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"You're a nakey baby!" Bucky talked to Oliver while he bathed the infant. Steve couldn't help but smile as he continued folding the laundry. Bucky reiterated, "Yes, you are! You're a nakey baby!"

With his coos turning into squeals, Oliver kicked at the water, causing some of it to splash over the side of the tub and off the counter onto Greg. Annoyed, the cat left the kitchen and hopped up on the sofa beside Steve. Making sure to yowl, so Steve knew just how annoyed she was.

Letting Oliver's dinosaur print pajamas in his lap, Steve scratched behind her ear and apologized, "I'm sorry, but I told you not to go out there."

Flopping down on the cushion beside Steve, Greg wiggled around. In the kitchen, Bucky lifted Oliver from the tub and quickly dried him off with a fluffy blue towel. Keeping him distracted by playfully scenting their baby, Bucky placed a diaper on him before he could pee. They had learned that lesson the hard way, but they learned it quick.

"Oh, he's a clean baby now," Bucky continued, "Yes, he is! And he smells so good! Just like clean babies do!"

In reply, Oliver giggled while his little body jerked and kicked in his glee with his daddy talking to him. Smiling, Steve just watched the two brunets interact. Wondering if they had other babies, they'd react to their daddy like that. Steve couldn't help but hope so.

"Got any clean pajamas over there?" Bucky asked, lifting Oliver from the counter and cradling him to his chest.

"Duh," Steve mocked, balling up the pajamas and tossing them to Bucky. Thankfully, Bucky caught them and went to dress the shivering baby.

"Thank you," Bucky replied, laying the pajamas down on the counter before laying Oliver down and dressing him. As he zipped the footie pjs, Bucky lifted Oliver again and told Steve, "We might have to retire these after tonight."

"Aw, no," Steve pouted his lower lip, looking over the two and a half month old as Bucky carried him into the living room.

Bucky solemnly nodded before exaggerating for Oliver, "I know. It's just not fair. He's growing up too fast and he needs to stop. Yes, he does. He needs to stop it. Right now."

Oliver cooed, holding his head back so he could look up at his daddy. Bucky took Oliver's tiny hand in his while he started swaying them in time with the current mellow pop song coming softly from the radio. Not their first dance, but still one that caused a warmth to spread through Steve, reminding him that Bucky was a good alpha. A loving alpha. One that was going to be there for Oliver and for him.

Just as mesmerized by Bucky as Steve was, Oliver stared up at him in awe. When Bucky sang along, the infant smiled and started cooing too. Steve smiled and stood from the sofa. Grabbing the basket of clean laundry, he started heading for the bedrooms, only Bucky reached his leg out to gain Steve's attention.

Balancing the basket on his hip, Steve quirked a brow at Bucky. The brunet suggested, "Come dance with us."

"You know I don't have any rhythm," Steve yawned.

Playfully, Bucky rolled his eyes and said, "Oliver's not gonna care." Redirecting his attention to Oliver, he asked the baby, "Isn't that right, Squirt? Yeah, you don't care if papa can't dance. No, sir. All you want is to be close to papa, huh."

With Steve close, Oliver was watching him. Steve couldn't help but smile at his baby when he started cooing at him. So, setting down the basket, Steve made grabby hands for Oliver. Happily, Bucky passed the almost three month old to Steve. Instantly, Oliver rested his head on Steve's shoulder while Bucky wrapped his arms around Steve's waist.

Leaning forward, Bucky kissed Steve's forehead, guiding the omega to the time of the beat. Taking a step closer, Steve rested his head on Bucky's broad shoulder. Nuzzling up to Bucky the same way that Oliver was nuzzling up to him.

As the song changed to another one, Oliver yawned again, and so did Steve. Marking the infant, Bucky said, "Someone's tired."

"Yeah, me," Steve teased, removing himself from Bucky's embrace.

Before he could get too far, Bucky pulled him back to himself so he could kiss Steve. Despite his smile, Steve rolled his eyes and headed for the nursery. Turning the light on and immediately dimming them, Steve crossed the room for the comfy, cushioned rocker.

Shirt already mostly unbuttoned; Steve moved his supporter so Oliver should eat before bed. With Oliver becoming more aware of himself, specifically his hands, he had been holding Steve's chest lately. Steve smiled down at his son, stroking his dark hair away from his face.

Quietly, Bucky carried the laundry basket into Oliver's room and got to work putting the baby's clothes away. Smiling over at Steve as he did so. It wasn't an uncommon sight for Bucky to find since Steve tried to hog all the cuddles he could for himself, but Bucky still gazed fondly at Steve whenever he found the omega cradling their son to his chest.

Knowing that Steve was the only one who could lull the infant into restful sleep, Bucky blew the blond a kiss and carried the laundry basket out of the room. Greg following the brunet and meowing at him as Bucky closed the door behind himself.

Slowly rocking, Steve gazed down at Oliver the way he always did with all the love in the world. Never realizing just how much he could love until this little boy entered his life.

When Oliver was done eating, Steve fixed his clothes to cover himself and shifted the baby onto his shoulder. Oliver complained and Steve rubbed his back as he said, "I know, honey. I know."

Still rocking, Steve burped Oliver and softly hummed. Soon enough, Oliver was fast asleep. So, Steve shifted him back into his arms. Rocking and humming just a little longer. Holding onto these moments for as long as he could while trying not to think about how quickly time kept passing by.

As his own eyes started feeling heavier and his own yawns escaped, Steve stood from the rocker and laid Oliver in his crib. Marking his chest before he turned the light off and left the nursery. Noticing that the lights had been turned off in the rest of the house, Steve made his way back to the master bedroom.

With the sight of Bucky sleeping on top of the covers with the worn copy of Expectant Omega Guide: Expectant Alpha Edition opened on his chest, Steve leaned against the doorframe. Affectionately watching the alpha and the fluffy cat curled up beside him.

Pushing himself away from the frame and closing the door behind him, Steve crossed the room to the king size bed. Carefully, Steve removed the book and Bucky's eyes fluttered open. Steve smiled down at him and soothed, "Go back to sleep."

"Only if you join me," Bucky stretched, reaching up for Steve who was starting to tuck the alpha into bed.

"Gotta get ready for bed," Steve assured, "Then I'll join you."

"You better," Bucky yawned, curling up on his side, facing the side of the bed that was Steve's.

"Oh, I'm gonna," Steve promised, kissing Bucky's temple, pushing the dark strands away from his face.

After taking care of his nightly routine, Steve exited the ensuite and crawled into bed. Instantly, Bucky pulled him close. Although Steve's stomach was a flat as he had been before the pregnancy, Bucky's hand rested there, stroking softly along Steve's skin. Steve laced their fingers together and Bucky kissed the back of his neck. A silent promise that this was Steve's forever for as long as he wanted it to be.

As We Grow: Green Series 2 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now