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"Are you ready?" Steve questioned as he put the dirty diaper in the Genie and pulled down the pristine, white cotton newborn gown with the pale blue detail and trim.

When Oliver simply blinked up at him with those big gray-blue eyes, Steve couldn't help but melt. Picking up the small, special baby kippah, Steve lifted Oliver's head to place the satin yarmulke below it. With thin ribbons left on either side, Steve brought them together and tied them under Oliver's chin.

"You've got nothing to worry about," Steve assured the calm baby. "Everyone is going to love you. Hell, they already do. Even Great Aunt Kathy. And I heard that she's a tough cookie."

Lifting the eight day old, Steve swayed him and let him wrap his hand around Steve's pinky finger. Lovingly, Steve continued, "Your Auntie Nattie is here too. She's the reason why you're here, so please don't repay her in spit up."

"Yeah, ya wanna be nice to me, kid," Natasha closed the nursery door behind her. Holding a giant teddy bear, that was almost as tall as the woman, herself, Nat bragged, "I give the best gifts."

Tears building in his eyes, Steve smiled at his best friend. With her busy schedule and Bucky worried that their son was meeting too many people so early on, this was the first time she was seeing Oliver in person. As she set the bear down in the comfy rocker, Nattie slowly approached like she was approaching a skittish animal.

"He's so little," Nat whispered, gazing down at him.

Steve nodded, "Our doctors said it was because I'm so small."

"Makes sense," Natasha smiled down at her godson. Redirecting her attention to Steve, she complimented, "You look good."

Playfully rolling his eyes, he argued, "You're just saying that because you're my best friend."

"You're damn right," she winked before adding, "But I mean it. You're an attractive man, Steve. And fatherhood looks damn good on you."

Blushing, Steve averted his gaze to Oliver who was starting to close his eyes. Swallowing down his emotion, Steve gestured towards the door, "Are they ready?"

"Why else do you think I'm back here?" Natasha smirked. Straightening her posture, she held her head high, "It's my duty as godmother, after all."

"Well, since it's your duty and all," Steve transferred Oliver into Nat's arms where she securely cradled him close to her chest.

Exiting the nursery, Steve went to stand beside Bucky. The alpha immediately draped his arm along Steve's slender shoulders. Turning further into Bucky, Steve inhaled that calming woodsy scent that eased his worries.

Once Natasha reached Dum Dum, she passed Oliver to him. As the godfather, Dum Dum carried Oliver over to the island where a chair was sat with a pillow on top.

"Placing the baby upon the throne of Elijah, where among the guests present, will raise Prophet Elijah," the mohel, Dr. Erskine, instructed Dum Dum. Then, he informed the attendees, "Many years ago, God chose Abraham to spread kindness and monotheism throughout the world, and as a Jewish people, it is our responsibility to continue that work today. Especially the kindness part. Ever since God commanded Abraham for him and his sons to be circumcised as a symbol of spiritual connection between man and God, it has been our tradition to do so with all of our sons. We, as the Jewish people, renew this covenant at eight days of life as a sign of their membership in a covenant at eight days of life as a sign of their membership in a covenant people."

As the mohel started reciting a Hebrew blessing, some of the family members nodded and closed their eyes while others verbally joined in. Steve felt himself grow more anxious. Not prepared for this moment at all. Glad that Bucky was there beside him. Even if Bucky was starting to get anxious too.

When Zayde Harold accepted Oliver from Dum Dum, the older man passed the baby to the mohel. Steve clenched his jaw when Oliver started getting fussy. For a moment, Dr. Erskine held Oliver up and some of the family members took pictures. Then, he set the newborn on a tray with a nondescript mold of a baby's body.

Beside him, Zayde Harold comforted Oliver who was starting to really get upset. Especially when Dr. Erskine pushed the bottom of his ceremony gown up to his belly. All the while, Steve's stomach churned. He knew that this was an important part of Oliver's life, just as it had been to Bucky's, but when Dr. Erskine strapped his legs to the tray, Steve couldn't watch.

At Dr. Erskine's request, they had given Oliver some baby Tylenol. But with how much he was crying already, Steve couldn't help but feel guilty. When he started to calm, Steve peeked over. Finding Zayde Harold at his eye-level and holding a pacifier to his mouth.

However, he also noticed how Dr. Erskine was pulling on latex gloves and knew that he'd never be able to watch. Turning into Bucky, the alpha marked him, trying to ease him. If only Bucky had been calm, himself.

As a loud wait erupted from the infant, Steve figured that it was happening. Only when Oliver calmed did Steve peek over at the kitchen island. Cheers came from the attendees while Dr. Erskine unstrapped Oliver's legs and pulled down the ceremony gown. Lifting Oliver, he was given to Zayde Harold and the mohel started another Hebrew blessing. As he did so, he handed the glass of wine to Bucky, who took a drink, then passed it to Steve. Steve took a larger drink before passing it back to Dr. Erskine.

After the blessing, Dr. Erskine introduced, "Noach ben Jacob v'Atar."

Applauds erupted through the open concept of their home, and Oliver was placed in Steve's arms. His face was red and tear-stained, but other than that, he seemed fine. And with his baby safely in his arms and not seemingly traumatized, Steve was okay. Even okay enough for his stomach to rumble and agree with the family that food was a good idea.

"He'll be fine," Dr. Erskine promised.

"Thank you," Bucky smiled, holding his hand out to the older man.

Steve agreed, "Yes, thank you."

"Of course," the beta smiled, shaking both of their hands in turn.

Nuzzling Oliver closer, Steve kissed his forehead and pushed his thick brown tresses away from his face. With his baby yawning and on the brink of sleep, Steve felt like he could breathe again. Especially with Bucky's arm around his shoulders as he leaned down to kiss their son. All the while accepting kisses and hugs and pats on the back from the extended family members who were all there to welcome Oliver officially into their family. And by proxy, welcomed Steve too.

As We Grow: Green Series 2 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now