Plans pt3

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As Mariano holds a knife to my throat I flinch. Before he cuts deeper, I scream "wait wait wait!, you can take Kairi Okay no bitch is worth risking your life for!" "Hm that's the Mattia I know, I knew you wouldn't let that slut change you" Mariano says with an evil smile while I try to give him one back.

"Okay let me lead him here" I say. "Okay, here's your phone" he says handing me my cellphone. I smile and nod while dialing Kairi's number.


Kairi: Hello? Mattia where the fuck have you been I've been calling and texting you since yesterday morning!"
Mattia: I know I'm sorry, I'm at Marianos house come over
Kairi: But he raped me and I thought you and him weren't friends anymore, why are you there?
Mattia: We made up, come over he wants to apologize in person
Kairi: Alright I'll be there soon
Mattia: okay bye
Kairi: bye baby!

I feel really bad for being  kinda dry with everything, but this is how it has to be.


4:13 AM

"Mattia! Where are you Mattia!" I yell. I look around and see that Mattia was now gone. I feel a sudden panic arise in my body. It was cold, wet, and dark.

I soon hear damp footsteps. It sounded like they had wet boots on. Or it could possibly be that this floor is questionably wet. The footsteps come closer and I start to panic even more, my breath starts to mold into an unsteady pace and I start shaking.

This is not what was in my fucking job application, I'm just a driver!. This is not what I expected when I signed the application form, hell I ain't even know that I was gonna be working for a mafia boss.

"So you know Polibio, right?" The man asks me. "Y-Yeah I-I d-do" I say stuttering like a bitch. "Well I mean since you were in the car with him, that means you were in on him trying to murder Mariano?" He asks/says.

As you could probably tell, the murder plan went horrible. We had the perfect timing, the perfect weapons, and the perfect place to ditch the body. But Mattia of course fucked it up.

"N-No sir, I'm his driver!" I say scared for my life. I mean don't get me wrong, Mattia is my boy but I got things to live for and I can't be caught in this bullshit. "Oh that's bullshit!, driver, bodyguard, maid, you can call yourself whatever you want you were in on it and your ass is gonna pay Mariano back with your fucking life!" He says holding a gun to my eye. "And I'm gonna make sure this shit hurts!" he says evilly.

Holy fuck no no no. I can't die, I got my mom, and my brother. What are they gonna do without me! I need to be there for them!

I was cut from my thoughts with a loud bang and a huge stinging pain to my eye. I scream as I hear another loud bang to my other eye. I felt myself start to paralyze and go numb as I lay on the floor. And before I know it I heard one last loud bang to my chest before everything went black.


I watch as Kairi strolls through the door happily. "Where are you guys?" Kairi says curiously. "We're in here princess!" I say making Mariano look at me with a "what the hell" face. I smile at him as Kairi comes in wearing a black leather pleated skirt and a long sleeve black leather crop top paired with knee high fitted black boots and a black choker. He wore all black since black was our mafia color.

He gives Mariano a devilish smile and walks towards me and unties me. Mariano does nothing since he is too focused on Kairi's hot outfit. I stand up and crack my neck and back. Mariano's mind quickly snaps back when Kairi pulls out a black knife that's has polibio written across it in white cursive letters.

Kairi throws me a gun and I shoot Mariano's two bodyguards in the heads, satisfied at how they dropped like flies in sync. I turn to Kairi and give him a quick peck on the lips, before he walks over to Mariano and puts the knife to his neck, throwing all of Mariano's guns from his pocket to me in the process.

"You know, I spend my whole life convinced that you were better than me because you manipulated me to be that way, but now I look back at all the memories and everything you've ever said to me and realize that you were never better than me, and it all adds up. You were never better than me and you aren't now you're just a envious motherfucker who will rot in hell with all of the other miserable ass bitches that I killed" I say to Mariano. "Slit his fucking throat!" I tell Kairi.

In a swift firm motion Kairi drags a deep cut on Mariano's neck, almost chopping his head off. It was so painful to see my best friend that I grew up with, and that I did almost everything with get killed. But some things just aren't meant to be and people need to learn that,

no matter how big or how small the fire is, the fire will still burn.
Hello my lovelies❤️ Welcome back, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. There is a lot of shit going on in this chapter! And there will be a lot of shit going on in the next chapter too. Also just take a minute to re-read the last sentence of the chapter. Even though I came up with it, I think it really applies to a lot of things in the world today. Weather it's with businesses, relationships, or anything you cherish in general it can still go wrong. But anyways ttyl bye!❤️✌🏼

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