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It seemed as though all Steve did was blink, and suddenly, his little guy was nearly six weeks old. All of it happened so fast and Steve wished that time would just slow down for a minute so he could further enjoy this moment in Oliver's life. The way Oliver's first smile – even though just mimicking – nearly had Bucky in tears while Steve definitely did cry. How Oliver's little coos were music to their ears, no matter what time of day or how tired he was. Even missing the way he used to pass Oliver to Bucky so the alpha could burp him. Sure, he never got the big belches out of the small infant, but now he could do the act of burping almost as confidently as Bucky.

In those weeks that whizzed by, Oliver had had a busy little life. First with Lucy's first birthday, then his own bris. Sadie's ladybug themed fifth birthday being rained out and taking place inside Becca and Dum Dum's house that wasn't nearly as accommodating as Winnie and George's and felt even more cramped with Sadie's preschool friends running around with ladybug antennas.

Now, it was Rosh Hashanah. Oliver was doing tummy time with Greg on the sofa watching him – even though she pretended to dislike him, it was clear she loved him – and Steve in the kitchen, baking. Every so often, Steve just looked out, seeing how Oliver was lifting his head all on his own, and smiled to himself.

While Steve was chopping up some apples, Bucky entered the living room. Smiling down at Oliver before entering the kitchen. Grabbing a glass from the cabinet, Bucky complimented, "Smells good, doll."

"Thank you," Steve preened. Especially when Bucky kissed his temple on the way to the sink.

"What're ya makin'?" Bucky asked, taking a drink of water.

"Um," Steve folded the chopped apple and chopped pecans into the batter. Glancing at the tablet where the recipe was, he repeated the title, "Apple Bundt Cake with Caramel Icing."

Snaking his arms around Steve's torso, Bucky hooked his chin over Steve's slender should and told him, "You're too good to us."

"And you're too charming for your own good," Steve chuckled, playfully elbowing the alpha.

Over the spot on his neck where a mating bite would go, Bucky kissed Steve and Steve stifled a shudder from erupting down his spine. As Steve spread the batter evenly into the Bundt pan, Bucky left the kitchen for the living room. Going right for Oliver.

"Whatcha doin', Squirt?" Bucky asked, moving to his hands and knees before dropping fully onto his stomach in front of Oliver. Picking up the colorful rattle, Bucky confirmed, "This is pretty cool, huh?"

Shaking his head, Steve put the cake into the pre-heated oven. While that was baking, Steve started on the caramel icing. Not wanting to pause, get distracted with Oliver, and then being noisy while he slept. So, it was easier to just do it –

"Steve! He's smiling!"

"Like, smiling, smiling?" Steve asked, wiping his hands on a dish towel as he made his way over to the play-mat.

"Smiling-smiling," Bucky replied before adding, "I think."

Dropping down to his knees, Steve leaned on Bucky so he could see that Oliver... wasn't smiling. Brows furrowed, he looked at Bucky and the alpha shrugged, defending himself, "He was smiling."

Moving to his stomach, Bucky made room for Steve in front of their son. As soon as Oliver focused on Steve, a smile tugged at his little lips and Steve melted. Turning into an emotional puddle on the carpet.

"Hi, handsome," Steve gushed, grinning at his baby. Talking to him, "Look at that handsome smile! You're becoming such a big boy! Yes, you are!"

Nuzzling in close to Steve, Bucky kissed his shoulder and said, "He has your smile, Stevie."

Redirecting his attention to the alpha beside him, Steve gave him a sweet kiss. When Steve pulled back, Bucky kissed his temple. As the pair returned their attention to Oliver, the baby smiled again. Steve just couldn't believe it! And although they had pictures and videos of pretty much everything that their little guy had done over the past month of his life, Steve wished that it would slow down. Wished that it would linger and marinate his memory with all those Baby's Firsts.

And just like every other time Bucky's undivided attention was on Oliver, Greg loudly meowed to get his attention. His head a little wobbly since he had been holding it up for so long, Oliver turned towards the direction of the sofa, but not being able to look up at Greg who was rolling around on the couch cushions.

Raising up on his elbows, Bucky told Greg, "We've talked about this."

Not that Greg cared as she meowed again and rolled closer, rubbing herself on the sofa cushion. Bucky put his weight on his prosthetic and reached up to pet the long-haired cat. Steve smiled at the interaction, knowing that the former garage cat was spoiled and slept with them in their bed, which was more than Oliver did.

Speaking of Oliver, the infant was growing fussy with his extended tummy time. Even though he didn't need to, Steve checked the clock to see that it was almost feeding time. Considering how Oliver was starting to drag his head along the play-mat in his sleepiness and frustration, Steve decided that a few minutes earlier wouldn't hurt.

Standing, Steve picked Oliver off the floor and cradled him in his arms. Unbuttoning his shirt and his supporter, Steve guided Oliver and allowed the baby to latch. As he grabbed his nursing pillow, Steve got settled on the chaise. It didn't take long for Greg to lay in a ball at his feet. It also didn't take long for Bucky to curl up beside him with his arm on the back of the couch and his fingers threading through Oliver's thick hair. This wasn't how Steve expected the day to go, but he was going to savor them while they lasted.

As We Grow: Green Series 2 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now