High Thoughts

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Kairi POV:

I had just been released from the hospital and Mattia had made it really clear that I was not going back to that high school. I mean it's great that he cares for me and all, but I haven't dropped out yet so I still have time to see if maybe I can ask him to let me go to a different high school.

"Tia I really want my diploma and maybe a scholarship, so do you think that maybe you can consider letting me go to a different high school?" I ask. "Hmm I don't know princess I'll think about it okay?" he says. "Okay!" I say happily. "Well while you think about it, do you wanna get ice cream?" I ask wanting to spend time with him. "I'm so sorry babyboy but I'm really busy right now, but here take this and you and Alvaro can go out" he says handing me $100. "Me and Alvaro are not on speaking terms at the moment" I say rolling my eyes at the thought. "Okay then you know what, just give me 30 minutes and we can go alright?" he says. "Okay" I say.

I go to Mattia's room and plop down on his bed. I get bored quickly so I take my vape out and take a hit. I was waiting and waiting and it's probably been an hour by now. I was really upset. So I went to my room and pulled out a container. It had 5 blunts in it. So I took 1 and sat on my bed lit it. I lied down on my bed and took the first hit.

It had been about 45 minutes and I finished my blunt. I was on cloud fucking 9. "I'm so sorry princess I got caug-" his sentence gets cut off by him coughing. "Did you smoke?" he asked. "Well yeah, I got bored of waiting for you so I smoked a blunt and now I couldn't be anymore entertained" I say giggling.

Mattia POV:

Kairi started giggling. He was honestly the most adorable person I've ever met. I feel bad though I kept him waiting for almost 2 hours. "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting babyboy" I say softly. "No no no no no! It's fine, we can go now though because I'm hella starving" Kairi says giggling at the end of his sentence. "Alright let's go" I say.

Great now I'm gonna have to take a high ass teenage boy out for ice cream. People are gonna think he's being held hostage! But either way we're still getting time together so I guess I can't really complain. Well it was my fault so I shouldn't be complaining at all. Kairi pulled out a small rectangular container. He took a blunt out of it and lit it up. "Want some?" Kairi asks. "What's the worst that can happen?" I say. I have been really stressed out lately and a relaxed sensation is something I'm desperate for right now.

Now me and Kairi both were high. "Fuck it we'll get food and ice cream" I say starving now. "Okay let's go to Wendy's so we can get a frosty" Kairi says. So we go to Wendy's and get our food and ice cream. Then I pulls over into a parking spot. I stop and then we start eating.

Kairi POV:

"Kairi" he says. "Huh?" I ask. "Do you really like me as more than a friend?" he asks. "Hell yeah, who wouldn't like you you're gorgeous, you have an awesome personality, and your rich why wouldn't I like you?" I say stuffing my face with frosty-dipped fries. "Well normally females say they like me and just end up using me for my money" he says. I look at him with a sympathetic look. "I would never do that to you, you know that right?" I ask him. "I don't know" he says sadly. I interlock my hand with his, "I would never do something like that to you or to anyone for that matter" I say truthfully.

Wow who the fuck would do something like to him. I feel like punching the bitches who did that to him. I was fantasizing about fighting until I heard my phone ring. Mattia turns to me and says "who's that?" "I don't know let me check" I say. I pull my phone out and see that it was Alvaro calling me. I decide to answer.

Alvaro: Hi
Kairi: Is there something you need Aloe Veraaaa
Alvaro: Are you high Kairi?
Kairi: yep so is Matilda
Alvaro: who the hell is Matilda
Mattia: MEEEE
Alvaro: ah hell nah imma call you back when your sober
Kairi: bye bye!
-Alvaro hangs up-

"What the fuck is his problem?" Mattia says taking the last bite of his burger. "I don't know?" I say taking the last sip of my soda.
Hi welcome back, okay so every weekday I will post at around 8:00PM CDT. I don't know what time imma post on the weekends yet. But yeah this chapter was a little bit shorter. I will probably make a Mairi one shots book after I finish this one. But bye guys!✌🏼

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