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Eyes snapping open, Steve found himself sleeping in his nest on the chaise section of the sofa surrounded by pillows with Oliver fast asleep on his exposed chest. Wiping at the dried drool on his mouth, he reached around for his glasses. Shifting to cover himself and not wake the baby, the doorbell rang again, ding-dong!

Pulling a shirt on, Bucky rushed for the front door and told Steve, "I've got it."

Relaxing in his spot, he looked over at the clock, it was barely seven in the morning?! Didn't they know he had a newborn? A newborn who got very cranky once woken up? A newborn who tightened his body as he brushed his head along Steve's collarbones; the tell-tale signs that he was waking up.

Holding his breath, he hoped Oliver kept sleeping. After all, they had just finished their feeding a half hour ago. Then, through the fatigue, Steve remembered that it was Oliver's bris.

Chattering away, Winnie, Nana Bella, and Bubbe Ruth entered the house with casserole dishes and what looked like party decorations. Steve sat up and gave them a smile as Bucky herded them through the living room to the kitchen. All of them fawning over their sleeping grandson.

"Doll, go back to sleep," Bucky encouraged when he noticed Steve standing from his spot on the sofa. Steve shook his head, and Bucky assured, "They're just going to set up some stuff. You rest."

Handing over a waking Oliver, Steve clarified, "I need to shower. I smell like spit up and B.O."

"Alright," Bucky agreed, swaying Oliver as he added, "Take as long as you want. I've got it covered."

Standing on his tiptoes, Steve kissed his alpha and complimented, "You're a lifesaver."

Wearing the same clothes since he changed after Lucy's first birthday party four days ago... Steve knew that he needed to toss them in the wash asap. Picking out clean boxer briefs, Steve heard Oliver's soft cries and hesitated. Bucky has him, he reminded himself. Clenching his jaw as he refrained from going back out there and letting his little guy nuzzle in close.

Heading into the master bathroom, Steve stripped himself and climbed into the shower. Letting the hot water ease his aches while his eyes closed. Taking just a moment to himself. Realistically, Steve knew that he had an alpha who would take care of their baby so he could have some alone time. And over the past eight days of Oliver's life, Bucky had taken the baby so Steve could relax. It was just... Steve missed his baby as soon as he left the room.

Quickly finishing, drying and dressing, Steve exited the bathroom. Fixing his hearing aids back in his ear and around the shell of it. Adjusting the volume, Steve could hear the older women cooing over Oliver. Filled with love as he fixed his glasses on the bridge of his nose. Adoring how everyone loved his little man. Correction: his and Bucky's little man.

"I just can't get over how handsome he is," Nana Bella said.

Rounding into the living room, Steve noticed how the baby swing had been moved closer to the kitchen, facing the entrance. Gently swaying, Oliver snoozed as though he hadn't noticed he wasn't being held. And considering he was all snuggly in his swing, he probably didn't notice.

"You two sure do make cute babies," Bubbe Ruth winked at Steve, causing a blush to heat his cheeks while Bucky complained, "Bubbe."

"Wouldn't mind seeing a couple more," Winnie teased while kneading a ball of dough.

"Let them enjoy just the one," Nana Bella waved her in-law's comments away. Then, she playfully added, "For now, at least."

Shaking his head, Steve nuzzled into Bucky. The brunet wrapped his arm around Steve's back, marking him in the process while taking a drink of his coffee. Steve rested his hand on Bucky's chest, over his heart, just feeling it for a moment.

Holding his mug out for Steve, the tired omega graciously accepted it. Taking a long drink of the sweet coffee. Not liking his coffee with a lot of creamer or sugar, Steve teased the alpha, "Would you like some coffee with that cinnamon roll creamer?"

Playfully rolling his eyes, Bucky took the mug back and said, "Make your own if you're gonna be picky."

"Eh," Steve shrugged, reaching for the mug again.

Holding him closer, Bucky nuzzled his face in Steve's soft, damp hair. Softly, Bucky encouraged, "Why don't you get some sleep? We've got it taken care of out here."

Yawning, Steve declined and watched as the three women made their separate dishes. Winnie braiding the dough. Nana Bella peeling potatoes. Bubbe Ruth greasing a Bundt pan. Snuggling closer to Bucky, his eyes fluttered closed.

When Steve's eyes opened again, he was on his back in his bed with Bucky removing his glasses. Reaching for Bucky's hand to stop him, Steve asked, "What time is it?"

"Going on eight," Bucky answered, continuing to tuck Steve in.

Shaking his head, Steve reached for his glasses and drowsily explained, "Don't want to miss the ceremony."

"Doll, I'm not gonna let you miss it," Bucky assured, tucking the baby blue comforter around Steve, the same way his mom used to.

Around another yawn, Steve argued, "I'm fine. I'll take a nap later. After everyone goes home."

"Steve," Bucky sternly reprimanded. Trying to keep his lower lip from quivering with all his might, Steve didn't succeed as tears escaped his eyes and Bucky's face crumbled. Climbing into the bed with him, Bucky brushed Steve's hair away from his face and apologized, "I'm sorry, doll. I just want you to rest."

Sniffling, Steve looked up at him and asked, "What if he needs me?"

"Then, I'll wake you up," Bucky promised. "But remember what Dr. Cho said? And the baby books? About how it's good to sleep when the baby's sleeping? Remember?"

Steve nodded and wiped his cheeks. Hoping that he wouldn't be all puffy during the bris, but figuring that he wasn't going to be the one on display. It was Oliver's day. And just like the previous gathering the family had, Oliver was going to be the center of attention. But Steve still wanted to look good in the videos and photos that were going to preserve this day for them forever.

Deciding to listen to his alpha, Steve relented and settled further into their bed. Since Steve eased, Bucky did too. Still stroking his fingers through Steve's hair, Steve closed his eyes. The last thing that happened before he dipped into sleep was Bucky kissing his forehead and hearing the brunet whisper, "I love you."

As We Grow: Green Series 2 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now