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College was going to be fine. He was with Shel and Piper. He was going to make new friends, too. While staying in touch with his old friends, of course.

The problem was that every first year college student wanted to go out. Leo loved partying. He didn't love being surrounded by drunk people somewhere he didn't know. He was with Shel and Piper, until they started making out, which he didn't want to watch. Now he knew how Piper had felt when she had to third wheel between him and Jason.

The music was too loud. There was too many people. Leo probably had too much to drink. Some girl he didn't know started to talk to him. He tried to be polite, but could barely hear her over the music. It only took him a few minutes until he realised she was trying to hit on him, which a lot of people seemed to be doing. First week in college? Time to hook up with someone. Made sense.

What was Leo supposed to say? He had a boyfriend? It wasn't really a lie, but it wasn't the entire truth.
"Uhh-" Leo mumbled.
"Oh!" She laughed suddenly. "I get it! I have a gay friend who would be perfect for you- lemme just find him!"
Leo wanted to protest, but she'd already called over the guy.
His eyes widened when he saw Leo. "Oh- uhm-" he turned to his friend. "He's the guy who- he's that kid who got shot's boyfriend."
"Oh!" The girl gasped. "Oh, we're from New York too! I actually read about that in the paper- oh I'm so sorry!"

Leo looked around, wishing Piper were there. "Yeah- no worries. Uh-"
"So you are single and gay then?" She asked.
"Uh- no. I'm pan and not single-"
"But if your boyfriend is dead-"
He felt an arm wrap around him and instantly wanted to run, though the voice sounded familiar. High pitched and slightly annoying- but safe.
"I'm his girlfriend, actually. C'mon, Leo."

She half-dragged him as he stumbled along with her, definitely too drunk but also terrified. He turned around to see that it was Drew. Drew Tanaka.
"Oh- Drew. Hi. Uhm- didn't know you were going here-"
"Yep. I'm studying fashion-" she suddenly started climbing a wall, which wasn't very Drew-like of her. Leo followed her nonetheless. It was much quieter here.
"Thanks for that," Leo said, sitting at the top of the wall, which was only a little over a meter high.
"No problem!" She smiled. "Trust me, you're going to meet a lot of dickheads who try get with you. The amount of fake boyfriends I've made up tonight- unbelievable."

Leo just laughed, still wanting to go home. Drew pulled a packet of skittles out of her bag.
"Want one?" She asked.
"So, how's your first week of college been?"
Leo shrugged. "Y'know. Boring. The dorm rooms are small and cold. Everyone keeps getting drunk. It's either too loud or too quiet."
"Yeah. It'll get better."
"People say that about a lot of things. Honestly, it just seems to get worse."

Drew was quiet for a minute. "How have you been? I mean-"
"You can say it," Leo tried not to look upset. "It's okay. You were his friend too, you know?"
"Yeah. How have you been without Jason?"
"I don't really know. It's different. Really weird. I haven't really said this to anyone, but sometimes I forget. Not forget. It's impossible to forget. But this morning, for example, I woke up and grabbed my phone to text him. Then I remembered. Or like- I wake up and expect him to be next to me. I sound like I've gone mad."

Drew had tears in her eyes, but Leo couldn't see much because of the darkness.
"I know a lot of people have probably told you that it's going to get better," she said. "And you mightn't believe it. I don't expect you too. But it could get better. Try to enjoy college. I'll be here if you ever need to talk, even though you have Piper and her girlfriend. I know we've never really been friends, but I cared about Jason so I care about you."
Leo forced a half-smile. "Thank you, Drew."

His phone started ringing. Piper.
"Hi," Leo answered the call.
"Leooo! Where are you?"
"Nearby. Why?"
"We're going back to the dorms soon-"
He could barely hear Piper over the music coming through the speaker. "Alright. You two go on. I'll be there soon."
"Be safe!"
"Okay. Love you."
"You too!"

"I can walk back if you, if you like?" Drew offered.
"Yeah, sure," Leo shrugged, jumping down from the wall, Drew following.

• • •

That night, he dreamt of Jason. The night after, too. And the night after that. He'd never say much. He'd just smile- a sad kind of smile, but a peaceful one. Leo would try reach out- feel his touch, know he was real, but he wasn't. His hand would just pass through him then Leo would wake up and Jason would be gone.


Word Count: 853


A/N: once again sorry for not updating for so long, my motivation has gone down the drain completely

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