Plans pt4

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"Come on we gotta go get Alejandro!" Kairi says while running out of the room. I run after him and follow where he's going.

Kairi stops to catch his breath. "Damn I'm outta shape, do you have any idea where Ale could be?" Kairi asks me. "No I just remember being outside at night with a gun pointed towards Mariano, then everything went pitch black and I woke up here" I say truthfully.

"Damn, wait! Does Mariano have a basement?" Kairi asks. "Uh yeah, isn't that  where we just came from?" I ask with a questionable look on my face. "Oh right, what about a shed?" Kairi asks. "Oh yeah!, he has one in his backyard!" I say. "Alejandro could be in there, let's go!" Kairi says running away again.

I follow Kairi to the back door that leads to Mariano's backyard. I walk over to the door and open it. We then proceed to walk outside into the backyard. Kairi and I walk over to the shed. "Alejandro you in there?!" Kairi shouts. We get no response.

I open the door, and I could just pass out over what I see. "Holy shit!, fuck no!" I yell. "Oh my fucking god!" Kairi screams. There Alejandro was laying on the ground soaked in his own blood. His chest was covered in blood that looked like it was starting to dry. His eyes had bullet holes in the and looked like they were on the brim of falling out.

But there was a note next to him. "We've been targeting you for years now Polibio and if you're seeing this it means that you killed Mariano. You might think you know him and his tactics, but you don't know all of them. If you are reading this, then you now have hundreds of people targeting you I can guarantee you that you will not survive, but it'll be fun to watch. Let the games begin!- Anonymous" the note says.

"Fuck!, Kairi we fucked up!" I say. "What do you mean we fucked up!" Kairi screams at me. "Mariano, I fucking forgot that we both set up a system together!" I yell. "What the fuck do you mean "system" communicate!" Kairi yells. "The system is something that mafia members can choose to set up for after they die. Mafia members are typically murdered by people they know, so in order to keep our secrets safe we hire hundreds of trained men or ex-mafia members to be sent out to kill the person who murders us" I say.

"So you're telling me that we have hundreds of fully trained men after us now!" Kairi screams at me. "I know it sounds bad, but believe me there is a way to get past this" I say. "How?" Kairi asks. "We have to delete Mariano from the system before anyone is notified about his death" I say. "There's no other way!" Kairi says. "No!, because if we are physically not capable of killing all of those men!, because they have fucking bodyguards too!" I yell.

We both go silent. "Mattia?" Kairi says with sad eyes. "Promise me we'll be okay" he says. "Kai-" I say being cut off. "Promise me!" he yells. "I promise" I say pulling him into a hug, then kissing him on his forehead. "I promise I won't let anything happen to you" I say to him, both of us now have tears streaming down our faces.

I spent my whole life never doing nothing about anything. I did nothing when Mariano stole my first girlfriend. I did nothing when boys beat me up in middle school, and my biggest pain is, that I never did anything when my dad killed my mom right in front of my eyes.

But I promise myself that I will never make that same mistake again. I will now do anything and everything to protect Kairi, he means the world to me and I will never ever allow anyone to hurt him ever again.

I got to do what's right this time or even wrong, if it means protecting the people I love then I will make it happen.
Hello my lovelies❤️ welcome back. I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. I desperately needed some action in this book. I'm getting kinda good at this writing thing ig, so hopefully when I make another book it'll be a lot better. But for now, do y'all like this so far? Sorry about killing Alejandro. I just needed one of the characters to die to get some of y'all emotionally interested in my book, because a lot of people enjoy books that emotionally engage you. But ttyl bye❤️✌🏼

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