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Trying to soothe the crying ten month old, Steve fought a yawn. It seemed like no one had slept in their house in days. And with the lack of sleep, attitudes came out to play. It had started with Oliver being fussier than usual, then it had been Steve having a shorter temper and snapping at Bucky. All the while, Bucky had to deal with moodiness of his guys and impatient, rude customers.

"Want me to take over?" Bucky asked as Steve swayed and bounced the inconsolable infant.

"No," Steve huffed, "What I want is for him to sleep."

"Well," Bucky started, cautiously. "You're both feeding off each other's bad scents, so maybe –"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Steve questioned, expression twisting into one of anger.

"I just think that you both should have a chance to step back and –"

"Do you think I'm doing this on purpose?"

"What?" Bucky's brows furrowed as he assured, "No. I think that you both need a breathe–"

"Because I've been doing everything I can to stop this –" Steve gestured towards the nearly screaming Oliver "– from continuing."

"I know," Bucky assured, holding his hands up in surrender. Trying to placate his fiancé, "I'm trying to give you a moment to relax."

Rolling his eyes, Steve said, "I don't need a, 'moment to relax.' What I need is for the tooth to break through so we can all have a god damn break."

"Okay," Bucky appeased, taking a step back. Instead of just standing there watching Steve swaying Oliver, he went into the kitchen. Calling over his shoulder, "Want me to get dinner started? Or we can order out, if you want."

Completely annoyed with his soon-to-be spouse, Steve said, "Do whatever you want."

Putting on The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Steve turned, so Oliver could see that his favorite show was on TV. Sure, Steve didn't want to rely on the TV to soothe his child for him. But Bucky was right. Steve did need a moment to relax. Of course, Steve wasn't big enough to admit he was wrong. Mainly because he didn't want to admit that he was a failure. Even if he was the only one who thought of him that way.

However, Oliver was too wound up and Steve's scent was too sour for the baby to calm down. What Steve hated the most was that he could've been the reason for his bad mood now. And Steve really didn't want to keep his baby stuck in a constant state of sobbing.

So, Steve decided to take Bucky up on his offer. Crossing the living room and entering the kitchen, Steve held Oliver out. With furrowed brows, Bucky took their son and settled him in his arms. Before he could ask if Steve was okay, Steve turned and headed for their bedroom.

Closing the door behind himself, tears started falling from his eyes. Pressing his back against the door, Steve slid down until he was sitting on the floor. Taking a moment to cry. Hoping to get all of his frustration and exhaustion before he went to face his guys.

Steve knew that Bucky didn't deserve his attitude and short temper. It was just difficult to rein in in the moment. Especially since Oliver had been inconsolable for the past week, but especially the past couple of days. Although Steve could only assume that Oliver's sob-fest ramped up because of him. And wasn't that just the shittiest take from the recent teething tantrum.

Hugging his legs to his chest, Steve cried into his knobby knees. Needing just this moment to calm down and to get the strength to apologize. After all, Bucky didn't need that. All he ever tried to do was make both Oliver and Steve happy.

Playing with the gold locket ring on his left finger, Steve knew that Bucky could do so much better than him. Never understanding what the lovable, goofy alpha ever saw in him in the first place. Especially not when Steve's fuse was always cut so short, and he always seemed to be mere moments away from blowing up. And really, Bucky deserved better than Steve. Even if – no! Especially since Bucky couldn't realize that for himself.

Gazing at the picture of Oliver in his locket ring, Steve noticed that his son wasn't crying. Which just proved that he was the reason for the baby's upset. And his tears just redoubled because it was his fault. He was a bad papa.

Sure, he meant well. But intention didn't matter when his scent – the very scent that was supposed to soothe Oliver – was so sour it caused his baby to sob uncontrollably for hours.

"Stevie?" Bucky softly knocked on the other side of the door, "Spaghetti is done. If you're hungry."

Hoping he was discreet, Steve sniffled and cleared his throat, "Okay."

Assuming that Bucky left him alone, Steve startled when he asked, "You okay in there?"

Wetly sniffling, Steve truthfully answered, "No."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really."

Instead of prying further, Bucky asked, "Want me to make a plate for you?"

Holding in a sob, Steve said, "Please?"

"Of course, doll."

"Thank you," Steve sniffled, wiping at the fresh tears leaking from his eyes.

"Of course," Bucky softly assured, "No problem."

Hearing the footsteps get further away as Bucky walked down the hallway, Steve pulled himself up. His knees popping on the way up, reminding him that he wasn't exactly a spring chicken. But that's been true for a while.

Stopping in the bathroom, Steve attempted to make himself look more presentable. Washing his tear-stained face, hoping that his red eyes would calm down. Finger-combing through his messy blond strands, wondering when he took a shower last.

With his head still pounding despite the quiet house, Steve made his way towards the kitchen. Briefly pausing to check on a snoozing Oliver in his swing. The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh was still on the TV, but the calm alpha didn't seem to mind.

Entering the kitchen, Steve found a plate of spaghetti on the counter and Bucky at the table. The brunet multitasking by eating his own dinner and flipping through a worn novel. As Steve approached him, Bucky adoringly smiled up at him with tomato sauce on his stubbly chin. Shaking his head, Steve used his napkin to wipe at Bucky's face the way he would to Oliver. Affectionately, Bucky took Steve's hand in his and pressed a kiss to his palm.

"I'm sorry," Steve apologized, "For snapping at you. I just don't want to be seen as a failure."

"Doll, I'll never think of you like that," Bucky assured.

Tears starting to build in the rim of his eyes, Steve sniffled, "I don't deserve you."

"You're right," Bucky agreed, briefly surprising Steve. Before he went right back to his sappy, omrom ways, "You deserve better."

As We Grow: Green Series 2 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now