A/n: just to be clear this chapters going to be what's happening at the house while sarah and Ashton are gone. I changed Nikki's bae from Shawn to Matt, you're welcome bae.
Calum hood
I woke up at 12 pm and stumbled down the stairs.
I looked on the counter and saw the note. I read it and I tensed up, I swear to god if he hurts her.
I couldn't get my mind off them, I love sarah and if she gets hurt again, I don't know what I'd do.
Kylie came downstairs and sat down at the table.
"Good morning beautiful" I said, she smiled at me.
"What's on the note?" She asked.
"Sarah and Ashton went on a road trip, they'll be back later" I said.
"Oh" she says.
"Whatd you guys do last night I heard a lot of screaming and crying" I asked her, she smiled instantly.
"Drunk confessions" she laughed.
"I've never heard of that" I said.
"Really?" Kylie asked.
I shook my head yes and she laughed. Kylie explained what it was.
Everyone came down after that slowly one by one. Reina and nikki were hungover and sat with their heads on the table trying to block out the light.
"I bet they're doing it in the back seat of his car" Brooke said. They were debating back and forth about what sarah and ashton were doing.
"We should go to the pool" Reina suggested. We all nodded in agreement as the girls ran upstairs to get ready.
After about an hour we all packed into the cars and drove to the pool.
Aur set up all the towels across 8 lawn chairs and then jumped into the pool without hesitation
Luke jumped in after her because let's face it, he was head over heels for her.
Kylie didn't swim at first and decided to sun bathe so I laid out with her.
"So I have a serious question for you" Kylie asked me.
I nodded indicating for her to go on.
"Ass or boobs" she asked.
"What?" I looked at her shocked.
"Kidding" she giggled.
"Alright okay but I'm being serious now, do you have feelings for me?" She asked with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.
"Yes" I said and she smiled.
"I've liked you since the minute I saw you" I said.
"It was just one of those things, I've only known you for a couple days but I already feel like I know everything about you and everyday I learn more and I fall for you all over again" I said smiling at her. She blushed and kissed me.
Luke hemmings
"You're going to drown" I said to Aur as she kept going deeper and deeper.
"I can touch over her y'know" she says.
"You're just so short I didn't think you could" I smirked back at her.
"Very funny" she laughs back at me.
I held my breather and slowly went under, I opened my eyes and searched for her legs.

Internet friends || a.i fanfic
Fanfictionhow can you look at yourself knowing you destroyed someone's happiness.