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"Did you tell them?" Steve asked, gazing down at his ring.

Turning onto the street Winnie and George lived on, Bucky scoffed, "What do you think?"

Giving Bucky a pointed look, Steve ran his thumb over his ring. Knowing that Bucky was close with his family. Super close. Not that Steve minded. He actually preferred it that way. When he became pregnant, Steve discovered that he hated telling people things. So, really, he was hoping that Bucky had told them that he was going to –

"Good god," Steve stated as they pulled up to the house where a white, gold, and clear balloon arch stood, tied to the covered porch. Above the arch, gold balloon letters proclaimed: HE SAID YES!

"Um," Steve started, but stopped. Not knowing what to say.

"Guess it's a good thing you agreed to marry me, huh?" Bucky deadpanned, climbing out of the Volvo to get Oliver as he started to fuss. "Because this would be really embarrassing, if you hadn't."

Steve climbed out from the passenger seat on wobbly legs. They had been engaged for a total of seventeen hours – give or take – and the family already had decorations. Eyes growing wide, he stopped on the walk to face Bucky, "This isn't another surprise party, right?"

"No, they wouldn't do that again," Bucky assured. To lighten the mood, he joked, "I told them that they wouldn't get anymore grandkids from us, if they did."

"Oh," Steve nodded, turning, "Good thinking."

"You want me to go first?" Bucky sincerely asked.

"Please," Steve confirmed, feeling pathetic and oddly nervous.

"Of course," Bucky smiled, kissing Steve's temple as he walked up the porch steps, under the impressive balloon arch. While Steve noticed the clear balloons had gold confetti in them, Bucky continued to the door and inside the warm house.

"Dibs!" Mandy called out as soon as they entered the house, taking the car seat from Bucky.

"Can't you guys chill for two seconds?" Bucky good-humoredly scoffed, toeing off his shoes and removing his jacket while Steve entered the house.

Closing the door behind himself, he did just as Bucky had with removing his outdoor wear while Mandy set the car seat on the floor and unbuckled Oliver. Before Steve could even say anything, he was being wrapped up in a hug. Knowing that it wasn't Bucky hugging him from behind as he hung up his jacket, Steve glanced down at the arms wrapped around his waist. There were rings on every finger and chipped black nail polish. Instantly, he knew that it was Tibby and he leaned further into the embrace, letting her frame hold more of his weight.

"I always wanted a cool big brother," the twenty year old teased, kissing Steve's cheek.

"Hey," Bucky complained. When Tibby released Steve, Bucky reminded, "You used to worship the ground I walked on."

"I was clearly a very stupid child," Tibby deadpanned.

Playfully narrowing his eyes at Tibby, Bucky pulled her closer. Easily putting her in a loose chokehold as he ruffled her purple ombre hair. She complained and squealed just as their nieces did whenever Bucky roughhoused with them. Winnie stood in the hallway, recording the incident, and Steve covered his mouth to muffle his laughter.

"Congrad-relations!" Sadie surprised Steve by throwing gold confetti at him before she hopped off the stairs and into his arms.

"Why, thank you, sweetheart," Steve smiled, giving her cheek a loud kiss.

As We Grow: Green Series 2 (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Domestic AU)Where stories live. Discover now