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Just like every Sunday, Bucky, Steve, and Oliver arrived at the Barnes family home. Blue lights were wound around the porch beams while mock icicle string lights were hung from the front porch roof. Making it obvious that Bucky hadn't been the only one decorating that morning. Steve just hoped that whoever decorated this house had a better time than Bucky who had accidentally slammed the door on his hand as he tried to make it out of the house before Greg could run out.

With a container of Hazelnut Raspberry Hamantaschen in his hands and Bucky carrying a fussy Oliver in tow, the trio entered the Barnes house. Much like every other time, the house was filled with loud voices, louder laughter, and love so strong that Steve could swear that he could almost hear that too.

"This thing has gotta be weighted," Mandy complained from the dining room.

"You're just a sore loser," Tibby retorted, and as Steve slipped out of his jacket, he could imagine her sticking her tongue out, showing that opal stud of hers.

"Huh, wonder where you get it from," Becca teased, probably earning an elbow to the ribs from Mandy.

Hanging up his jacket in the closet, silence filled the lower level of the house. Of course, only briefly as Oliver started full on wailing and Mandy loudly groaned in annoyance while she accused, "How do you keep getting, gimel?!"

"You take the cookies, I'll take the baby," Steve traded Bucky, being mindful of the alpha's still sore fingers and the Sesame Street Band-Aids that resided on his bruised knuckles.

Releasing Oliver from the car seat and grabbing the diaper bag, Steve attempted to soothe him, but it didn't seem to be working. Deciding the best way to calm the crying infant was to get him away from the loud adult relatives, Steve headed upstairs. Before Steve could get too far, Bucky stopped him and marked Oliver's back before saying, "Go team."

Steve playfully rolled his eyes as he agreed, "Go team."

Passing the playroom, Steve bounced Oliver as he carried him into Winnie and George's room. Knowing that it remained mainly untouched by the girls and the sequins and glitter they seemed to always be covered in, Steve laid out the changing mat. Lying Oliver down, Steve worked quickly to remove his little pants, pushed up his sweater, and unbuttoned his onesie. All to get to his wet diaper. Sometimes Steve wished that he lived some place consistently warm so there wouldn't be so many layers just to get a dirty diaper.

"Feel better, little man?" Steve asked, dressing him again and taking care of the dirty diaper.

However, the little brunet still wasn't his usually happy self. So, Steve lifted him back into his arms and blew a raspberry on the four month old's covered stomach. When that failed, Steve lifted Oliver's tiny foot and brought it to his nose where he theatrically scrunched up his face as he exaggerated, "Stinky feet! Whew-ie! Stink-ie! You're a stinky boy! Yes, you are! You're gonna need a bath!"

Pressing his nose to Oliver's socked foot, Steve made another face and repeated, "Stinky boy!"

Only once Oliver was squealing did Steve let go of his tiny foot. Bringing the happy baby up, so he could scent that wonderful content-pup scent, he reminded the infant, "Papa loves you. Yes, I do."

Wanting to hear more of those adorable giggles, Steve peppered his round cheek with loud kisses. Soon enough, Oliver was squirming in Steve's arms in his glee, and Steve was greeted by Sadie and Gracie. Pulling back from the crook of Oliver's neck, Steve smiled at the young brunettes.

As We Grow: Green Series 2 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now