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When Shel suggested hanging out, Piper hadn't expected it to be one-on-one. She asked her to go shopping, so they met at the mall. Piper expected Shel to have invited the other girls. When she realised that wasn't the case, she wasn't that upset.

"Hey," Shel said, waiting for her outside the mall.
"Hi," Piper smiled. "How are you?"
Shel had this really cool aesthetic going on. Countless piercings, all over her eyes and one on her eyebrows and nose. She wore a red flannel around her waist, the rest of her clothes black and white.
"I'm great," Shel said. "But it's cold out here. C'mon. Let's go shopping."

• • •

Having completely different styles meant that they couldn't agree on anything while shopping. Apart from food. As long as it was vegan, it'd be okay. Well, Piper was a vegetarian, but she chose to stick with vegan food.

While eating, they got to know each other better.
"So, my mom was native, my dad's black. I got most of her features, that's why Grover and I don't really look alike."
"Oh, makes sense. You're taller than him, too."
She laughed. "Oh, yeah. He gets pissed off about that."
"I'll bring it up more often then."
"Thank you. I love when he gets annoyed."

Piper laughed. "So, Oklahoma? I used to visit there a lot during the summer. My grandad lived there."
"Yeah, it's nice-ish. I guess. I'd prefer to live somewhere like here."
"Eh, can't relate. Sometimes I wish my dad never got famous. He's trying to be someone he isn't. I wish I was raised learning about my culture," she shrugged.
Shel nodded. "Must be hard, everyone having a crush on your dad."
"When you put it like that, yeah. Please don't tell me you have a crush on my dad. I prefer not knowing."

"Hm, not really. Well. Okay, a little. Only in that one movie-"
"But hey, I prefer other genders. My love for men is about the size of a grain of rice."
Piper couldn't help but laugh. "And is that grain of rice my dad?"
"No. Not exactly."
"But you're bi?" Piper wondered.
"Nope. Omnisexual. All genders with a preference. Heavy preference for me."

"Cool. Does your family know?"
"Oh, yeah," she nodded. "As soon as Grover came out as pan I came out to him. That was funny."
Piper laughed yet again. "Hey, we should probably get back to shopping. Plenty of places to visit."


She didn't know how to ask Piper to hang out again without seeming weird. There was just something about her- sure, the rest of Grover's friends were amazing, Shel had just always been quite shy. Piper seemed to simple to talk to.

Thankfully, Shel didn't have to ask.
"How about we hang out again?" Piper suggested. "If you're free, of course."
"I'd love to. I'm free any time. Well, Grover might have to come alone sometimes. Idiot."
"Hey, I love Grover," Piper laughed. "He's always welcome. But I hope to see you soon."
"Yeah, you too. Bye!"


She got home, Leo instantly greeting her.
"So, Piper Piper Piper."
"I just got off FaceTime with Rachel."
"Cool?" She said.
"And she wasn't shopping with you and Shel."
"Oh, yeah, it was just the two of us."

Leo raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, be quiet Valdez. She lives in Oklahoma. I'm just going to get to know Grover's cousin."
"You aren't getting to know Annabeth's cousin."
"Yeah, he didn't ask me to hang out."
"If you say so," he shrugged. "Anyway, get ready for family game night at the orphanage."

Piper smiled. She'd been sure to make Leo visit the orphanage one every week. It seemed natural for them now. Everyone was happy that way.
"Alright, alright, I'm going," she smiled.

• • •

Leo wasn't the only one Piper convinced to visit. The three cars got there at about the same time.
"Ey, Jake," Leo grinned, jumping out of the car to greet Jake Mason. Silena Beauregard and Charles Bekendorf got out of the other car.
"Hi," Silena smiled, Bekendorf's arm around her.

Harley came running out the door. "You're here! THEY'RE HERE!"
"Heya, Harl'," Leo said, ruffling Harley's hair. The kid hugged Piper, clearly not mad at her for 'taking Leo' anymore.
"Come on in!" He grinned, running back inside.
Jake sighed with a smile. "Better go in."

• • •

The plan was to stay for an hour. That's what Jake and Bekendorf agreed to. Four hours ago. Whether it was the fact that Harley distracting themselves from the time or if they were just having fun, Piper didn't know. Everyone seemed happy, though.

"Will you all come next week?" Harley asked.
"I'm not able to," Piper said. "But Leo will. Won't you, Leo?" She added a glare at the end to let him know that he didn't have a choice.
"Oh, for sure," he smiled. "I'll bring my boyfriend."
"Boyfriend?!" Harley gasped.
"His name is Jason. And you better be nice."
"Hm, maybe."

Nyssa laughed. "Alright, Harl', it's way past your bedtime."
"Go to bed," Bekendorf said.
Harley sighed. "Fine! Come back next week."
She glared at Bekendorf. "How is it that easy?"
He just shrugged.

• • •

Piper got home and went on her phone, seeing new Instagram messages. Rachel had made a groupchat with all her friends, Magnus and his friends and Shel. Apart from Reyna, that was.

Redare: surprise birthday party for Reyna tomorrow at my place. You're all invited and better be there.

Jgrace1: yeah, please come. I've been helping her plan and decorate all evening. My time is not going to waste.

Seaweedbrain: YOU'RE decorating. Lmao, seriously Rachel? The most bland boring basic guy here.

Mack.Keen: nah, that's halfborn

Halfgunder: stfu.

Levesque~Hazel: I'll be there:))!

Duck-Master: hearth and I will also be there

Nicodia: now who the fuck is duck master

Pinball-Wizard: blitz

Nicodia: more to the point, who the fuck is pinball wizard

Duck-Master: hearth

Mrchippysno1fan: can't wait! Will there be cake?


Fierroal: t.j.

Nicodia: at least you have a normal name.

Fierroal: this is my public account.

Beantown_chaser: you don't wanna know the other accounts' name.

Max-with-the-ax: it's sam. I'll be there.

Nicodia: W.h.a.t

Fzhang: okay, party for Reyna at Rachel's tomorrow.

Piper couldn't help but laugh at her idiots of friends.

QueenMcLean: count me in:)


Word Count: 1059


A/N: this chapter took unnecessarily long to write, so every time I came back to it something knew was happening. Although nothing happened in this chapter. What 😭 okay, thank you!

Anyway, MCGA characters having funny usernames just fit. Most of them are nicknames from the books. Also, Hephaestus kid reunion.

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