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"I really don't wanna go to classics." Annabeth sighed. "The chapter we're doing is so boring."
"At least you didn't have to go to history and whatever you had second period." Piper said.
"Yeah- the meeting was kinda fun." Annabeth said.
"Apart from the spider." Will nodded.
"Yup. Can we skip classics?" Annabeth asked.
"Please! I know nothing. I also didn't do the homework. And I can't remember the teacher's name." Leo said.

"We're seniors. Let's just skip. No one will catch us, hopefully." Will said.
"Is that a good idea?" Piper asked.
"Yes." Will, Annabeth and Leo said simultaneously.
"Alright, alright. We'll skip."

They stayed under one of the staircases, just chatting, since no one would look there. Well, so they thought. About half way through the class, they were laughing so loud they didn't realise Mr.D was walking down the stairs. He obviously heard them and looked under the stairs, which quickly stopped their laughter.
"Are you students?"
"No." Leo said dumbly. Piper sighed.
"What are your names?" Mr.D asked.

No one wanted to answer, but Annabeth finally did.
"Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Will Solace and Leo Valdez."
"Grade?" Mr.D took a sip out of his Diet Coke. Leo didn't want to know how many cans he drank per day.
"Seniors." Will said.
Mr.D pointed to Leo. "Is this one a freshman?"
"Hey!" Yes he was short, but not that short.
"Oh, did he come from the middle school nearby?"
"Oh come on! I'm a senior." Leo groaned.

"Eh. Sure, if you say so. Well, detention for skipping."
"When? Where? With who?" Annabeth asked.
"Uhm. With Coach Hedge, in the library, this evening."  Mr.D said, though it sounded like he was playing Cluedo. Leo expected him to say with a wrench or with a lead pipe next.
"Now go to class." Mr.D walked off.
"The library isn't so bad. We'll probably just be cleaning shelves." Annabeth said once Mr.D was gone. 
"Yeah. And we'll be together." Piper smiled.
"With Coach Hedge." Leo muttered.

• • •

They stayed under the stairs until the bell rang, even though Mr.D told them to go to class. They started walking to gym class, Will off to biology. Lucky Will.
Coach Hedge had clearly been told about the detention, because he kept glaring at Piper, Annabeth and Leo. That wasn't the worst part of gym, though.

Leo thought Jason and Drew were bad the previous week. Well, now was ten times worse. They were acting like a cringe sixth grade couple. Reyna, who was standing beside them, rolled her eyes and went over to Percy Jackson and Frank Zhang. One of Jason's friends communicating with Percy Jackson? Not something you seen everyday.

Hedge blew the whistle. "Gymnastics week, everyone."
Well, anything was better than soccer week.

• • •

Gym passed quick enough, thankfully. Reyna and Annabeth were the only ones who did any actual gymnastics. Everyone else really just watched.
They started walking to computers. They met Will in the corridor on the way.
It was weird suddenly becoming so close to Will and Annabeth. Piper was Leo's only friend for so many years. He was friends with Will before and he was glad they reunited.

They sat together in computers. Will was practically picking up the monitor to show his friends some photos from Star Wars or Star Trek or something. Leo always got them mixed up. He hated Star Trek.
Malcolm Pace was trying to get Annabeth to listen to him.
"Malcolm, I know. But someone's trying to scam me on Animal Jam." Annabeth said, staring intently at her computer.
"Annabeth, you're eighteen." Malcolm muttered.

Nearby, Rachel Dare was standing and shouting across the classroom to her friends. The teacher cleared his throat, but Rachel didn't listen.
"Mr.Dare," the teacher finally said. "Sit in your seat and be quiet."
Leo hoped he'd misheard, but the room seemed to freeze. Rachel looked over to the teacher, mouth opened slightly. Leo looked over to his friends. Annabeth was gripping onto the computer mouse, a stern look on her face. Will leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, but looked like he was ready to beat someone up. Piper's eyes were wide.

Found Family (HoO, Mortal AU) Where stories live. Discover now