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They arrived home on the 14th. Percy wanted to stay in Boston for longer. Honestly, he was just worried about Annabeth.
"Your dad will make sure he doesn't move in-" he said to her, driving back to the apartment complex from Piper's house. "Anyone. You just need to tell them-"
"It's too late," she sighed, pointing towards the moving truck outside the complex. "He's already here."

Percy stopped the car. "We'll just stay out of sight, okay?"

• • •

They went to apartment three and talked to Sally for a while, acting natural. Percy wanted to tell her- he hated keeping secrets, but it's what Annabeth wanted. She kept insisting that Luke mightn't be that bad. He was 14 when they knew each other- surely things had changed, right?

"Oh, right," Percy said once they had some alone time. "So, I got you something for your birthday. I was going to give it to you then but- uhm- felt like a bad time, y'know?"
Annabeth smiled. "You've gotten me enough already-"
"But this is different. Remember I got you the bracelet and necklace to match the earrings?"
"Obviously I remember, Seaweed Brain. I wear them everyday."
"Right- well, there was one thing missing," he handed her the box.

She raised an eyebrow and opened the ring. "Oh, Percy, it's beautiful-"
"It's not just any ring. It's a promise ring, cause you know, we're going to college together and-"
"You're the cutest," Annabeth grinned and kissed him. "I love you so much."
"I love you too."

• • •

After a few hours, Annabeth decided she had to go back to her own apartment. Percy insisted on going with her. Annabeth didn't argue.
Unfortunately, on their way, they saw the last person they wanted to see. Percy could tell it was him- the different coloured eyes, the scar through one of his eyes and the look he gave them.

Percy squeezed her hand. "Come on."
"It is good to see you again."
Annabeth took a step back, almost letting go of Percy's hand. "Luke."
"Where's Thalia?" He smirked, almost as if the question were a threat.
Percy pretty much had to drag Annabeth to apartment six. She was pretty much frozen in place.
"I have to call Thalia," she whispered, taking her phone out of her pocket.


It had been a bad couple of days. Hearing that Luke was back in New York- living in the same complex as Annabeth- terrified her.
"Annabeth?" She answered the phone. "Is everything okay?"
"I-I saw him. He's- he wants- he asked me where you were. He's-" she choked on her words. Thalia could hear Percy in the background trying to comfort her.
"Annabeth?" Thalia repeated.
"He's after us- he's going to do something bad."

Thalia started to pace. "Look, if you need to come live here for a while, you can."
"No- no, he's going to find you too. He knew I live here. That's why he moved here. It's not a coincidence, Thalia."
"Stay at a friend's house, okay? Tell one of the adults. It's gonna be alright."
"Just stay safe, Thalia. Please."
"I will, don't worry about me."


Annabeth got off the phone, still panicking. "Can you call Piper? I'm sure she'll let us stay."
"Are you going to tell her everything?"
"Yeah. Dad?!"

Frederick Chase stepped out of one of the rooms. "Annabeth, you're home."
"Dad, have you met the new neighbour yet?"
"No, has he moved in yet?"
"Do you remember-" she paused. "Do you remember Luke Castellan?"
"What has that got to do with anything?"
"He's moved into apartment 13."

• • •

After a lot of talking, Fredrick went to apartment 4 to talk to Katie's dad. He came back, saying they were sorting it out. Annabeth still wanted to stay at Piper's, though.
"Lock all the doors and windows," she told her dad, not letting go of Percy's hand once. "Call me when he's gone."

• • •

Percy rang Piper, telling her everything. She was more than happy to let them stay. They arrived to see Leo and Jason there too, which wasn't surprising, since Leo lived there and Jason never left Leo. Percy was kind of relieved that Jason was there. He was Thalia's brother, after all. If Thalia was in danger, Jason wasn't far behind.

"You two can stay as long as you like," Piper hugged Annabeth. "No matter what, kay?"
"Mr Gardner will be moving Luke out soon enough, hopefully by tomorrow," Percy said. "We shouldn't have to stay too long."
"And he doesn't know anything about Thalia, right? Not even what state she's in-" Jason asked.
"Nothing," Annabeth shook her head. "I hope not, anyway."

Leo made them all hot chocolate as they sat down together. Annabeth seemed much calmer, but Percy promised to not leave her side. Not once.


Word Count: 805



This one is short tho so it's okay

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