Another Day of High School

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Kairi POV:
I was running 30 minutes late to school, but yet I still chose to go to Dunkin Donuts to get an iced coffee. I never go to Starbucks, because I have a minimum wage job, my own apartment that I have to pay rent for and a car note. Which means I am way too broke to spend 8 dollars on coffee.

But anyways, after I got my coffee I drove to school and ran through the school doors. I went to the main office to be greeted by a old woman with a brown bob who was chewing pink bubble gum obnoxiously loud. "What is your name?" the lady said slowly pulling a tardy pass from one of the drawers in her desk area while typing something. "Kairi Consentino" I say wishing she would hurry the hell up. The lady slowly picks up a pen and rights my name. "Ma'am can you please hurry up I really need to get to class" I say impatiently. "One second honey I'm almost done" She says only on the second letter of my name. I quietly sigh, she notices and speeds up.

She finally finishes and gives me my tardy pass. Once I left the main office I went to my locker to be greeted by my best friend Alvaro. "Heyyy bestiee" he says in a girly voice, we both laugh and I say hi. Me and Alvaro have known each other since the 2nd grade and have been inseparable since. "Why are you always so damn late what the hell do you be doin?" Alvaro says laughing. "I woke up late, my bitchass boss made me work overtime and I didn't get home until like 12:00" I say rolling my eyes at the thought. "Damn" he says. "Tryna hangout after school I don't gotta work today?" I say. "I can't I got soccer practice today, you free Saturday?" he asks. "Yeah I'm free after 6:00, wanna sleepover?" I ask. "Yeah im down" he says. The bell rings and we head to our next class.


Class had just been dismissed for the day. I was walking to my car, and of course I was the last one in the parking lot because I'm always the last for everything. I get in my car and drive home. When I got home I was starving, so I went to the fridge and realized I was out of food. I was not about to spend 20 dollars on DoorDash, because I had my good old food stamp card. So I put my shoes back on and drove to Jewel Osco.

I went inside the store and started filling up my cart with food necessities such as chocolate, candy, chips, cookies, cake, soda, and ice cream. Then the boring unnecessary things like, bread, pasta, cereal, cheese, water, and lunch meat. I started ringing up my items at the self checkout. My total was $125.38 and I still had 7 food items to ring up, and at that moment I contemplated on weather or not I should go on a diet and I decided against it. After I purchased my food I got in my car and drove home.

Once I got home I put my food away and made a sandwich with a side of potato chips. I sat on the couch and turned on All American on Netflix. Just as I was about to take a bite out of my sandwich I heard a knock at the door. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. And there stood a curly haired dude who look like he was in his early 20s and around the height of 5"11. "How can I help you sir?" I say to the man. "My name is Alejandro and I am here to escort you to my boss" he says not breaking his straight face. "And who the hell is your boss?" I say curiously. "I am unable to tell you that information" he says still not breaking his straight face. "So let me get this straight, I don't know who you are where or who you're taking me to, and you want me to go with you?" I say looking at him like he was stupid. " If you don't cooperate I will have to escort you by force, pick one" he says aggressively this time. "You know what I don't care, can I at least take my sandwich?" I ask. "Yes he says". Then we both walk out.
This is not proofread but I hope y'all like it. This is my first book so it's not the best.

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