It got really cold, so I went upstairs and found one of my old sweatshirts. I threw my messy blonde hair up into a bun and walked downstairs.
They were trying to get the fire started, shouting stuff at each other like 'you idiot' or 'no not like that' I laughed to myself and walked out there.
I found Michael trying to rub two sticks together to start a fire. I took over and did it how my dad used to do it. I put liter fluid on some wood and old newspapers in the bottom part. Then lit the fire.
"I'll get stuff for smores" Calum volunteered.
We all sat around the bonfire.
"Let's play truth or dare" aur suggested.
we all nodded in agreement, sure it was childish but whatever.
"You first" Aur said pointing at reina.
"Ummm" she said tapping her chin and looking up.
"Luke" Reina said.
"Truth or dare?" She asked.
"Dare, duh" he said.
"Can you do a back flip?" She asked.
"Yeah" he said.
"I dare you too, do a backflip off the balcony" she said.
"Pshhh" he said as if it was too easy.
Sure enough, he did it and was totally fine.
We went around the circle for a while basically eating weird shit and humping stuff.
"sarah, truth or dare" calum asked.
"Dare" I said.
He looked at me mischievously, "I dare you and Ashton to do 7 minutes in heaven" he said smirking at me.
Ashton and I stood up and started walking inside, I turned around and mouthed 'I hate you' to Calum and he blew a kiss back.
We went into the closet that was filled with cleaning stuff and bored games.
"Okay let's just get this over with." I said pushing my lips onto his. This kiss got pretty intense, not gonna lie.
But seven minutes was up before it got too bad. I pulled away and he smirked at me.
I smiled at him and walked out back to the campfire, completely satisfied.
I don't remember anything else of what happened last night. Not because I was drunk or anything but I was so tired and out of it.
I woke up in my bedroom with Kylie, so that's a good sign.
I walked into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth.
I went downstairs and made a cup of coffee. Ashton and Luke were sprawled out on the floor and Michael was curled up on the couch. Calum must have been upstairs because I didn't see him.
I just went back upstairs and checked my phone since no one was awake. I called my mom to let her know how it was going and finally everyone started waking up.
"I'm hungry" aur whined.
Everyone chimed it with a 'me too'
"I'll go pick something up for you guys if you want" I suggested.
I asked everyone where they wanted to eat, i got a couple taco bells but mostly mcdonalds, were very healthy as you can tell.
I wrote all their orders down and grabbed my car keys.
"I'll go with you" ash suggested.
"Okay" I agreed.
"Are you obsessed with me or something?" I asked Ashton as we got in the car.
"No" he said with his adorable smile.
"Can't a guy like a girl, without being judged?" He asked chuckling.
"You like me?" I asked and I couldn't help but smile.
"I mean, I think I do. That kiss last night is what helped me decide" he said.
"It was a good kiss" I agreed.
"I like you too" I said.
"Well, I knew that" he said.
"Did you now?" I smiled.
"I did, I mean cmon look at me. I'm gorgeous" he said.
"Sure, that's it" I said sarcastically.
He put his hand over his heart, making a pouty face.
I smiled at him as we pulled up to taco bell and ordered everyone's food.
"Foods here!" I screamed as I walked into the house.
Everyone slowly made their way into the kitchen too eat, it was like everyone was a zombie.
They slowly ate and talked about stuff that happened the night before.
"Aur and Luke made out" Kylie said.
"Oooo" I said laughing. I honestly don't know how I didn't remember all this, I must have gone to bed early.
They listed off other things, Michael ran naked down the street and we got to cops called on us.
"Why don't I remember any of this" I asked.
"You were awake for part of it then you passed out sitting on Ashton's lap so we brought you upstairs to sleep." Reina explained"
Everybody finished breakfast and we talked over what we should do today.
It was raining so we all decided to just have a Netflix movie marathon.

Internet friends || a.i fanfic
Fanfictionhow can you look at yourself knowing you destroyed someone's happiness.