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Nico sat in art class on the last day before Thanksgiving break. He still didn't think he was good at the subject but he liked the class.

He was sketching quietly at a table with Butch, Mitchell and Hazel while they talked. Mostly about their Thanksgiving plans. Hazel looked over to Nico, who was beside her.
"What are we doing for Thanksgiving?"
"Uhm," Nico shrugged.
"Well, what do you usually do?" She asked.

The truth was that Nico didn't celebrate Thanksgiving. It wasn't a thing in Italy and he never had anyone to celebrate it with. He didn't want to, either.
"I don't do anything." He whispered.
"Nothing?" Hazel frowned.
"Nothing. That isn't going to change."
"Oh. Okay."

• • •

Nico was headed to the cafeteria with Hazel before Connor Stoll stopped him.
"Hey, Nico, can I talk to you?"
"Yeah, sure. Hazel, you can go on without me,"
"Alrighty," Hazel walked off.
"If this is about the geography homework, I don't have it either,"
"No. This isn't about geography homework." Connor said.

"I don't have the biology, either. You already know I don't have the English. I have the classics, though."
"No, Nico, this isn't about homework or schoolwork at all." For once, Connor wasn't joking.
"Alright?" Nico said, suddenly feeling nervous. He didn't exactly know why, it was just strange that Connor was being so.. serious.

"So, uhm. Look, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out during Thanksgiving break. If you're able to. Or whenever. I don't mind."
"Oh," Nico said. "Of course. Hazel can come too, right?"
"Not really. I meant just us. Me and you." Connor said.
"What?" Nico's eyes widened. "Oh."
"Sorry. Never mind. I'm so sorry."

Nico looked around for a minute, expecting Connor's friends to be hiding and laughing. Nico wanted it to be some sort of a prank.
"You don't have to be sorry I just-" Nico sighed. He didn't know how to say it kindly. "I don't- I mean you're great but uhm, no. I'm sorry."
"No, don't be," Connor said. Then he laughed. "You shouldn't be sorry. I should."

Nico didn't know what to say anymore. "Uhm, neither of us should be sorry I guess."
"Right. Okay."
"And about the geography homework," Nico said, trying to act normal.
"Yeah, I didn't do it. I'll go ask Alice and Julia."
Connor walked away quickly. Nico knew he didn't care whether Julia and Alice had the homework.

Nico cleared his throat, trying to act as natural as possible and walked to the cafeteria to be with his friends.


Connor was always the more serious brother. Travis would make jokes out of anything. Their dad leaving and when they finally met him, he beat them. Travis could laugh anything off. Connor would pretend to joke.

He didn't know what he expected. Nico to say yes? Connor didn't even know if Nico liked guys. He should've at least tried to get to know di Angelo before asking him out. Now he fucked up any chance of friendship they had.

Connor went back to his friends in the cafeteria, forcing himself to not look over to Nico's table. The twelve of them, sitting and laughing together, somehow all so close. Everyone knew them. They were the most popular friend group in the school. Jason and Percy had always been popular, meaning Reyna, Frank, Rachel and Grover were popular too. Piper was the daughter of Tristan McLean and was one of the most beautiful people Connor had ever seen so obviously she attracted a bunch of attention. Will's parents were pretty well-known country singers, though no New Yorker teens would listen to country music. People still knew 'the Solaces', even if they stopped making music long ago. Everyone in the friend group was known and loved. Practically everyone in the school wanted to be friends with most of them because of it.

Connor was happy with his own friends though. Sure, his brother was his best friend, but he didn't care. Alice, Julia and Cecil, too. He sat down with them, instantly feeling a bit better.
"Dude, where were you?" Julia asked.
Connor slammed his head on the table. "Getting rejected, what 'bout you?"

They were going to find out one way or another. None of them kept secrets from each other.
"Ouch," Cecil said. "That's rough."
"I know. Yes, Alice, Travis, you can laugh. I know you're trying to hide it right now."
"Whaaat? No!" Travis and Alice said at the same time.
Connor groaned. "This never ever ever happened. I'll be over it in a few hours. Or years."
"Hours, I hope," Julia said.
"Probably decades." Connor sighed.

Cecil patted his back. "There's more to life than emos."
"I'm using that as my yearbook quote," Travis said.
"Yeah, you're like sixteen. You'll find someone. Probably." Julia said.
"Thanks, Julia. Real encouraging." Connor sat up, before slamming his head into the table again. "And they're serving that horrible pizza for lunch again? My life is meaningless. Fucking public school lunches."
"'They're serving horrible pizza for lunch again. My life is meaningless. Fucking public school lunches.'," Cecil said. "That's my yearbook quote."

Connor couldn't help but laugh, even though he still felt terrible and hungry. At least he had his friends.


He was quiet for most of lunch, though that wasn't unusual. He tried not to look over to Connor's table. Connor was great. Nico just didn't like him like that.
Truthfully, after Will Solace made Nico touch his hands, Nico couldn't stop thinking about him.

Woah. He thought. He didn't like Will Solace. Ew. No. Never. It just felt weird touching another guy's hand, that was all. It had nothing to do with that guy being Will. Nothing at all.

Nico didn't have a crush on anyone and it would stay like that. Rachel had helped him come to terms with being gay. He wasn't ashamed of it anymore, even if he hadn't come out to his friends yet. Being gay was okay, Nico was more scared to actually have a crush. Which he didn't. None. Not even William Solace and his stupid smile and stupid southern accent. What a ridiculous thought.


Word Count: 1034


A/N: rare aesthetic: Connor Stoll getting rejected 🤩🤩🤩

Oh, look, it's Rachael updating at 00:40 again!!!! Heaven forbid she update at a regular time like a regular person!
Anyway, I'm on Halloween break from now until next Monday (1/11 or 11/1 if you're American lmao) so HOPEFULLY updates will be more regular.

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