"dun dun dun dun" went the TV playing the harry potter theme song.
"I can't believe we finished all the movies without any sleep" I said.
It took us all day yesterday, all night and part of today.
"We have to go home now" Ashton said.
"Nooo, don't make me" I fake pouted.
"I want to stay out here with you forever" I said.
"Me too, but we have to go home" he pouted back at me.
"Fineee, let's go" I said getting up and getting dressed.
We are probably the slowest people ever, it took us an hour to get all our stuff together, check out and get in the car.
Then we drove home.
I arrived home and grabbed my bags out of the trunk and walked in the door.
"Were home!" I scream and everyone comes running.
"We need to talk to you" Aur said and all the other girls nodded in agreement.
"No, I need to talk to you" Calum said.
Ashton walked in the door, "wow I'm so happy you guys are happy to see me" Ashton complained then laughed.
"Okay, I'll talk to you guys, then I'll talk to calum" I said, the girls walked up stairs. I stayed downstairs for a second.
Calum, Ashton Michael and Luke sat in the living room on the couches, talking about what we did.
I walked up the stairs, we met in reina and Brooke's room.
"We have to tell you about what we did while you were gone" Nikki said.
"Me first" Nikki said and then explained to me what her and matt did. They were actually super adorable.
Everyone explained they're day at the pool which sounded amazing I was sorry I missed it.
"and then last night we went on our first date and he took me to this restaurant and at the end of the night we kissed and he was the sweetest boy ever" aur gushed over Luke. Another adorable couple.
"Aww, I wish I was here for all of this!" I said.
"Enough about us, what happened with you and ash!?" Reina asked.
"Oh my god it was amazing" I said. I told them about all of the stuff that we did and got multiple "awwws" from the girls.
"Alright, I have to go talk to Calum" I said pushing off the floor and walking to the door, then down the stairs.
I walked into the living room and saw all the guys high-fiving each other.
"You wanted to talk to me Calum" I said.
"Oh yeah" he pushed off the couch and walked over to me. He touched my arms and led me into the kitchen.
"Someone showed up here yesterday" he said, I could see him getting angrier with each word he said.
Only one person made him this mad, and it didn't take me long to figure it out.
"Griffin?" I asked.
"How'd you know?"
"He showed up at the hotel Ashton and I were at too" I explained.
"How'd he know you were here" Calum asked.
"I've planned this trip for years i must have mentioned it when we were dating" I explained.
"I don't want him here and I don't know why he's here but we need to make him leave" he said as his hand formed into a fist.
"Should I talk to him?" I said.
"Maybe he has something important to say" I said.
"Stop acting like that sarah. What he did was terrible and nothing he has to say is important." Calum started.
"He's an ass and promise me you won't talk to him" he said, studying my face.
"I can't promise that to you" I said looking down at my feet.
"Why not!?" He screamed at me.
"I'm not talking about this anymore." I said. I wiped a tear away and stormed out of the kitchen and out the door.
He can't tell me what to do. I can do whatever I want.
I hopped in the car, started the ignition and drove off.
I picked up my phone and opened my recent texts. Typed the address in the GPS and drove.
"Hey, thanks for meeting me" he said getting up to hug me.
I held my hand up turning down his offer.
"What do you want?" I asked him. He flipped his hair and scratched the back of his neck.
"Look sarah" he said. "What I did to you was horrible and I never should of. I really did care about you, and I still do. I still love you sarah and I know you won't take me back right away or maybe even ever. I just needed you to know I beat myself up about what I did to you, every day. I feel terrible. I'm not expecting you to just take me back, I just needed you to know that I'm so sorry." He said, I saw the tears lining his eyes.
I looked at him, unable to speak. What do you say to something like that.
"I still love you." I started. "I've never stopped and I probably won't stop, ever." I paused, swallowing the lump in my throat.
"But you broke me and I just put myself back together. You are terribly mistaken if you think that I'm going to let you back in my life like that again. As much as I hate to admit it griffin, were over and its time we both move on." I said tears rolling down my cheeks.
"I'm not going to stop, we were meant for each other and this was just a bump in the road. This isn't over between us and you know it isn't" griffin said.
"Its over griffin" I said sternly. I turned around and walked away.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me back into a kiss. I kissed back and I couldn't stop.
Finally after a while I got the courage to push myself away.
"Now you're crazy if you think its not over between us" he said.
"Okay fine, its not. But I'm with Ashton now and I'm not destroying him like you destroyed me." I said walking away
"That just means I'm going to try even harder" he yelled after me.
I smiled to my self but quickly wiped it away. Your with Ashton now stop it with this.
I walked into the house and leaned my back on the door and smiled.
"Where the hell were you!?" Said an angry Calum as he stomped towards me.
"It doesn't matter, I just needed time to calm down" I said.
"sarah! We were all worried sick about you, you were gone for like two hours" he screamed wailing his arms around.
I help my hands up near his chest "chill out, I'm home now were all good"
He walked away angrily and stomped up the stairs to his room.
"Hey babe" Ashton said greeting me with a kiss.
"Hey, I'm really tired so I'm gonna go to bed" I said.
"Okay, well goodnight" he smiled at me, I smiled back and dragged my self up the stairs, into bed.
I didn't sleep, I couldnt. Griffin kept me awake. How dare he, how dare he come back into my life and mess me up like this. I just want to be back with him, but I can't and I know that.
I like Ashton, not griffin.

Internet friends || a.i fanfic
Fanfichow can you look at yourself knowing you destroyed someone's happiness.