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"Alright let's go inside and find a random computer of his" I say breaking the tight hug that we were in, and wiping away our tears. "Okay" he says.

We walk back inside. We walk through the house trying to find a computer, but we don't find anything. "Maybe he has a laptop?" Kairi suggests. "Oh yeah!, I remember I bought him one for his 20th birthday" I say remembering old times. "Where do you think he would put it?" Kairi asks. "Probably in the bedroom" I say.

We walk upstairs. We open doors and look inside trying to find Mariano's bedroom. Until we walk in the last door and see the master bedroom. It had pictures of him on some of the walls. And he had a queen size bed with white covers and white pillows.

I walk over to his nightstand and pick up his laptop. "Alright let me delete him from the system" I say. "Okay, but make it quick I gotta pee" Kairi says. "He has a bathroom in his bedroom" I say. "But I kinda got the creeps right now, and I don't wanna touch or use anything in his house" he says.

"Alright, one sec princess I'm almost done" I say. "Okay" he says. I type his password into his laptop and went to the website. I delete Mariano from the website and smile. "Alright I'm done!" I say. "Okay, let's get the hell out of here!" he says running downstairs. I laugh and follow behind him.

We got in the car. We put our seatbelts on then I started driving. "Damn I can't believe Alejandro's dead" Kairi says. "I know, I should've never asked him to go with me, maybe he would still be alive" I say with my eyes tearing up. Kairi looks at me with sad eyes. "Mattia it's okay things happen" Kairi says. "That's bullshit!, this my fault he died because my stupid ass couldn't pull the trigger!" I say with tears coming down my face. "Mattia calm down!" Kairi says grabbing the wheel and pulling us over.

I just put my head into Kairi lap while bawling my eyes out. I felt like a fucking failure. Kairi ran his hands through my hair. "It's okay Tia, everything's gonna be okay I promise" he says. Both of my best friends got murdered, how the fuck am I gonna be okay?

I eventually stopped crying and started driving again. Once we got to the house I stopped the car. "Kai, do you actually like me, or did you just say that because you were scared of me?" I ask wanting to know the answer. "Tia of course I like you, if I didn't like you I wouldn't share a room with you or a bathroom, and I wouldn't cuddle with you at night, and I most definitely would have never have had sex with you" Kairi says giving me a quick kiss on my lips and gets out of the car leaving me smiling.

Me and Kairi upstairs in the bathroom, I was in the shower and he was getting dressed. We were planning to go to Alvaro's house to deliver the news about Alejandro. "Hey Kai?" I say. "yea?" he says. "Do you think Alvaro will be really sad when he finds out?" I ask. "I'm pretty sure, I feel really bad because Alvaro has always had trouble getting guys since he's not feminine" Kairi says. "Damn" I say stepping out of the shower with my towel wrapped around my waist. Kairi looks at me almost drooling. "Can I help you?" I say laughing. "fuck off" Kairi says giggling. "You don't look too bad yourself" I say giving him a smirk, making him blush.

We were driving to Alvaro's apartment to tell him about Alejandro, until my phone rings from an unknown number.


Mattia: Hello?, who is this?
???: You really aren't making this easy, are you Polibio?
Mattia: Who are you, and what the fuck are you talking about?
???: Oh I see, you thought this was all over didn't you, well it's not. The game isn't over yet!
-??? HANGS UP-

"Who was that baby?" Kairi asks. "Uh it was my um one of my men" I say lying. "Oh okay, his apartment is right here wanna go up with me or wanna stay here?" Kairi asks. "I'll stay I've seen enough sad faces for today" I say. "Okay be back!" Kairi says. I nod and watch him walk into the complex.


I walk through the hallways of the complex until I get to apartment #36. I give the door a soft knock. It opens and I see a smiley Alvaro who was almost tinier than me. He was dressed in baggy jeans and a oversized graphic t-shirt paired with a white beany.

I walk in and we both sit on the couch. "Alejandro he um" I say not finishing my sentence. "Oh gosh I haven't heard from that motherfucker in almost 2 days and he won't answer the goddamn phone, what did he say?" Alvaro says smiling. "He um, he's gone Alvaro" I say with my eyes tearing. "Oh well where is when's he coming back" Alvaro says, his smile dropping. "H-He's not coming back" I say. "Wait what do you mean he's not coming back" Alvaro says with teary eyes. "He's dead Alvaro" I say shakily. "Wait what- no, how?" Alvaro says tears falling down his face.

Alvaro buries his head in his thighs. He was crying so hard I could hear his hiccups. I scoot towards him and pull him into a hug. "Why can't I just live in a 4 bedroom house with a basement that has a flatscreen tv and a white couch with a pool table and a mini fridge with beers in for my husband, and a attic with all of my unnecessary shit in it, and a nicely sized kitchen with a pantry full of junk food and soda, and a gigantic family who cares about me and comes over yearly for holidays, why can't that happen Kai?" Alvaro says crying harder than he was before.

"I know I know it's okay Varo" I say running my hands through my hair. "Why am I so lonely, why does no one care?" Alvaro says. "Hey, I care I promise you I do, but listen to me you're not alone we're gonna get through this together, promise me you won't give up?" I say holding my pinky out. Alvaro looks up with puffy red tear stained eyes, he held out his pinky and intertwined it with mine. "I promise" Alvaro says sniffling. "It's gonna be alright, I promise" I say to him.

Tonight made me feel like maybe Alvaro and I's friendship can never be broken. It made me step into Alvaro's shoes and realize that he wasn't friends with Cynthia and Celia because he wanted to be, it was because he didn't know where I was and he was scared of being alone. I never thought about what Alvaro felt and that was what was breaking our friendship. Tonight I realized how much he needed me, and I don't know what I would do without him.

With him and Mattia I felt whole, I felt me.
Hello my lovelies❤️ welcome back I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. It was a little bit longer. Oh how we all feel like Alvaro lol probably just me, but anyways ttyl I have a 4 day weekend so that's why I have time to upload longer chapters but bye ❤️✌🏼

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