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"Is Squirt coming trick-her-treating?" Sadie excitedly asked as she noticed how Oliver was wearing a fuzzy lion costume.

"Trick OR treating," Mandy corrected as she fixed Harper's Cruella de Vil costume, specifically her two toned wig.

"Well, is he?" Sadie asked while Bucky opened the blue stroller.

"He is!" Steve answered, holding the three month old on his shoulder. Oliver's little coos and oogs muffled as he slobbered over his hands. Steve rubbed his hand over Oliver's back, "I hope that's okay."

"Ya kidding?" Sadie reached up to stroke Oliver's foot. Smiling up at Steve, she said, "I love it!"

"Good," Steve smiled, smoothing his hand over her brown waves. Looking over her costume, he was stumped. It was just a large purple circle that went from her collarbones to her shins. Brows furrowed, Steve asked, "What are you supposed to be?"

Sadie held her arms out in a powerful stance and announced, "A purple polka-dot!"

Quirking a brow, Steve looked over at Mandy who shrugged before returning her attention to her stroller where she was fastening a Dalmatian Gracie. Straightening her posture, she fixed her own Dalmatian costume.

Once Bucky was finished setting up the rear-facing carriage and shook it to make sure that it was secure, Steve placed Oliver in it. Smoothing out his fuzzy Cowardly Lion costume as he strapped the three month old in. With Oliver's big steel-blue eyes staring up at him, Steve made a silly face to make him smile.

"Alright, here's the plan," pink and purple Cheshire Tibby started, releasing the lock on Lucy's stroller, "We hit up Oak Street first since they have the King Size candy bars. Then, we cross over to Shoemaker before rounding back to Maple and ending at Mom and Dad's."

"You say this like we don't already know this," Becca scoffed, taking Sadie's hand in hers. Securing her black witch's hat on her own head, she let Sadie lead the way.

Taking up the rear, Steve nuzzled as close to the Tin Man alpha as he could. Removing one hand from the stroller handle, Bucky draped his arm along Steve's shoulders. Softly, Bucky asked, "Are you warm enough?"

Steve nodded and made another silly face at Oliver, getting the baby to giggle. Fondly, Steve wrapped his arm around Bucky's waist and reminded, "We met a year ago today."

"I know," Bucky chuckled, holding Steve closer before kissing his temple. "Happy one year."

Steve shook his head, looking up at the brunet, "We didn't get together officially until January."

"But I was already in love with you by Friendsgiving," Bucky argued as they paused in front of a house.

Harper, Sadie, and Gracie raced up to the house. The woman greeted them with a large smile and placed candy into their bags. As the girls raced back to the family, Steve decided that he liked the idea of having their anniversary on his favorite holiday.

"You know what," Steve decided, smiling up at Bucky, "Happy anniversary."

Flashing him Steve's favorite grin, Bucky ducked down to press a quick kiss to his lips. When he pulled away, that dopey grin remained on Bucky's handsome face and Steve couldn't hope for, "Many years to come."

"You read my mind," Steve smiled, standing on his tiptoes to kiss him again.

Pausing at the next house, Steve noticed that Camila wasn't going up to the houses. Steve tugged on her unicorn onesie and asked the recently turned twelve year old, "Why aren't you getting candy?"

"I'm too old," Camila solemnly answered. "It'd be like you going up there."

Challenge accepted; Steve's mind decided. Determined, Steve smirked and unclipped Oliver who was talking his cute little baby gibberish. Holding the infant close, he headed up to the house while the younger girls received candy from the nice beta man.

"Trick or treat," Steve announced.

The man looked over Steve's Scarecrow costume and smiled when he saw Oliver's Cowardly Lion costume. Kindly, the man assumed, "First Halloween?"

"That easy to tell?" Steve chuckled, moving Oliver so the man could see him better.

"Oh, goodness, look at those eyes!" The older man cooed at the baby.

"Oh, I know," Steve agreed, smiling down at his son, still convinced that Oliver was the most well-behaved baby there ever was.

"Well," the man handed him a King Size Snickers bar, "Since this is their first Halloween and all."

"Thank you," Steve accepted the candy and walked with the girls back to their family. Triumphantly, he handed the chocolate to Camila and winked at her. Knowing that she wanted to get candy but had only been staying back with the adults because before Violet went to the Halloween party she had been invited to, she made a comment about how they were both too old to go trick-or-treating.

Since he was already holding Oliver, Steve continued to as the family headed for the next house. This time though, he and Oliver stayed back as all four girls ran up to ask for candy.

"Thank you," Dum Dum told Steve, happy that his daughter was now participating and acting like the child she still was.

"Of course," Steve waved off while self-deprecatingly teasing himself, "I trick-or-treated until I graduated high school."

The group laughed at that, and Becca informed, "So did Bucky!"

"Alright," Steve high-fived his alpha while Bucky playfully defended himself, "I took Tibby trick-or-treating, so it doesn't count!"

"Just accept that you were a loser," Becca teased.

"Yeah," Mandy good-naturedly joined in, "Steve's met you! So, there's no need to try and keep up the façade!"

Steve chuckled and Bucky feigned offense. Ducking his head, Steve nuzzled Oliver further while Bucky defended himself, "I got free candy for years after you guys. So. There."

Pulling his face back just in time to watch Bucky childishly stick his tongue out at his sisters. Steve couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head. Finding it endearing how, even though Bucky and his sisters were adults with children of their own, they still acted like children themselves. Never fully growing out of those sibling roles. And oddly enough, Steve found it comforting. Hoping that one day, Oliver would know that feeling. Know that love.

As We Grow: Green Series 2 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now