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"It's the holidays, you're supposed to be nice, ass-hat!"

Entering the Barnes house, Steve chanced a glance at Oliver in his car seat while Bucky announced, "Two men and a baby, here!"

"Ooh!" Becca exclaimed. With a mouthful of food, she exited the kitchen and made grabby hands at a sleeping Oliver. Quickly chewing and swallowing, she called over her shoulder, "I call first dibs!"

Passing the adults to start up the staircase, Sadie deadpanned, "I'm chopped liver."

Steve chuckled as he slipped out of his shoes and hung up his light autumn jacket. Bucky set the carrier down and called up the staircase, "Hey, Ms. Liver, ya gonna give me a hug, or not?"

Turning, the little brunette raced back down the staircase, jumping into Bucky's open arms. Holding her close, he kissed her tiny face until she giggled and pulled away. Then, the five year old gestured to hug Steve. The blond, of course, accepted the gesture and pulled her into his arms. She was a lot heavier than Oliver, but he wasn't going to let that stop him from showing the little girl affection.

Kissing Sadie's cheek, Steve placed her back on the steps and watched as she raced up them to the second story of the house. Turning around, he noticed how Becca was taking Oliver into her arms and Bucky asked his twin, "When did she start picking up the Liver Bit?"

Cradling the sleepy baby close, Becca feigned thought, "How long has Steve been coming around?"

Steve softly chuckled, accepting the tease. He enjoyed feeling like he was a part of their family. As he carried the covered Bundt cake into the kitchen. Finding Tibby there with her recently colored purple hair. Perking at the sight of Steve, Tibby called out, "Steve brought food!"

"Yes!" Mandy exaggerated from the table.

Resting her chin on Steve's shoulder, she asked, "So, what d'ya bring?"

"Apple Bundt Cake with Caramel Icing and Pecans," Steve answered, setting the container on the counter.

"I'm so jealous that Bucky found you first," Tibby theatrically slumped. Momentarily pouting before kissing Steve's cheek and asking, "How're you today?"

"Good," Steve grinned as he informed, "Oliver smiled today."

"Really?" She lit up, positively happy about the milestone her nephew reached. "Did you get pictures? Please tell me you got pictures."

Steve nodded and snorted, "Bucky got about a hundred of them and a video. I'm sure he'll show you as soon as we're sitting down."

"Then, I better hurry out there," Tibby smirked and playfully wiggled her brows.

As she skipped into the dining room, Tibby took her seat next to her mate. Steve shook his head and opened the fridge to help himself to something to drink. It didn't take long for Bucky to enter the kitchen and drape his arms around Steve's waist, kissing his neck.

Each day that Steve spent with the caring alpha, the more he thought about settling down with him. Taking that plunge. It perplexed Steve because he'd never wanted to be with someone like that. Not even at fourteen when he fanaticized about being with Zac Efron after watching High School Musical for the first time. Not even when he had been head over heels for Gilmore Hodge and clung to him after his mom passed, even after he excused Gilmore's abusive tendencies, Steve still didn't think about being with him like that.

No, Steve had been convinced that marriage and mating were breakable and fleeting. Of course, growing up with those being his truths, it wasn't any wonder that Steve had cynicism coursing through his veins.

When Bucky picked up the glass of freshly poured apple juice, Steve feigned annoyance and mocked, "No, that's alright. I meant for us to share."

Chuckling, Bucky kissed his temple and gave his hip a comforting squeeze. It wasn't a gesture that set his soul alight but kept the embers from going out. Steve wondered if his mom felt this with his dad. Wondered if his dad had felt this with his mom. Then, with his chest clenching, Steve wondered if Bucky felt that way for him.

It only took one of those dopey grins directed at him for Steve to convince himself that the feeling was mutual.

"Doll," Bucky popped his head back into the kitchen to inform Steve, "Mom's gonna light the candles."

"Oh," Steve hurried out of the kitchen to join the family in the dining room. Even the kids were being called downstairs to join the adults.

Knowing that the Barneses weren't the most religious bunch, he also knew that they still cared for their heritage and their customs. Even if their family traditions weren't the same as other families. And with them sharing those traditions with him, Steve accepted them as his traditions now too.

Setting a silver Godzilla holding two candles on the mantel, Steve quirked a brow at Bucky who proudly stood a little taller as he wrapped his arm around Steve's slender shoulders. As Winnie lit each candle, she recited the blessing. Since Steve didn't speak Hebrew, he had no clue what she was saying. But he knew that it sounded pretty.

Once she was done, Winnie held her hands out for Oliver. Reluctantly passing him over, Becca announced, "Let's eat!"

Just like every other time Steve had joined the Barnes family for a meal, amazing food was shared. Growing more accustomed to some of the staples such as the classic potato kugel or the challah. Even if the challah was in a circle instead of the normal loaf shape, it still tasted just as good.

"So," Steve started, feeling comfortable enough to ask questions about the Barnes family's customs, "What is Rosh Hashanah?"

"It's the Jewish New Year," Bucky answered, cutting up his roasted chicken breast.

Gazing down at Oliver while he cooed, Winnie explained, "It's about self-reflection and new beginnings."

Holding up his drink, George toasted, "To new beginnings!"

"To new beginnings," the rest of the Barneses echoed. Even the kids. Even Steve.

Especially Steve.

As We Grow: Green Series 2 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now