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The last thing he expected to receive at 3 am was a message from Jason Grace. However, that is exactly what he received.

He woke up with the notification noise, then quickly turned it off so Harley wouldn't wake up.
"Piper I swear if this is you," Leo muttered to himself, opening the text. He read the text and dropped his phone.

Jgrace1: We need to talk.

Leo picked his phone up as quick as he could, which wasn't easy with shaky hands.

SupersizedMcShizzle: no shit. Where?

Jgrace1: not right now?? After school tomorrow.

Ah. Right. Leo thought. People don't usually sneak out at 3 am.

SupersizedMcShizzle: okay.

Jason didn't text him again. Leo couldn't get back to sleep.


He walked into school with Hazel, feeling exhausted and miserable because... school.
Every morning, their friends met up in the courtyard outside. Even though it was freezing, Hazel and Nico walked outside. Sure enough, all their friends were there. Apart from Grover and Will, since Grover was in Oklahoma and Will was always late.

Five minutes later, Will finally arrive. Nico saw him walking outside into the courtyard and suddenly he didn't feel so miserable. It felt less cold outside. Like Will somehow brought the sunshine with him everywhere he went. Between his eyes and freckles and-
Oh fuck. Nico thought. I like Will Solace.


As much as he was regretting it, the end of the school day came. He noticed Leo hanging around, not leaving, waiting for everyone else to leave. Jason did the same, although, as horrible as it was, he was tempted to leave.


Going to the Jacksons' for dinner became regular. She was always invited, but would only go if her family wasn't home, that way she wouldn't have to eat alone.

She walked into the apartment, surprised to see Percy cooking.
"What are you doing, Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth asked.
"Mom is working late, so we are surprising her. Now get your wooden spoon out!"
"I don't have a wooden spoon," she laughed.
"Of course you don't. Top drawer beside the oven."


He walked down the street with Jason, promising himself to not be the one to speak first. But Jason was here. He was the one to agree to talk.
"Before I say anything, I want to say I'm sorry,"

Jason didn't sound like himself at all. His voice was softer and quieter. Leo didn't answer. He wasn't going to lie and say 'it's okay' because it wasn't. It wasn't okay.


"You don't have to forgive me,"
"Good," Leo said, his voice full of anger.
"I shouldn't have ignored you this long."
"You don't say?"
Jason took a deep breath. "I know. I was a fucking coward."
"Nah. You were a downright asshole."

Jason bit the inside of his cheek. What had he expected? Leo to lie?
"Yeah, I was,"
"You still are," Jason noticed Leo clench his fist.
"That's why I'm talking to you."
"You've been an asshole from freshman year and that isn't going to change."


Okay, Jason was making the effort to talk to him. But he should've long ago. Leo was allowed to be mad. He couldn't bring himself to look at Jason, though. He couldn't just give in.
"It can change just- let me talk to you," Jason had to speed walk to keep up with Leo.
"Fine. Talk."
"I shouldn't have done what I did to you."
"I know that already," Leo said.
"I was scared."
"And how do you think I felt?"

Found Family (HoO, Mortal AU) Where stories live. Discover now