this all over again, I'll already be there, so you won't have to call me."

Although the thought had crossed Steve's mind of adding a few more pups to the Barnes namesake, he playfully rolled his eyes, "Let's just enjoy this one, yeah? At least until he's potty trained."

"You hear that?" Bucky exaggerated as he talked to Oliver, "If ya want a sibling, ya gotta be out of diapers."

"That's right," Steve mocked, "Only one baby in diapers at a time."

Playing along, Bucky asked, "What if we have twins?"

"Let's not even joke about that," Steve settled further into the bed. It wasn't the comfiest, but as far as hospitals went, it wasn't that bad.

Standing from the bed, Bucky turned to face him, "Want me to lower it for you?"

"No, it's fine," Steve yawned.

Leaning over, Bucky kissed Steve's forehead and encouraged, "Get some sleep."

Yawning again, Steve shook his head and argued, "You get some sleep."

"Doll, I didn't give birth –" Bucky checked the clock "– eight hours ago. Get some sleep, I'll look after him."

"You just want him all to yourself," Steve teased.

"You caught me," Bucky playfully agreed as he pulled the covers up further. Kissing his temple, he assured, "I'll wake you if he needs you."

Catching his hand, Steve gave it a tug, causing Bucky to pause. Steve gave his hand another tug. Bucky leaned down to kiss Steve and Steve said, "I love you."

"I love you too," Bucky gave him another kiss before pulling back to further attend to Oliver who was getting fussy again.

Oliver hadn't even been there for a day yet and he already had Bucky wrapped around his little fingers. Not even a day old and already he had changed their lives so much. Just as Bucky had caused Steve's heart to shift, Oliver managed to wiggle his way right there beside the alpha in his heart. And as he closed his eyes, he felt loved. He could only hope that the two brunets felt the same.

As We Grow: Green Series 2 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now