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On the fourth of November, no one in the orphanage was happy, even if they pretended to be.

Leo, Harley and Nyssa stayed up that night, decorating for Jake's birthday. Leo had called Piper to take him to a 24-hour store just to buy more balloons.

That was their way of making the day happy. But Jake was leaving. He had his parents' money, some of his own too. He had a girlfriend who he could stay with. He was going to be fine out there.
Even though he hadn't been in the orphanage for long, everyone was still sad to see him go.

That morning, everyone was up way earlier than Jake. He always slept in. Leo was feeding Isaac his breakfast when Jake walked into the room, everyone shouting 'surprise!'

Leo knew Jake was glad to leave. He hated it there. The carers were instantly making a big fuss, making sure he had everything and would be safe. Pretending they actually cared.

"Thanks, guys," Jake said as Harley threw a balloon at him. "This is great."
Leo knew straight away that Jake didn't want all the attention. He sat down and started eating breakfast, the younger children all running around, begging him to stay.

"Hey, why don't you all go outside and play? It's going to rain later." Jake suggested. There wasn't much of a garden outside, being in New York, but it was reasonably good.
Most of the children ran outside. Nyssa went, too, to look after the younger ones.

That left only Leo and Jake in the room.
"What are you doing, throwing a party?" Jake asked.
Leo sighed. "You're welcome?"
"I am not thanking you. I want to get out of here as soon as possible, not be stuck here longer having a birthday party."

Leo stared back at Jake. "You know how hard it is for the kids to watch other orphans go? Heck, most of them are still wishing Bekendorf will come back. Nyssa and I thought throwing a party would at least make it fun."
"If you care so much about the kids being sad when others leave, then why do you keep running away?" Jake snapped.

"Hey, that's different, I come back,"
"Yeah, then run away again. You're not staying with them at thanksgiving. I know you won't be here on Christmas. Once I leave, you're supposed to be the big brother."
Leo thought for a minute. "I know. Running is just easier."

"You can't run anymore. You gotta be there for them. You're going to be the oldest until you turn eighteen, unless you get fostered or adopted."
Leo laughed. "Cause that's totally going to happen. No one wants to adopt a seventeen year old."
"It could happen,"
"The closest I got to getting fostered was when I was twelve. As soon as they found out I had autism, dyslexia and ADHD, they changed their mind. Trust me, I'll be here until eighteen."

Jake shrugged. "Then you have more time to look after the others."
"Lucky me,"
"This place isn't so bad."
"You're just saying that because you get to leave."
"Maybe," Jake smiled for what must've been the first time in months. "But I'll miss this place. Well, not much. It's practically hell on earth."
"Tell me about it. I've been here since I was twelve."
"You'll be out soon enough. Until then, just try be the best brother you can."
Leo just nodded, before the rain started pouring and the children ran inside.

• • •

Jake had his bags all packed as Heloise grabbed onto his leg, screaming at him to not go. Leo picked her up, though she was heavy for a four-year-old.
Jake sighed. "I'll miss you too, Heloise."
"Can you come visit?" Harley asked. He asked Bekendorf the same thing, but Bekendorf didn't come back.

Jake frowned. "I'll uhm- try." Harley grinned. 'Trying' seemed to be enough for him.
"Look, I really gotta go," Jake said, checking the time. "I'll see you all whenever. Take care of each other." He looked at Leo when saying that.
"Good luck," Leo nodded. Jake went outside, getting into one of the carer's cars.

Leo knew the likeliness of Jake coming back was very slim. Nyssa knew that, too. Harley was getting to the age where he'd realise the same.

• • •

Now that things had settled down, he had time to think.
Leo didn't want time to think, but his brain started thinking anyway. Of course, about Jason Grace.
He kissed Leo. Twice.
The first time, sure, it could've been an accident or.. prank? The second time, not so much. Then he just kept ignoring Leo, as if that'd solve anything.

Hazel was still the only person who knew. Leo wanted to tell Piper so bad, but he couldn't. He was too scared, even though he trusted Piper more than anyone. Sure, Hazel was supportive, Leo loved her for that but she wasn't Piper.

He put his head in his hands, trying to think about the good things. His friends. Going to Texas- going back home- for the first time in nine years.

Harley was sitting on the floor, mindlessly playing with some toy cars.
"Is it true you're not staying for Thanksgiving or Christmas?"
Now Leo felt horrible. "No, I'm not. I'm sorry."
"But you have to, you'll be big enough to leave in summer so it's our last year together!"

Leo hadn't thought of that. "I'm sorry, Harl. I'll be here for New Year and- everything else."
Harley crossed his arms. "Sure. I'm going to the bathroom," he got up and left.

Leo lay down on his bed, never feeling more alone.


Word Count: 945


A/N: short chapter 101. Sorry (again) for not updating sooner. Anyway, it's my birthday soon:) (15th of October) sooo yay. Hopefully I'll have updated before then, though!

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