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Slowly, pictures of Steve's life found their way to the fireplace mantel and the bookshelves and the wall along with Bucky's childhood photos. Starting with some of just Steve. Just so the house would feel more like theirs. Old class photos. A couple of senior pictures.

"Look," Bucky said, lightly bouncing Oliver to soothe him, "There's papa! Isn't he handsome? Yeah? He's so handsome! You're handsome like him, you know that? You have his smile! Yes, you do!"

Frowning – and on the brink of tears, himself – Steve gestured for the four month old. However, the visitor knocking on their front door stopped Bucky from doing so and Steve rushed over to the door. Opening it, he found Natasha and huffed, "I can't go out."

"What?" Natasha asked while Bucky argued with Steve, "Yes, you can! And you're going to!"

Shaking his head, Steve informed Nat, "Oliver knows I'm leaving and won't settle down."

Silently, Natasha quirked her manicured brow at Steve before looking over at the crying baby being bounced in Bucky's arms. Since Nattie was looking, Steve redirected his attention to the brunets too. His own lower lip quivered, and tears started welling in his eyes. Holding his arms out for Oliver again, Bucky finally caved and handed him over.

Settling the infant on his chest, Steve rubbed over his back, marking him. According to the Expectant Omega Guide: Baby's First Year, their little guy was almost able to distinguish scents. And ever since Steve and Bucky had learned that fact, they had been marking more. Trying to use their scents to ease his frustrations and encourage his curiosity. Using their scents to coax him out of bad moods and lulling him into serenity.

As soon as Oliver was nuzzling into Steve's neck, he eased. Still sucking on his hands and hiccupping, but no longer wailing. Turning towards Natasha, Steve reiterated, "I can't leave."

"Yes, you can," the two alphas argued.

Holding tightly onto Oliver, Steve shook his head. Ready to cry, himself, as he nearly begged, "I can't."

"You haven't left the house since you gave birth," Bucky reminded while Nat added, "More like, 'since you found out you were pregnant.'"

Narrowing his eyes, Steve defended himself, "I've left the house. We visit with your family every week. And we went trick-or-treating!"

"Honey, that's not the same," Bucky said, softer now.

With their son so content in his arms, Steve didn't want to hand him over. Knowing that as soon as he walked out the door, it would take everything in him to stop himself from instantly returning. This was his life now. This was what made him happy. Sure, he enjoyed spending time with Natasha and Laura. But he typically enjoyed their company with Oliver right there with him.

"C'mon," Natasha waved over to Bucky, "He'll be here when you get home."

Glancing down at his drowsy baby, Steve caved. Shoulders slumping, he helped Bucky rest Oliver on his chest. Marking him, he stood on his tiptoes to kiss Bucky and pleaded, "You'll send me pictures? And videos?"

"Of course," Bucky assured. Directing his attention to Oliver, he exaggerated, "We're gonna take a bath, and then we're gonna have a baba."

"Ya hear that, Stevie," Nat wrapped her arm around his slender shoulders, "We're all gonna be poppin' bottles."

Steve gave her a pointed look, but decided that he needed to leave now or he wasn't going to leave at all. So, he gave his guys both another kiss and was practically dragged out the front door. Off-balance all the way up to her shiny Lexus. Climbing in and buckling, Steve looked over at the house. At the door, Bucky waved after them and lifted Oliver's tiny hand to wave too.

As We Grow: Green Series 2 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now