The drive was terrible, its like everyone knew about my sadness. It rained the whole way and I could barely even talk, nor did i want to talk. I never thought about how hard it would be to leave until it happened. yeah it was only two months but thats just too much after all of that.
I didn't want to go home because my parents would have forced me to talk about it and i didnt want to, so i spent the night at calums. His parents were out of town or something, i dont know they're never home.
I just slept on calums couch and I told him to let me sleep and i wasn't going to school.
Calum went to school and i didnt wake up until he got home.
"Hey how are you doing" he said sitting down in front of the couch near my head.
"Im never moving" I said stretching my arms out. "Can i live here" I asked him.
"Sarah i love you but your going to school tomorrow" he said.
"noo" i groaned.
"Come on, get up" he said helping me up off the couch.
"Seee you can do this" he said smiling at me.
I shook my head and stood up slouching, looking up at him.
He grabbed my arm and led me outside into the car.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"To your house" he said, i groaned.
We pulled up to my driveway and i got out without protest because i needed to see my family anyways.
"Hi mom, hi dad" i yelled as i walked in.
"Sarah is that you?" My mom came walking in to the kitchen where we were.
"Oh hey calum!" She said, "nice to see you."
he smiled at her and i talked to my mom about the trip for a little.
We walked upstairs in my room and i turned on my little radio and we both laid down on my bed.
My eyes looked up at the ceiling and calum looked at me, i could see out of the corner of my eye.
"can we get drunk tonight" I asked. "I really need to just forget about everything" I said sighing.
"what about school?" he asked.
"Calum Thomas Hood" I said sitting up. "since when have you ever cared about missing school?" I asked in shock.
He just shrugged and looked at me. I opened my mouth in shock.
"whos the girl" I asked playfully hitting his arm.
He gave me a puzzled look, "Calum ive known you since kindergarten, who's the girl?" I asked.
"No one" he said being really shading and standing up.
"Why wont you tell me?" I asked giving him a confused look.
He ignored me and looked at me for awhile. "So are we going to get drunk or what" he asked turning out of my room.
I smiled, grabbing my bag and running after him to the car.
"so how are you doing?" I asked ashton, calum and i were sitting on his couch skyping ash.
"I'm fine, me and my sister have just been watching movies all day" He said. I laughed and told him i wished i was there.
Calum said we had to go and shut the laptop.
"whats wrong?" I asked.
"Dont worry about it, lets get drunk" He said taking a shot. I shrugged and joined him.
Couple hours later we were drunk off our asses.
"so" I hiccuped. "Now will you time me whats wrong?" I asked stumbling to get to the couch next to him.
"its not some girl from the school" he said his eyes all droopy. "its you" he said.
"what?" I laughed, "what do you mean" I asked.
"I'm in love with you" he said looking at me right in the eye.
"wha- what" I stammered.
"but you and ky- kylie and i have ashton" "whaat" I stammered. He moved closer to me and finally until our lips touched.
Then i dont remember anything else.
I woke up and my head was pounding. I was on Calums floor and I was still clothed so i figured that was good. I had to go for a walk. I put on a jacket since it was still freaking winter out, and walked out of the house. I took my time though, Calum sleeps like a rock especially since he drank so much.
I walked and thought about what happened and i was still shocked. Of course i was attracted to him, key word being was, then i met ashton. I'm so in love with ashton and i do not want to loose him. This was too much to think about, I dont know what im going to do. Leaving ashton was hard enough and now calum just does this? I wanted to tell my friends but I needed to have some time to myself to think about this.
I went around town and walked, eventually I had to go home and worse back to calums. I decided just to go home and ill get my stuff from calums later. I rushed right up the stairs into the shower and yelling to my parents that id talk to the in a second.
I went into the bathroom and puked before I got in the shower, the alcohol was not settling. It felt good to take a shower in my shower and not at the cabin or at calums. I decided to think some more, everyone thinks in the shower.
I care way too much about calum to loose him, and i love ashton too much to loose him. If calum was serious he couldnt just get over it and I honestly had no idea what to do. I decided to call aur and reina to tell them what happened and I was nervous. I wasnt sure what they would do or say and i just hope they tell me something good.
I got out of the shower and got dressed in an old pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. I french braided my hair and then went downstairs to talk to my parents and tell them schools going great and me and calum are just fine. I ran up the stairs once I was done and called them all in a group call on first.
Reina answered first then Aur. I started the conversation simple just asked them how school was going and how they were doing with they're boyfriends and they talked about how much they missed them and i felt their pain.
"So something happened last night" I said and my hands started getting all sweaty.
"What was it?" Reina asked.
I told them what happened and since we were on a video call I could see their reactions. Both of their eyes widened and mouths dropped.
"WHAT?" aurelis screamed.
"I dont know" I said.
We all discussed it for awhile and they didnt know what i was going to do either. I told them I was going to sleep because I needed some time to think about this.
I woke up when I got a text message, I was secretely hoping it wasnt Calum because I didnt want to talk about it.
"I will fight for you" the text said, it was from calum.
I was really nervous about posting this chapter and im not sure if im going to keep it up. I have another chapter written if i decide not to keep this up so yeah comment what you think and yeah i really hope you like it IM SORRY JAZ -sarah

Internet friends || a.i fanfic
Fanfictionhow can you look at yourself knowing you destroyed someone's happiness.