Family History

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Kairi POV:
I am now sitting in the back seat of an all black car eating my sandwich and chips. "So what do you do for a living" Alejandro says trying to make conversation. "I work for a crappy small restaurant as a waitress after school" I say shoving a chip in my mouth. "How old are you?" he asks. "I'm 18, you popped up at my apartment out of nowhere I would think you at least know my age" I say. He stays quiet feeling defeated.

We pulled into this gated mansion. The mansion was beautiful and it had the prettiest garden. Alejandro got out of the car and opened the door for my me. I got out of the all black car and started following Alejandro to the entrance. Once we walked it my jaw dropped from the beautiful sight of the inside. The outside was beautiful but man the inside was best thing I had ever saw. Alejandro led me upstairs to a pair of brown double doors, he lightly knocked on the doors and I heard a man with a fairly deep voice say "enter". "Go in" Alejandro said turning around and walking down the stairs. I open the door the doors and walk to see a fine ass man sitting at a desk with black hair and a brown eyes. He was wearing a white button up shirt and plain black dress pants.

The man stands up and walks over to me "Kairi nice to finally see you in person, you are way prettier than I expected" he said with a scandalous smirk on his face. "Who are you?" I say confused but now blushing because this fine ass man just called me pretty. "I'm not sure if you've heard of me or not but my name is Mattia Polibio, and I am the leader of the worlds most dangerous Mafia" he said. Wow what the hell does he want me for I haven't done anything brutal or at least I don't think I have. "You are probably wondering what I need you for, are you?" he asks. I nod my head "you are here to pay off your fathers debt, he killed my father and he has chosen to pay his debt my selling you to me" he says and I instantly get heated. "How the fuck is gonna sell me when I haven't even seen him since I was 12, is that even possible I'm 18?" I ask furiously. "According to the Mafia rules it doesn't matter how old you are as long as you are his" he says.

" So what does it mean to be sold to someone?" I ask. "It means that you are now my bitch and I can do whatever I want with you" he says with a smirk. I take another bite out of my sandwich and realize I have no more chips left. "Wow that's crazy, hey you got any chips?" I say curiously. "Um yeah come here" he says awkwardly. He walks over to a cabinet in his office and pulls out a giant bag of Lays potato chips. I look further into the counter and see he had a whole bunch of other gigantic snacks. "You are free to get whatever you want from there if you ever want anything" he says sitting back at his desk. I smile brightly and open the bag of chips.

Mattia POV:

Kairi was honestly one of the prettiest guys I've ever been interested in. He was also so adorable and tiny. It was cute how he would get excited over food. Kairi busted his ass at his job and he also managed to balance school as well. I wanted to take him away from that so I told Kairi's father that if he sold Kairi to me his debt would be payed and forgotten. I watched as Kairi at a sandwich and already finished a quarter of the bag of chips. He rolled up the chips and put them back in the cabinet and threw away his ziplock bag his sandwich was in. I watch as Kairi pulled out a vape and started smoking it. Which I assumed meant he was nervous. "I am gonna give you a tour of my house since this is where you will be staying" I say. "Wait a damn minute what about my car, my clothes, my apartment!" he yells. Damn he's feisty. "I've handled all of that already don't worry" I say laughing. "What the fuck is so goddamn funny?!" he says angrily. "You're just so cute when you're angry" I say making him blush.

Kairi POV:

After he gave me a tour of his gigantic house he gave me a bedroom to stay in. This house was dope as hell and so was this bedroom. Even though it was an awesome bedroom it wasn't my vibe. So I got up and knocked on his office door. "Yes?" he asks. "I need to go to Walmart, can you take me?" I ask. "Yeah, I'll actually go with you I haven't been to Walmart in years" he says. Wow I couldn't even imagine life without Walmart.

We got in the car and this time I was in the front. "So what do you need from Walmart?" he asks. "I wanna get decorative things for my bedroom" I say not even asking him. "Wow you don't like the decorations I put in there" he says. "I mean I do it's just that it's not my style" I say pulling out my vape and taking a hit. "You know you vape a lot" he says. "What the hell are you talking about you only seen me do it twice" I say getting irritated. "I know but vaping is bad for you" he says softly. "I don't care it really calms me down" I say hoping he would understand. "Why are you anxious" he asks. "I don't know , probably because I'm riding in a car with the worlds dangerous mafia boss that I just met!" I say getting angry. "I'm sorry i didn't mean to upset you" he says. "How old are you?" I ask changing the subject. "I am 21" he says. "How did you become so dangerous and successful at 21?" I say genuinely curious. "Well I mastered my training at 19 years old, because my um father was really hard on me" he says kinda mumbling the last part. "I guess we got something in common" I say. "What do you mean?" he says. "Since my dad was an alcoholic he was really abusive towards me and i'm constantly dealing with guys bullying me at school because I'm gay, so fighting is my specialty" I say taking another puff of my vape. He looks at me with a worried look " do you wanna drop out?" he asks. I shake my head. "I can't leave my best friend in that hell hole" I say. I look out the window to see that we are at our destination.

He gets out the car and opens the door for me. "What's up y'all opening doors for me?" I ask. "People never open doors for you?" He asks. "Nope" I say putting my vape in my pocket. He shakes his head and chuckles.
Okay so in the next chapter ima show y'all what his room looks like but bye for now✌🏼😙

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