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Kairi POV:
It's been 2 weeks. I decorated my room and it looked awesome. I perfectly matched my vibe. And I was finally comfortable in this huge house. It took a little bit of adapting but I'm good now.

The room

It was a basic purple vibe

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It was a basic purple vibe. And soon I will put posters on the wall, but for now this is really nice.

Mattia made me quit my job and also made me take a break from school, because he wanted me to be comfortable and to just take a break for a little while. I don't know when he'll let me go back to school, but I can admit this is really nice. I also broke my phone, but Mattia got me a new one. I mean my phone was pretty busted I've had the same phone since I was 13 because I refused to buy an $1,000 phone when the one I had still worked. Mattia got me an iPhone 12 Pro Max and let me pick out cute accessories for it.

The phone and the case

I really liked my new phone, but since my old phone was an old android I couldn't save anything but my Google account

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I really liked my new phone, but since my old phone was an old android I couldn't save anything but my Google account. So I lost all my contacts. And I don't know anyone's number by heart so I haven't spoken to Alvaro since the last time I was at school. I hope he isn't worried.

I got bored so I left my room and barged into Mattia's office. "Do you fucking knock!" he says with a disgusting attitude. "Pull that stick out of your ass and take me to Olive Garden!" I say matching his energy but smiling after. He rolls his eyes as he gets up and grabs my hand and walks down stairs. Once we got downstairs he walked over to the counter and grabbed his keys "you ready?" he asks. I nod and walk while our fingers interlock. We got outside and walked over to his car. He opened the door for me and l tried to get in but the seat was too high. "Um I need a little help" I say really embarrassed. He looks at me and chuckles as he walks over to me. He lifts me up and drops in the seat. We hold eye contact for about 20 seconds until I say "bitch what the fuck yo good dinosaur lookin ass staring at!". "Damn you ain't have to say all that" he says making the both of us laugh.

"Do I really look like a dinosaur?" Mattia asks while driving. "Yeah you really do sorry" I say now feeling bad. He frowns and watches the road. "Do you not wanna be a dinosaur?" I say trying not to laugh but failing miserably.  "Fuck you dinosaurs are adorable!" he says defending himself.

As we are driving we pass threw my town and I look out the window to see papers stapled on all of the trees. "Hey Mattia can you pull over for one sec" I say wanting to take a closer look. "Yeah sure" he says looking confused. He drives to the side of the road and stops. I open the door and I have to jump because the car is high.

I walk over to the trees to see what the paper said. I saw a picture of me with a title that's says "missing". Holy fuck people think I'm missing. I run over to the car and Mattia helps me get in. "What was that?" he asks. "Mattia did you call my school and tell them that I was gonna be gone?" I ask. "No" he says. "People think I'm fucking missing!" I say yelling. "Holy shit" he says with a stupid look on his face. "Okay we need to go to my best friends house" I tell him. "Okay what's the address?" he asks. I give him the address and we start driving.

Once we get to Alvaro's house I jump out of the car and walk to the main entrance of his apartment building. "Are you coming up?" I ask Mattia. "Uh sure I guess I could" he says awkwardly. I nod and ring the buzzer so Alvaro can let me in. "Hello who's this" I hear him ask in the buzzer. "Alvaro it's me Kair-" I getting cut halfway off with a loud buzzing noise indicating he let me in.

Me and Mattia walk into the building and over to the elevator. We walk into the elevator the doors close and I press the number 3. "I'm sorry about the whole missing thing, it's practically my fault" he says apologetically while we were moving up floors in the elevator. "Hey it's okay it my fault too I should've reminded you about it" I say softly. We heard a ding and the elevator doors opened.

We walked down the hallway until we got to apartment #36. I softly knocked on the door. The door swung open there at the door was an angry Alvaro.

Me and Mattia walk in and we all go sit on the couch in the living room. For about 30 seconds we look at each other awkwardly. "Where the fuck have you been!" "And who the hell is this!" Alvaro screams at me. "Um Mattia you can explain" I say not knowing if I could tell Alvaro any of this information. "Well me and um Kairi are friends and we um we uh-" Mattia says stuttering but getting cut of by Alvaro saying "spit it out!". "Vacation! yeah we went on vacation!" he says proud of his lie. "Impossible, if Kairi was going anywhere that he knew if for sure he would've told me" Alvaro said. Me and Mattia both look at each other defeated.

Mattia pulls me into the bathroom. "Does your friend have a big mouth or can we trust him?" Mattia asks. "We can trust him, why?" I ask. "Because he's catching on to our lie and I don't wanna turn it into something it isn't, we can tell him if we trust him" Mattia says. "Okay let's tell him" I say. He nods his head and we walk out.

Me and Mattia sit back in the couch. "Okay so this will sound really crazy, but I'm gonna tell you the truth" Mattia says. "Okay?" Alvaro says confused. "Okay so there are 5 Mafias, the Mexican Mafia, the Jewish Mafia, the Russian Mafia, the Transnistria Mafia, and the Italian Mafia. I am the leader of the Italian Mafia which is the most dangerous mafia in the world, well the most feared mafia. But Kairi's father was once in the Italian Mafia when my dad was leader. The Italian Mafia was enemies with the Russian Mafia and still are, because they were the second most feared mafia. Kairi's father gave the Russian Mafia information, because their leader was very sick and promised Kairi's father that he would be leader after their leader passed. The information the was given to the Russian Mafia got my father murdered. So instead of death Kairi's father sold me Kairi instead." Mattia told.

"Wow, Kairi really living that y/n life" Alvaro says making me laugh. "So you have to live with him" Alvaro asks. "Yep and by contract I have to do whatever he says too" I say. "Okay so I understand the school thing now, but why haven't you been answering my calls bitch!" he asks. "Because I broke my phone and Mattia had to get me the another one so I couldn't transfer my contacts" I say. "Ohhh" Alvaro says. "So what's his name again?" Alvaro asks. "My name is Mattia Polibio" Mattia says. "Do you got any fine sisters or brother you could hook me up with cause I'm really lonl-" Alvaro says getting cut of by me saying "Alvaro!" "Okay okay sorry!" Alvaro says.
Okay so this is not proofread so don't come for me pls. But in this chapter we got deeper into Mattia and Kairi's family history I should've added that in the last chapter lol. I also had a request for Kairi to be intersex so I'm guessing y'all want smuts maybe? Idk but hope y'all enjoyed the chapter I felt like this one was pretty long idk but bye!😙✌🏼

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